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1 month ago
United States


right after i publish my Frankenstein story here lol timing couldn't be better smile

Quote by verbal

blinks No coffee. There' coffee.

Okay, the percolator is perking, the tea is teaing, the cookies are cooking. Done an done.

I'm not back 100%, but I'm up and around. I took a leave from the novel to write a sweet end-of-the-world tale I thought up while sick. Tadpoles, anyone?

Baseball is starting soon, along with March Madness. I quit watching exibition games, so I don't know how the pitch clock is coming along. Folks were having trouble adjusting last game I looked into. It's one of the few rule changes I like.

Nice horror tale, Rache. You have a firm grasp of those horror tropes. What a cool genre, huh?

Coffee and a monster cookie please.

err... i guess i do? lol thanks, V. heart and yes, it's fun to write tho i put it under fantasy - should i change that? i'm new here biggrin

Quote by Mendalla

Oo, a favorite of mine. I've seen a couple of the movie versions, the original Toronto production of the stage musical (but not the movie version of the stage musical, oddly), and read the novel. Have flirted with doing a Phantom-based story myself but have not gone there, yet.

not a huge fan of the musical version. i like the Lon Chaney version best smile

Quote by JamesPBear

OOhhh! So we've found the key to getting Rachel to write! Be provocative!

I've read her first MONSTER story – and found it unsettling, to say the least. Brilliantly done, but…scary, but not for the reasons you might believe.

thanks for the love, James, btw, for anyone curious, next one is the phantom of the opera. smile

Quote by Mendalla

And Michelle Yeoh! Yay! She's a wonderful actress who can do just about anything in my experience. Drama, action, comedy. She even played a villain on Star Trek : Discovery (who was supposed to get her own spinoff at one point but that seems to have dropped off Paramount-CBS's radar).

i wonder if, after her win, it might drop back onto the radar? smile

Quote by Mendalla

How dare you? Now get back to where you belong, you hussy you. 🤣

Nice to see you here. Will get to it later. Need to do some reading.

be nice - i'm fragile. also, just to spite you i might write another one ;)

Quote by redwriter

About 3 weeks ago my son warned me against watching a film which had a title too long for him to recall. He told me it was such twaddle that he almost switched it off. Last Sunday I watched as that very film won 7 Oscars including best picture. I can't wait to see it. I did see the winner in the short film category, 'An Irish Goodbye.' a sweet and very moving tale and only 20 minutes long.

Everything everywhere is a brilliant film. see it - it deserved all the wins. And An Irish Goodbye was wonderful - i managed to watch all the live action shorts and that was my pick for a winner (followed closely by The Red Suitcase). it really was a magical piece of film making. smile

mornings are peaceful. i like the quiet and the promise of a new day it brings. it's a good time for reading - usually i run in the mornings, weather permitting. today is a good day to stay inside and possibly write.

Arizona (V)
California (L)
Colorado (V)
Delaware (V)
Georgia (V)
Hawaii (V)
Idaho (V)
Maryland (V)
Montana (V)
Nevada (V)
New Hampshire
New Jersey
New Mexico
New York
North Carolina
North Dakota
Oregon (V)
Rhode Island
South Carolina
South Dakota
Utah (V)
Vermont (V)
Virginia (V)
Washington (L)
West Virginia (V)
Wyoming (V)

when's the next one, btw? now i'm all fired up to write more lol biggrin

congratz to the winners and everyone else who placed and thank you so much to the judges and the site for hosting this. it really inspired me to write more, so in a way, i kind of won biggrin

Quote by Mendalla

Just when I thought you couldn't get any cooler. Rock on!🤘

i can always get cooler. i just usually don't. lol

I'm in a band - I play guitar and write songs. And I'm learning synthesis. smile

Quote by verbal

You're under arrest! throws you against bus

fascist. biggrin

Avatar 3-D. the underwater stuff is amazing as is the world building. emotional, too. we both loved this. we're on a quest to watch all the oscar nommed stuff, btw - shorts, docs, international, all the categories. about half way through. next weekend, the whale, pinocchio, and probably Elivis. smile

Quote by gillianleeza

The Banshees of Inisherin. I know it got great reviews and is now nominated for Best Picture Oscar, but I am not sure if I liked it. It went in directions I was not expecting, but the acting was excellent.

great film but bleak as fuck. not sure i'd tell anyone to go see it without warning them that it goes dark.

Quote by Mendalla

Ape walks in, dancin' and singin'. Slides on over to the coffee bar to get things goin'.

Good morning or afternoon depending on where you are located. Putting on a pot of coffee and pots of Red Rose and Lemon tea. Hot water is ready for other beverages.

Warmer today but kind of blustery. Might try a walk anyhow.

If you haven't seen it yet, sprite has a story in the comp and it is wonderful. She does not publish here often so it's a bit of a rare treat.

i started out here writing fiction and then, at some point, it became therapy... writing this, i realized how much i missed writing the fiction - as for the therapy... there's not the suffocating, burning need to cleanse myself these days, so who knows, i may just get active again. thanks for the shout out. i really loved what i did for the comp - whether or not it does well doesn't really matter, to be honest. i feel like i've already won. smile

Quote by KatarinaTechgoddess

I submitted my story this morning. With that finished, I am now free to read the other comp storiesme too as they come in. The two that are published are wonderful.

Grabbing a sparkling water before I take my brother to the pool.

me too! i missed writing for here! smile

Quote by Mendalla
Quote by sprite
this sounds fun. might try my hand at writing something for it. great idea, guys. smile

The more the merrier, Rach.

My entry, The Berry Girl, is up now.

also nice, they're short enough that i can read most of them - tomorrow. lol i have a date with a bathtub right now - going to soak until i am prune like. i am sort in places i am not normally sore! :) $:
this sounds fun. might try my hand at writing something for it. great idea, guys. smile
He was well loved and well respected. his presence will be missed. i am saddened beyond words.
Sending lots of love, fuzzy. Get yourself better soon!
do it through their eyes...

Steven looked around in wonder; what he'd thought was cavern, worn by time and the elements into the face of the mountain, seemed to have been carved, instead, by the hand of man. where he expect rough walls and an uneven floor he instead found perfect angles and a level surface, a sure sign that it had been built by men.

something along that line. smile