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Over 90 days ago
United States



We Used to Be Friends

For those who have lost a special friend in your life.

How did we get to this point?No more laughter,No more outings,No more texts.I don’t know how to deal.True, we were inseparableBack in the day.Always ditching classes,To play video games.I miss the fun we used to have.I sit up at nightThinking about you.Re...

“Another day, another end to the work week,” I said to myself as I sat in traffic on a cloudy Friday afternoon, impatiently waiting for the upturned SUV and three other vehicles to be cleared so that I and the several other cars can go through. “I fucking...

Pow, pow, pow!The bullets rainDown.Blood gushes everywherePeople run for their livesFamilies mourn theDeaths of theInnocent bystandersCrying, sorrow, eulogiesThe casket lowered into theGroundWith an empty shell of Bodies that once housedBeautiful souls.Th...

I was in love with you,You stayed distant.I tried to get over you,Then you pushed me away.I packed my bags To leave.No use on loving someoneWho doesn't love me back.You sweet talk meInto coming back.I do, only to returnTo the cycle I wantedTo break badly....

I first saw youIn the cafeteriaOn a Monday afternoon.You, a jockAnd me,A wallflower.Our eyes metFor one second..I looked awayAs the headCheerleader snugglesUp to you.From a distance,I saw you Be rude, Crass, obnoxious, And mean.I loved you anyway.Why?I'll...

Nowhere Lover

Looking for the lover of her dreams.

Where are you?Moon's fullStars outYou're nowhereIn sight.Candles are litfor our dinnerGlasses filledWith champagneSoft music inThe backgroundYou're nowhereIn sight.I lay aloneThinking about you.An empty bed sideWith your scent Permeating the sheets.I need...