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Over 90 days ago
United States


If I was to write a story it would be a love story of epic proportions. About cherry and apple blossoms falling over star struck lovers, where their world is filled so much with each other that just the most softest kisses, like butterfly kisses, send shock waves through their bodies and shivers down their spines. Where time doesnt exist. where the sweet wind blows, and where the oceans roar, and the trees sigh in the breeze.....

I love to write. I can write from a variety of subjects, and have done a lot of really wild stuff but I am taming down, and becoming more interested in the full picture of writing as its one thing I have always enjoyed!
I love the Ocean, the Forests, and Music and Languages!

Favorite Books
The Hobbit
Lord of the Rings

Favorite Authors
J.R.R. Tolkien
C.S. Lewis

Favorite Movies
The King and I, Oliver, The sound of Music those are my favorite musicals.. My Fair Lady!

Favorite TV Shows
I enjoy oldies but goodies like Andy Griffith, and I Love Lucy and Carol Burnett!! Oh and I dream of Jeannie!! and a lot of crime shows....NCIS, Blacklst, White Collar to name a few.

Favorite Music
Anything that makes my heart pound! I do love a lot of music that has passion, and beat!! From Opera, to Rock, and also International which includes Brazilian, Korean, and Japanese.
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