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Hormonal Ambivalence

Dedicated to a complex love-hate relationship with our indispensable chemical messengers

Hormones are vital (as anyone knows), Steering everything from sleep to sex drive. Without them, we couldn't feel or think — Indeed, we need hormones to thrive. Yet they behave in peculiar ways, Some may wane while others surge. Normal functioning is nigh...

The Fantastic Voyage of Bellingham Sam

Viewed through rose-colored glasses, it turned into the perfect family vacation...

Coffee. What Sam needed was coffee. He was a walking zombie, desperate for caffeine. It was a condition of his own making, he had to admit, since he was the one who'd wanted to drive on their family vacation instead of flying. And so they had spent more t...

Better...Because of You

May everyone have someone who is an inspiration, be that person for someone else, or both.

Because of you, in so many ways —  I am stronger...I am better.No longer am I weak and tethered;  Your acquaintance released my fetter.~ Your quick wit makes me laugh; ...I am happier. Your unfailing support bolsters me; ...I am more confident. Your gentl...

The End

Tragedy can either draw people together, or push them apart...

~ The End ~ Becky Patterson sat in the dimly lit room, her head bowed slightly, staring blankly into space. She neither knew nor cared how long she’d been there. Finally she heard a light rap on the door, which opened before she could respond. “Excuse me,...

Uncool, Uncouth, Uncaring

Some people are unbelievably uncivil

Treated with politeness, you respond with sheer disdain, Spewing forth drivel, sanctimonious and inane. Rude, demanding, belligerent and sassy — Ungrateful, unkind, decidedly unclassy. Your actions are summed up by words that start with 'un' — Uninspired,...

Alone, empty. Apart, void. Separately, fragmented. Individually, nothing. Not thinking, not feeling, not caring, just...existing. Existing, yes, but in the basest sense — not truly being. Together, we are no longer empty, void, fragmented. We are replete....

The Shirts Out the Door

First she found the pants on the floor, then the wife dared look in the closet...

The wife surveyed the closet and let out a sigh.With a roll of her eyes, she said, “Why, my dear, why?”How many knit shirts could one man possibly need?Ten? Twenty? More, perchance...but eighty-four? Indeed! Perhaps she’d miscounted, or made some such err...

The Shirts Out the Door

First she found the pants on the floor, then the wife dared look in the closet...

The wife surveyed the closet and let out a sigh. How many knit shirts could one man possibly need? Ten? Twenty? More, perchance...but eighty-four? Indeed! With a roll of her eyes, she said, “Why, my dear, why?” Perhaps she’d miscounted, or made some such...

Again and Again: The Endless Loop

Another of the people you meet along the way in life. This one is an eager sort...

Hey, listen up! Here’s a fantastic notion! You ought to hurry and put it in motion. What’s that, you don’t like it? In fact you disagree? I'll just keep repeating, ’til you concur with me. Unfazed by your refusals, I'll push again and again. My idea might...

The Squall

Storms, in the form of know-it-all boors, damage online communities, too…

It came out of the blue, a slight breeze at first — Surely nothing to cause any worry. Then thunder rolled; it was such a cloudburst! Menacing, and not in a great hurry. Long craved, perhaps: Absolute dominion! A purlieu over which to run roughshod. But '...

Better Than You

It's inevitable, it seems, to encounter someone like this along life's journey...

Hello, I'm new here. I am better than you. I'm smarter and kindlier — Cleverer too! You're stupid - you're snooty - You're unworthy of my precious time. As for me, it's plain to see: I'm magnificent and sublime! While I am Secretariat,Or perhaps Seattle S...