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Dave World

There's a Dave for everything.

The Rock Bar, what a dive, peeling paint on the door and Fat Dave still hasn't fixed that smashed window. The place is dark and seedy but I love it, it's where I first met the missus, God bless her. Nothing much changes in The Rock Bar, same crappy fittin...

Once In A Lifetime

My official entry in the 1000 words final.

One world, one nation, and millions of consumers all consuming the same thing. Welcome to the Olympics 2012, the adopted sister of junk food, banking and chemical corporations. An alliance of huge brands with a market so perfectly homogenized, their only...

Cheese And Onion Sandwiches

Are the alternatives to endless growth so unpalatable?

I don't watch much TV these days, it keeps reminding me that it's partly my fault our country is in such a mess. I'm not spending enough money to fuel our economy and when I do spend my only reward is a warning to save more to finance my old age. The news...

Walker, A Good Lovin' Guy

I'm Dave and I'm not gay. OK?

Here she comes, the sweetest, sexiest, most loveliest girl in the whole department, the delightful Rachael. What any guy wouldn't give for a date with such a desirable angel. "There you go, Dave." she says to me. "White with no sugar." Rachael plonks the...

The Washing Machine Man

It's up to me to convince Dad to change...

"Me?" I asked my sister. "Why do I have to do it?""I think he'll listen to you.""When has he ever listened to me?" I asked her. "And what about Mum?""Mum's too upset, she can't think straight.""Oh, OK. I'll have a go but I can't promise anything.""I know,...

The Tenth Vote

A squad of hot girlie lesbian warriors face the ultimate battle with storiesspace.

How proud I am of my four Amazons as I watch them troop wearily back from another hard fought sortie in the brutal categories of storiesspace. With six votes they think they've failed me, but their bleeding wounds are a testament to their fearless endeavo...

Bambi's Mother

Questions on life can be difficult to answer...

Who does my little girl run to when she is hurt or upset? Who holds her and comforts her like no other? Why, me of course, I'm her mother and like all mothers the love I have for my child is unconditional.My daughter believes I will love and protect her f...

"Where have you been walking, my love?""I walked through the misty marsh waters.""You should be more careful, my love.""I was safe enough, the misty marsh waters won't harm me.""How do you know so, my love?""Because they told me.""Oh, my love. You're such...

Miss Hot Shot

We play pool for high stakes...

I only come into this dive of a bar for one thing, and that's not the beer. I'm hoping to catch another look at that cute little blonde barmaid, the one that works the early shift when things are quiet.Steffanie her name is and I'm planning on making a mo...

The Booker Prize

Any British author could win The Booker Prize... in theory...

I wouldn't be sitting here tonight if it wasn't for my sister, all I did was to write down my thoughts and fond childhood memories of her. Those words of love came easily, and the moment they appeared on the page I knew I'd found my true voice.I could spe...

My Inheritance

The best things in life are free... or should be.

I love living by the sea, I often look out and imagine myself sailing off over the horizon. I could sail the Atlantic and say hello to America, or head due south to explore the many wonders of Africa. If I kept on going, sooner or later the whole world wo...

In Praise of Mr Watts

The pen is mightier than the sword... and so is the brush.

I see a tragedy before me. I see the result of injustice and bigotry. I see a woman who had the heavy weight of sin placed on her shoulders, a sin considered so great there could be no forgiveness.How could this young woman ever hope to carry such a burde...

Bird Life

We don't own the world - we have to share it.

I caught a pigeon today. The cheeky bird had wandered into our house and I found her upstairs in the bathroom. As soon as she saw me, she took flight and tried to escape by flying through the frosted glass of the window. No miracle route to freedom using...