Sorry, Sara, shortbread yes, but given my quirky taste-buds, ginger bread, no! Still, you can't please everyone. I'll check the jars for the remains of any early goodies. And then--with a hot chocolate, what could be better.
Chapters 15 and 16 to come in the THE HIGH AND THE HUMBLE saga, and then c'est finis!
Still confined to the house, but with the weather as it that is no hardship although there is hope for an early Spring with the first showing of crocus blooms.
The recent discussions about members appearing on 'Inspirations' had me realising that apart from Anna May, I know of no other member contributing from this side of the pond (hopefully that statement will bring protests flooding in)
Interesting too, is the fact that since new year, apart from prose from Jeff, Cora and Scott there have been mainly a goodly range of poets. (Some most praiseworthy) I have 13 chapters of 'The High and the Humble' showing with number 14 on the way, and two more to conclusion, and only one loyal reader so far. (thanks Jeff). Do members not realise that by ignoring 'Inspirations' the fun they are missing in the whole of SS? Folk there aren't all moaners, like me!