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Over 90 days ago



No One Said Goodbye

an anti war love poem

While I was kissing you,far away, a bomb came through the roof,where a family eating soupsplashed blood against the wallsalong with bowls and spoons and bonesand splintered chairs,and I was holding you beneath me,while men and women ran down streetsaway f...

The Mind

wondering where mind exists--in me or the universe...

Sometimes, I’m in the jungle tripping over vines, shoving my way through bushes, looking for a path, wondering if there is one and asking with every breath, where am I? Other times I’m an eagle high above the trees soaring over lakes, my heart filled with...

Moving Out

thoughts and feelings about moving out of a beloved home.

MOVING OUT The books are packed, taken from the shelves where they have sat for years, their titles waking memories with their silent words. I’ve taken down paintings from the walls, and photographs of my children, their youthful skin from years ago now s...

My Soul

Just wondering about my soul.

I guess it’s in me somewhere,hovering, waiting,perhaps between heartbeats,or underneath my breath,hiding where it can’t be seen,wanting to escape to somewhere,perhaps over the rainbow where bluebirds fly—who knows why it’s there,what it wants, what it’s d...

Speaking to the Sun

Speaking to the sun about what we have done to our green earth

The Civil War isn’t over yet. The Crusades begun a thousand years ago have not been won, and when I read about another drone, another soldier’s suicide, another stone thrown at a women’s head, another prison being built to rid the streets of anyone who mi...


celebrating the equinox

Today when fall and summer meet each other like old friends on the streetbefore they pass and go their way,and our turning world brings chilly mornings,warm afternoons and darkness comes when it’s time to eat, and leaves, still green, will soon be gold an...

Sonnets to The Vast Unknown

acceptance of life's mystery and the vast unknown

1 Even in this bright and silent sunlight giving me another day to breath and see another dawn, another noon and night, another chance to wonder what will be and question all that comes into my mind and ponder what I’m doing here today, looking at the sky...

Growing Younger

thoughts on getting younger and not older

How can I be my age when in my heart I’m forty and not the man in the mirror with wrinkled skin, white hair growing thin, eyes not as blue as I remember them. How can this be? Why this alarm to realize there’s two of me— the man out there that people see...

The Music of Orpheus

A contemporary story based loosely on the Orpheus Eurydice legend

While sweeping the hallway or emptying the trash cans, or making sure the bathrooms had paper towels and toilet paper, Orrin thought about Jessica. “So what if I’m the janitor and she’s a lawyer’s assistant, I’m just as good as anyone who works at Ainswor...

From Journey Homeward: The Red Sea

The Red Sea awakens thoughts of being Jewish, Moses, hertitage

  We anchored in the afternoon, a mile or so off shore and I remember while the shouts and hectic movements of the crew surrounded me, like tangled line, a few thoughts tore me loose. Standing there, between the shores, dazzled by the color of the green w...

From Journey Homeward: Beirut: On the Dock

Watching hungry children searching for food in garbage

While maggots squirm and flies dive down for scraps of food piled here in rusted buckets, the busy pier ignores two boys grabbing at a crust of bread or a bone to eat. No one saw them sneak along the wall, or heard the squeak of the bucket’s lid as the th...