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Wizard Stories


My own worst enemy

A wizard discovers his worst enemy.

“Only twelve gold pieces good sir, a bargain!” Said the weaselly looking stall worker. I never pass up a chance to look for rare or unusual spell components whenever I come across a bazaar. What does bother me though, is that every stall worker from the High Forest to the Great Sea always tried passing off junk as if it were imbued with powerful magic. I may be young for a wizard, but I am no fool. “What could possibly co...

The Snag

A burned tree, that looked like a wizard, was removed to clean the land.

The snag on the corner looked like a wizard. The tree was a part of hedge of green poplars that had been planted long ago by Old Man Tolkie, a Norwegian ship-builder who had lived near here in a house with a roof that was shaped like a ship's bow. The tree became a snag because it was the tallest tree at the top of the hill, and it got hit by lightning and burned. The twenty-foot tall, staff-holding, dark wizard looked do...