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Chapter One: The PuzzleDust billowed behind the sedan as it traveled down a dirt road; it’s driver following the directions. He brought the car to an abrupt stop; there was a Y in the road that wasn’t on the map. A sign posted further down one road to the right Simply stating Private Property. David Perkins got out of the car surveying his surroundings got back in and turned right. The roadway began to narrow until it was...

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Chapter twenty six

Tom took the dogs out for a walk while Kaye prepared lunch. He enjoyed the last few days; it was nice to just get away from the routine of being watched over every hour by his family. Billy seemed to be a different dog here, here was much more relaxed here, it was nice to see him interact with the Huskies. As Tom made his way back up the driveway, he noticed Kaye on the porch with the phone in her hand.“It’s your son, Tom...


Chapter twenty five

Kaye arrived at the hospital around one that afternoon. She was wearing her best clothes. She smiled as she came into the room. Ed was sitting up, smiled as she came in with Tom who placed two chairs beside the bed. She introduced Old Tom to her husband. Ed was pleased to meet him; it was nice to get a chance to meet the owner of Billy.Kaye explained that Tom had stayed during the storm cleared out the yards and fed the c...


Chapter Twenty-four

Tom gave Kaye a final goodbye wave; he noticed the lights were dimming and her vehicle wasn't running. He waited a few seconds, then put the truck in drive and rolled up beside the driver's side door. Kaye rolled her window down. She said nothing just bit her lower lip as if she was willing it to come to life. The engine made clicking sounds, then would try to roll the motor over then just clicked again.“Well that doesn't...


Chapter Twenty-three

Time to goKaye brushed the tear from her cheek with the back of her hand. “Please come in,” Kaye said. The large man took off his hat as he entered the kitchen. “Have a seat Mr. Brennan. I was just starting some cornbread; I hope you like it?” Kaye asked.“Mrs. Scott. Tom please, just Tom,” Kaye nodded."Then Kaye will better suit me, Tom," She said.Tom took off his overshoes and placed them on the mat by the door taking a...

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Sight for Sore Eyes

Kaye made her way to Ed's room. She wondered how can all this be happening right now. He seemed better yesterday, had a little cough; nothing serious. As she entered the room, she scanned the small room looked at the medicine pole; several new full bags were on it, the antibiotics she supposed. Ed's face was pale, beads of sweat on his forehead. Oxygen tube placed in his nostrils the hissing of the oxygen, the monitor bes...

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Chapter Twenty-one

A Set-BackThe morning sun rose over the maple trees that edged her farmland. Kaye stood looking out the kitchen window; one knee resting on a cushioned kitchen chair as she sipped her morning tea. She loved this time of day. The maples bordered the sides of her driveway then down the roadway. She enjoyed watching them each morning as they marked the seasons.In the spring, Ed gathered the sap, turning the sweet, clear liqu...


Chapter Twenty

A clean bill of healthThe old farmer tried to contain his excitement he was getting his boy back, thanks to Karen's persistence. Karen and Faye brought in the desert and coffee that no one seemed interested in at dinner time, it was most welcomed now. They talked about the best route to get to the town of Hancock. “He is going to flip out when he see's you again gramps, I wish I could go with you, but I have a paper to wr...


Chapter nineteen

The Pitty PartyWhen Kaye arrived back at the Clinic, Barb was at her desk. Billy got to his feet and limped to welcome her, as she came in. Barb put down her pen; Kaye said nothing just took a seat on the couch put her purse on the floor, looked over at Barb and the dog. Barb filled the tea kettle plugged it in and sat down beside her. She looked at Kaye “life not a bowl of cherries for you today Kaye? Tell me what's goin...

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On Being Lucky

Barb was doing paperwork at her desk. She was a little surprised when she saw Kaye come in, with Billy by her side. She got up to greet Kaye and noticed the dog limping. “You two can't seem to stay out of trouble can you.” She said. Kaye looked frazzled she went right into what she would like Barb to do. She went over the story quickly about Ed and the bull, and that she would be picking the dog up as soon as she could. K...

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Kaye's wake up call

Wake up CallKaye stood at the kitchen window looking on while Ed and Billy drove out of the dooryard to begin their farm duties. She was pleased; it had been such a nice way to start her day. Leaving the window smiling;, she went about her morning chores by stripping the sheets off the bed. As the hot water filled her top load, she began thinking of Christmas and sorting out the gift list in her mind. What her mom might l...

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Tom Comes home

The homecomingTom was glad to be out of the hospital. He had little to take to his sons home from the hospital, A few pairs of pajamas, sleepers, the get well cards and pictures his family had taken to the hospital during his recovery. Old Tom would have preferred to be home, but his son had insisted that he stay with them for at least a month while he got his strength back. Young Tom wanted his dad here at his place over...

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Missing You

Poem for Barb

Missing YouWhere do I turn for an family advocate?I often looked for advice; you were always there.My compass, my inner voice; taken from me so soon.Removed to soon from little ones that need you still.We left behind, will always cherish your smileWarmed that you had been with us.I keep you near me; in my vault of memoriesI find no beauty in this darkness.There is no joy in this blackness of night.You were the light of my...

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95 words 95 words

Chapter FifteenTraining day for EdHealingThe radio went off in the bedroom easy listening music from the local radio station began to play. It was morning, and although the sun would not rise for two more hours, it was time for Ed to begin his day. Billy's ears raised up when he heard the music. He laid on his side his eyes open.Billy was feeling a little better this morning, he had been eating his apatite grew a little m...

Billy Chapter Fourteen Easter Sunday Tom was once again on his feet trying to take things easy, as ordered by his Doctor. But to easy for Tom's liking, he was trying to behave himself with the understanding if he followed the Dr. instructions he could be released from the hospital the following day. Faye had arranged for her father-in-law when he ready moved to a room she had prepared for the old farmer on the first floor...