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"Kaye's wake up call"

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Wake up Call

Kaye stood at the kitchen window looking on while Ed and Billy drove out of the dooryard to begin their farm duties. She was pleased; it had been such a nice way to start her day. Leaving the window smiling;, she went about her morning chores by stripping the sheets off the bed. 

As the hot water filled her top load, she began thinking of Christmas and sorting out the gift list in her mind. What her mom might like; mom was a hard person to please.

She had begun playing with the romantic gift that Ed had bought her her last Birthday; a scroll saw. Kaye never questioned his gifts, a few craft books showing different things she could make. Kaye did like making presents for the family for Christmas. So in the last few weeks after dinner, she would go down to the basement learning the art of woodworking. Turning out perfect silhouettes of Children fishing and holding candles holders as if they were off to bed dragging their blanket behind them. She made one for her dad, a little girl with her father pushing her on a swing.

She hummed as she closed the lid on the washer and walked into the kitchen to make some tea. She saw the flag on her mailbox was up, so plugged in the kettle and put on her coat and gloves as it began to heat. She called to Benny and Dodger they gladly followed her down the long driveway. She went through the mail and saw that she had two Christmas cards, one from her Aunt Carol that now lived in Tucson Arizona the red envelope made her smile. She felt the bulk in the card. Aunt Carol loved to crochet and Kaye new that there would be two new snowflakes for her tree this year and couldn't wait to see them.

Like every year she wouldn't open the card until the Christmas tree was all trimmed, then she would open the card and hang them in spots she had left for them. Another card was from her cousin Jamie who married and moved to British Columbia last year; it was nice to know she wasn't forgotten. Kaye thought she better get her cards out as well. The weekly fliers were in, and she would leaf through that over her morning tea. One letter fell on the ice, and she noticed it was from the student loan billing department.

Kaye closed the mailbox and pushed the flag back down turned opened it as she walked back to the house. As she was going through it, she stopped put it down to her side and entered the house. The dogs came following her in and sat in front of her looking at the cookie jar waiting for their treat. Kay unplugged the kettle and took a seat forgetting about tea. After waiting for a long while with no biscuit they just took their place on their bed.

The phone rang, it startled her as she sat in a daze. It was Star Oil on the phone display “What fresh hell is this?” Kaye mumbled to herself as she answered the phone. The man on the other end from "Mr. Thompson" Star Oil's company's new plant manager no less. He quickly went into why he called and used a crispy voice Kaye thought. Thompson went over her bill informing what she had already had known for 29 days that the bill was past due. With the outstanding amount on the current bill, they would have to make payment in full by the end of December or go on a cash basis. He went on to explain the company had shifted its views with outstanding debts of this size since it had changed hands. He was making a few calls to customers that were behind in hopes all past due accounts would be brought up to date by the year end. He also added he would like to meet with them and fill out a new credit form to decide the limit the oil company would allow them to have moving forward. But this matter must be taken care of first. He thanked her for their understanding in the matter. Wished her a Merry Christmas adding he hoped that he could be of service in the upcoming New Year. Kaye thanked him for calling and laid the phone back in its cradle. She was numbed by what had taken place in the last forty-five minutes. She went to the ledger and got it out and started going over the budget for the month. She closed it slowly knowing that the upcoming year would be a bleak one indeed.

The Husky's began to bark as Ed's a half ton entered the mouth of the driveway. Kaye pulled back the curtain and was very surprised to see Ed back this soon it was an hour from lunch. Her continence dropped knowing that Billy must have done something to set Ed off. She thought to herself as she closed the curtain, she wished things would have worked out. Billy was such a sweet dog. But Ed did at least try, and she decided she would go along with Ed's wishes on the matter. With the bills and phone call, Kaye didn't need another fire to put out. As the door opened, Billy came in first with a very noticeable limp. Her first thought was that Ed had kicked the dog. But both were injured. There was a gash on the side of Ed's head and was cradling his right arm. “Oh my dear God! what have you two been doing?”

Ed staggered in the kitchen taking his chair at the table; his breathing labored looked up at Kaye and then down at Billy. The dog limped into the house passed Kaye without stopping and went and laid down beside Benny's bed began licking at his hip. Ed held his wrist close to his chest winced. Kaye made her way over to him kneeled in front of Ed. Ed looked down into his wife's eyes then back to the dog. “Oh my, God Ed what happened out there”? Ed was unable to speak, just trying to get his breath he just looked at the dog. Kaye turned Ed's head, and they made eye contact again. “Tell me, Ed, please answer me; what happened?” she repeated the same question.

"Billy saved my life. I have never seen anything like it.” Ed gasped, his side very sore; I think I have some cracked ribs a little blood began to trickle out of the corner of Ed's lip. Kaye got busy, she had never seen Ed hurt, his complexion was gray; dashing upstairs Kaye took a pair of jeans out of the clothes hamper along with a pair of socks the first sweater she could find. After the quick change, she grabbed a bag of peas out of the freezer wrapping them in a dishcloth. Placed it on Ed's chest and arm.

“When you came back so soon, I thought Billy must have done something, and you were upset with him. I'm glad he was there for you. We need to get you to the hospital.” Billy laid there looking at them his tail occasionally wagging at them he was happy to be home.

“He needs to see Barb, Kaye, drop him off first,” Ed gasped. She looked at Billy and then at Ed who was still looking at the dog.

“Let's go, guys,” Kaye said again, she opened the door leading her wounded warriors out the door. Ed held his wrist and side; Billy limped beside him. As the door was closing the phone rang, Kaye turned to get the call then stopped, it would have to wait till they came back.

The answering machine kicked in as the doors closed on the Jeep. “Hello, Ed, Kaye this is Ralph Phillips. “I was wondering about that dog you picked up a few weeks ago. That stray Kaye took to the vets, during that snow storm a few weeks back.” Ralph's voice chuckled a little then continued. “I'm not sure if you still have it or not but I was just wondering is all. I got some great news if you do. It's a long shot, but if you could give me a call when you get this, I think I found the owner. Talk to you later.” The receiver on the other end hung up and the old answering machine shut off.

Written by aidan
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