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5 days ago


Granted, period! A wish I refuse to spoil.

I wish I had a neverending supply of firewood
Unfortunately, Anna's dragon looks at Brian and starts to laugh so uncontrollably, that she breathes fire all over him, burning off all his hair and clothes
Fortunately, the dragon has forgotten to use deodorant today, and his armpitsmell causes the dragon to spit out Steve alive and well
Quote by ginger86
define intelligent
Me! And you no doubt, so yes to that question
For trying to sell a dead guinea pig to Donald Trump, convincing him, it was a better looking wig.
More times than I'd like to remember.

Would you ever turn in your child, if yoy knew he/she had committed a serious crime?
Quote by steve
Yes, however I couldn't guarantee my side of the conversation would be intelligent.
I don't doubt it will be, so yes
For sending her dragon to steal Andy's chocolate chip cookies
Quote by AriesDragon
11 years ago, Simon's life ended so tragically.
He was my mentor, my friend and a man like no other. Having him living on my doorstep, a man whom I was in total awe of since I was a little girl, was a dream come true. He inspired me to paint the wildlife that I do, and to be brave and use oils.. I can still hear him telling me that oils are the easiest medium, I was able to paint watercolour, so oils would be childs play. And, like everything, he was right.
His incredible humour, his wit, his sense of fun and adventure, his intellect and compassion, his unmatchable talent... they will never be gone. Simon left his mark on everyone who met him. His legacy lives on and I am so honoured to have known him.

Kupumzika kwa amani , rafiki mpendwa . Wewe wamekwenda lakini kamwe kusahaulika Mzee.

What an amazing man and an amazing family. And what an awesome legacy! And for what my humble opinion is worth AriesDragon, your art is a true part of that legacy and a great example of what he and his son want to express.
It has been a while since I defended my spot
But now I am back, chase me off you will not
With a train or a dragon, nor with violent threat
I'm claiming this spot here, it's mine to be had
Quite often actually

Have you ever considered going "for an errand" and just dissappearing?
Roses are red, and cornflowers blue
I just want to say to each one of you
A happy new year and may this year bring
Happiness, health and a reason to sing
Yes, and I have more than once in the past. In fact, my ex brother-in-law once took me all the way to Echternach in Luxemburg to taste his favorite chatauxbriand.

Would you ever "lose" something to create a reason to see someone again?
Sure, I'm not afraid of the dark.

Would you ever let your partner kiss a complete stranger?
Roses are red
And charcoal is black
Long time no see
It is good to be back

I won't be as frequent
As I used to, I think
But there's nothing that's certain
Maybe those roses are pink