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The day of my twenty first birthday had finally arrived. I declined all suggestions of a major party thrown for me by my family and friends as I had my own plans to celebrate this milestone of life.It was something that I had been dreaming about since I w...

Labor Day had arrived and left and it signaled the end of Summer vacation. As depressing as it was there was small amount of joy from the fact that this was the last year of school. Bruce lingered outside the main entrance awaiting his friends to arrive.H...

Stiles was supplied with a horse and a pack mule by his employer and began the long trek back to the town of Springwood. As he rode he started to formulate his plan to expose that dance hall harlot for what she truly was and the only obstacle was the man...

The Strange White Man Part 29

Stiles and Kilgore's story continues

Stiles drove the buggy at breakneck speeds from the farm house back to the train station. Due to the amount of jostling and bouncing Kilgore was forced to hang on tight and refrain from asking any questions lest he bite his tongue or lip. Upon their arriv...

The Strange White Man Part 27

Holly's training begins

In the weeks that followed Lafayette's departure Carpenter began Holly's training. He taught her how to move at night without being seen and to move as softly at a cat. She had demonstrated that she knew how to jump down from high places, so now he taught...

The Strange White Man Part 24

Stiles confronts Holly

They chatted late into the Evening about the upcoming visit. Each person had a task to perform once they arrived in town and it was gone over repeatedly to ensure there were no mistakes. As Holly bustled about performing her house cleaning tasks Lafayette...

The Strange White Man Part 23

A new plan is hatched

Just after sunset, Carpenter and Holly exited the cave and headed for the house. Ever the gentleman he held the door open for her and allowed her to enter first. Upon stepping across the threshold she froze in place because standing there at the kitchen t...

The Strange White Man Part 22

Cousin Jasper arrives.

The man who had been Aunt Lilly was now Cousin Jasper Sloan. Shortly after he arrived at the hotel he combined two of the trunks he brought with him into one. Before switching disguises he contacted the desk clerk who arranged to have that one trunk taken...

Lafayette slept from about 2:00 AM on Sunday until around 9:00 AM. He awoke and made a meager breakfast from the leftovers on the dinner tray that was brought yesterday. He then made coffee and began to formulate a plan to help his friend before he began...