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Lost it

Problems solved at the bottom of the cup?

Fully dressed in make upBarely dressed in clothes.When will you wake up?And know there's more to life than a poseTequila shots after a break up,Man left you for whores.The road to success is bumpyAnd full of potholesDon't waste your life worryingAbout filters and photosThere is more to lifestyleThan hairstyle.You brag about cutting branchesAnd chasing after that money treeWhile your friends build branchesAnd extend their...


Life is like a game of Charades. Only we are too blind to reads the clues....

SETTING: Two policemen are chatting as the detective and his apprentice approach them. POLICE OFFICER 1: Here, quick, drink this coffee. You need to be sober when giving them your statement. CONSTABLE: (takes a huge gulp and shuts his eyes immediately.) Ah! This one is laced with whiskey you idiot! Shit, you made it worse. POLICE OFFICER 1: Sorry chief. Let me get you another- CONSTABLE: No, you have done enough, no scram...

Dear Santa (Santa has the right idea)

We all have our version of Santa...

Today I saw a man dig out of a trash can looking for food. And what my broke my heart was his striking resemblance to you. You broke my heart a couple of times when I was young. My granny told me that you were a myth, that you never existed. I should have listened to her... My Mama told me different, if I behaved and was good all year, I would get to see you. It seemed we were the only two people that believed in your exi...

The darkness The silence The breeze next to my ears I let go of my fears My eyes can see My eyes are a leaky sea Of salty tears Looking for a Moses, to part my sea No fish Just my fish Oh, how I can be selfish To get my wish The people I have ripped apart, my soul I've ripped apart Left with no one but myself in this damn apartment Stressed, working alone overtime in this department I cannot relate; I am not familiar Have...


Welcome to an adventure of a lifetime.

SETTING: A boy wakes up in a hospital bed next to his father. A doctor walks into the room to deliver the news.Doctor: Hello and welcome to-Son: Doc, give it to me straight.Doctor: Well son, there’s no easy way to put this but-Son: Doc! How long do I have to live?Doctor: A weekSon: A week! That’s not enough time to live. I’m gonna die young. I’m gonna die young. [Son whining]Father: Oh would you stop with the whining, you...

My seven deadly bads

i'm not fully responsible for what you are about to read. i was equally as shocked... enjoy

** “Do you think the jury will make the right decision?”“Nope. Even though he is a killer of another sort, I killed her.”The judge stared at the defendant before reading the verdict of what was now deemed as the trial of the century. He read the verdict, smiled at the defendant and took a bow.* PART i: THE SEVEN DEADLY BADS I HATE THE MOST/WRONG TRIAL.I think I'm enjoying it when I shouldn't. But how can I know for sure i...

The Murder Scene

Everything is more dramatic when you are about to die. Even your breathing becomes more dramatic...

I held the phone tightly in between my hands as my body trembled in the closet. I could feel my lips shiver as I waited for what was to happen next. I could feel my heartbeat, heavy in my head. Death was coming, I was certain of it. I heard the door slowly open, and I pushed myself hard back to the wall like I wanted to penetrate it. I could hear his footsteps. He closed the door and locked it like he already knew I was h...

Slow she walks

Malama (Vuto_MSK) challenged me to a Micro-fiction challenge. So I dedicate this to you.

Slow she walks, with her eyes closed, into the darkness. She doesn't need eyes to see, ears to hear or senses to sense, what dangers lie ahead. Here walks a focused girl, in a straight path, numb to distraction or the people around her.  Straight she walks, to her path of destiny, drawn to it like a magnet. She's a fragile juggernaut, but nothing can stop her. Like a fly attracted to a zapper, drawn to the light. She skip...

I lay in bed, breathing deeply, hoping it would distract me from my excruciating headache. Pieces of the only food I had an actual craving for floated in a bucket of vomit by my bedside. “God, why me?” I whimpered. A strong wind forced the curtains away from my window and over my body. It traveled from my feet to my ears. It whispered dominantly, “Why only acknowledge me when you think I've wronged you?” It could have bee...

The Fall

Do you know how it feels to fall in love?

In a magical land far far away, fairy tales make the headlines on a daily basis. Seldom sad endings, mostly happily ever after. Everyone was special if they believed. I wanted to be famous; I wanted them to sing songs and tell tales about me long after my death. But most importantly, I wanted to fall in love.I started my day just like any other day. I read the paper as I had my breakfast. Today's headlines: RAPUNZEL DYES...

The Wedding Ring

This arguable one of the most complete stories I've ever written. Hope you enjoy it..

*** Ever heard the tale of how the luckiest man in the world felt like the unluckiest man. Every woman in the room admired her and every man was envious of me. It was when the lights flickered, the room span and I could hardly breathe, that’s when it hit me hard. I had just entered a lifelong contract and there was no turning back. Fighting not to faint, I nervously played with the ring on my finger. And it was in that in...

Stand Straight When Smoking/ Two Slim

I wrote this back in 2014, if you have patience for the story to gain momentum, you will enjoy..

**Picks up a cigarette. Lights it. Puff puff, Cough, cough (chokes). Switches it off** I don’t even like smoking. Worse still I am right outside a cancer ward. Alright, I don’t even know how I’m gonna start this story. Physical appearance? Boy, would I like to address that elephant in the room. I am not an elephant per se, but if you put two slim bodies together, they would probably fit in my pants. The world seems to acc...

Fame Monster

I dedicate this story to my awesome friend Innocent_Angel, hope you enjoy...

Long nails, polished Camera lens, spotless She is the darkest figure in the flashiest crowds Night time is her prime time But day time works just as fine Her prey unknowingly invite her in, just like a vampire She makes herself comfortable, in their empire Slowly she rises, and takes over the emperor She's a slow poison, but the hosts are addicted Most are in denial, few have admitted and fewer have been admitted She come...

Middle finger to the cafe window (teaser)

This is a teaser to the real piece, i just grabbed a tiny fraction from the middle, hope you enjoy

Middle finger to the cafe window (teaser) You are like an orgasm; I have my eyes shut just thinking about you My friends said I had that Monalisa smile when I was speaking about you You had that heaven sent heaven scent When you whispered my name, I heard God speak to me We were loyal to each other like a bunch of broke guys With you, I wished the clock would go anti-clock wise I was never ALONE, no LONELY times, you used...

Murder She Wore

As always, a twist in the tale. A personal favorite of mine.

MURDER SHE WORE When one goes on a date with death, one must know what to expect, how to behave and most importantly how to dress. Always dress to kill…. I don’t normally do this, but I put myself on trial, mentally. Where I try and justify my past actions. My conscience is the defendant, judged by idk, the bipolar/multiple personas in me. And usually, if I lose the case, I’m sentenced to punishment in the form of an emot...