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Editors’ Picks

Each month our Editors pick those which we believe are exceptional.

Due to the sheer volume of submissions, sometimes stories do not stay on the front page for more than a few hours, and some absolute gems get lost in the crowd. Hence we've created this “Editors’ Picks” page, where we call out what we believe are some truly extraordinary pieces of writing.

We may miss some too, but most of those that deserve higher praise will be listed here.

American Lullaby: Chapter One

In a fast-paced city of unforgiving social predators, two masters of the game collide...

She had the most beautiful profile, almost like a deer sniffing the wind, picking up the scent of gunpowder and tobacco and wondering from what direction the bullet might come. In the beginning he likened it to a natural instinct in him that made him want to chase her, and with the option of flight or fight, she almost always chose to run. He enjoyed the inventive games she seemed to play, making him work harder to track...

Wonderland - Lucy's Tale: Chapter One

Two troubled girls enter into a passionate friendship.

An introduction to the reader. This is something I have been working on for a while. It was actually written quite quickly (in the space of 30 days) and then put aside to be polished, a process that has gone much more slowly. I think it needed a home before I was ready to finish it, and this site feels like that home. Funny, but a week ago, before I knew of the existence of Stories Space I had a sudden urge to finish this...

We Shall Never Forget (9-11 Tribute)

Recalling the better aspects of humanity on that day...the heroes...

Let the world always remember,That fateful day in September,And the ones who answered duty's call,Should be remembered by us all.Who left the comfort of their home,To face perils as yet unknown,An embodiment of goodness on a day,When men's hearts had gone astray.Sons and daughters like me and you,Who never questioned what they had to do,Who by example, were a source of hope,And strength to others who could not cope.Heroes...

The Album

Love before and beyond death...

The first time I ever asked my Gran what my mum was like, she smiled at me and lifted me into her lap. I was still small then, so I nestled comfortably against her ample belly, waiting excitedly as she drew out a battered, red, leather covered book seemingly from out of nowhere. Somehow, she always had it with her. Even now, much older and possessing the knowledge adulthood seems to bring to a person, I believe that there...