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2 months ago
United Kingdom


I've just finished reading PopCo by Scarlett Thomas. She's a great writer although I enjoyed her other books more than this one, it took me ages to get through. Her book, The End of Mr Y was fantastic!
Welcome to SS, Star!! Hope you enjoy it here x
I'm watching greys anatomy... On series 3, got 8 series downloaded! Busy busy lol
Congratulations guys!!!

Excellent choices!!

Congratulations, Nora! Hope the day went well!

Today I feel free, I got the closure I needed. Sure, it hurt, but I needed it and that makes me feel so much more at ease x

Sometimes we just need permission to move on...
A little tired because I just gave blood, but I feel good about doing it as it's been way too long... smile
Wow, that sounds great!! I might give that a go... Thank you for sharing it x
My "Thing" is just inspiration... When I get it, I can sit and type out a story or a poem pretty quickly...

Without it, I'm useless and unable to do much at all...
Quote by magnificent1rascal
Well, apparently I am an award-winning artist — a pair of my clay tiles received a prize at a community art show last weekend.

These are just gorgeous!!

Well done!!
Quote by Shylass
A few friends have told me about it, but it was Mazza who finally pursuaded me to join up (so I could see her pictures, so blame her!).

Ha, I only wanted you here to back me up!!

No, I'm delighted you're here xxx