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Alliance Stories


Speedom Day – A Fuel Story

While the F-X fandom enjoys the splendor of the long weekend, a small rebellion begins to makes its moves to end Moodswing's tyranny...

30th of April – Season 3 “If you’re standing here tonight, then you’re part of the rebellion.” Angela’s words were filled with passion as she spoke to the small group of people in front of her. “If you’re standing here tonight, then you want what I want, which is to save Formula-X from self-destructing, which it will if my husband and your boss continues to go on unchecked.” Elenor Coetzee was one of the people listening...

Encounters - Prequel

A young wolf learns of a different way to fight

200 years, that's how long the war had been going on. In the dark of night 2 races were at war, fighting over land and honor for their people On one side there was the vampires, a cursed race that could only wander the night and had to feed off the blood of humans. A race that lived, and died, by the law of the sword and would do all in their power to keep the vampire bloodlines safe and living till time itself ended. On...