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Over 90 days ago
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I called my Russian code writer Vag - in tribute to the one true master.

Thank you, Gav

I could have sworn the brief said 250 words....

Never mind. I'll wait to see what happens.
Quote by Rumple_deWriter
If the next contest is something along the lines of, 'Threadjack of the Year' this sucker will win hands down, imo. ;)

I think I've done that already with Linda Ronstadt.
Quote by Welshdreamer42
I'm not familiar with Linda Ronstadt.

Same here - so I stretched the brief a bit.

I can't post a link but it's up and the video is on my profile.

Well done Paperboy and well done storiesspace.

I reckon everyone involved got a boost out of this - I know I did.

So thanks to all of you for making it happen.
Quote by magnificent1rascal
Attribution that interrupts a dialogue sentence is treated as a non-essential clause, and so is set off by commas.

That's brilliant and proved very inspiring smile
Quote by gypsy
proscriptive rules and hierarchical conditions are applied across the board.

Why? What is the point?

A pretentious hierarchy defends a weak but established position. Anything that challenges it is dismissed as irrelevant and wrong. This is why the smile worthy should not be undervalued. A serious smile worthy can rip a pretentious hierarchy to pieces.

A good hierarchy welcomes critique and fresh ideas because that's what created it in the first place. It can stand up to challenge without resorting to silly rules and prejudices.

I like profound smile worthy best.
I like your quirky website. I read a story about for sale signs. I liked that too!

Hope you like it on here - you're off to a good start.
Quote by DirtyMartini
Facebook has announced its support of #hashtags

I've done my bit. My images on the forum now support links.

I think I deserve a bug slayer badge because the image link button doesn't do anything. I had to use the create link instead and edit it - Below is a working example of my efforts.

Quote by gypsy

Interesting you think sandwiches are funny though - what is it about them that's funny?

I suppose it's by association with certain people that make sandwiches seem funny to me.

"What's in your sandwich today?"

That question has often been the prompt for all kinds of humor and affectionate teasing.
Quote by magnificent1rascal

I like the thumbs-up much better than the check mark.

I love the way you've worded that statement.

It's all good fun really.
Writing is the ONLY thing I do left handed.

Edit: Another double post???
Quote by DirtyMartini

I'll try not to make that mistake at least...better to look nervous, me thinks...

I'm feeling a bit nervous for you already, Mr Martini.

This is too tempting a prompt, Gypsy.

"The Engineer's Wife" will hopefully be my contribution.


"The Angler's Wife"


"The Golfer's Wife"


"The Footballer's Wife"

Or ALL four + a sexy one.
Quote by Peter_Pan
I dislike cliffhangers intensely.

No one has mentioned my reason for using cliffhangers...
You've set such high standards for Yas to follow, Lisa. But I know you've chosen wisely.

I can only thank you once again for what you've achieved with this website.

My very best wishes to you - as always.

As for the offensive word I agree with Mr Martini's suggestion on how to handle it - in dialogue. IMO If the narrator isn't a sympathiser then he's perfectly justified in not using the word - especially seeing as it's fiction.

BTW my next new character is a white girl who only dates black guys. Which seems a coincidence of sorts.
Wow. I won. Thank you. I feel humbled.

Well done CK and Rascal and everyone else involved.

I'll post a few thoughts later in the week.

steffanie xxx
Another excellent competition... and all for free!!!

Well done you winners
Excellent result. I like the way Jacqueline (the journalist) kept referring to you as Jankowski, rather than Alan. Very professional.

Not so sure why she mentioned leaving erotica out - unless you made a pass at her.

Either way - well done.