Banned, because you still haven't rescued that poor dog from that coffee cup
Granted, you can be Galadriel. I have to warn you though, in this version she falls in love with Sauron, a role played by none other than the ghost of Marty Feldman...
I wish I knew a way to make those love scenes work...
Roses are red
and insomnia struck
I should be asleep now
but I am out of luck
So I tap at my keyboard
read some poems and prose
and I play silly cardgames
but my eyes still won't close
Granted, there now is a Monty Python version, with John Gleese as Gandalf, Terry Gilliam and Eric Idle as Hobbits and Micheal Palin and Terry Jones as Dwarves
I wish that was true
The Killing Fields
Haing S. Ngor
Banned for looking so stunning
all of a sudden, I am afraid to sit down with your walking pincushion near. I'd better stay on my feet, wearing heavy boots, while I guard my spot. Blondes and hedgehogs, is there a more dangerous combo?
Oh boy! I never realized, King Julian has become an grumpy overweight senior. He'd better rest, while I guard this spot
Thanks SG, for showing me which slugs fitted which machine. Oh, by the way, you're arrested for that...
I haven't heared an bell yet.... sorry SG, not time yet
Arrested for playing Mah Yong on a poker night
You should have known
That I was near
This is my spot
so much is clear
And who wants it
has to fight
until I fall asleep
banned because I feel surrounded
Unfortunately, both of you live to far away, to hang out and have a beer together
Banned for banning my friend, even though he called me a wimp