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The Little Black Book

The untold story....

His little black bookA mystery to mostOne could take a lookBut never figure out the host To understand his madness His scribblings and suchYou had to explore the brightnessHis mind often touched The entries were enigmasA code so well keptLike entry number 420 said,“@6pm Gibson Les Paul guitar” To the naked eyeIt didn’t mean muchHe was clever but shyWhich was always my hunch Always willing to give a lessonBut that was cert...

He strolled into her life from out of the BlueOne sweet drunken text later“Take my hand baby, I got enough love for two.”She took it and slowly two hands became one  A sassybunny with a cheeky grinShe captured the heart of the man of SinAlways a picture from head to toe Even her boots are off now, you know  He slapped her assWith a cheeky grin“Keep it up and you’ll getthe clothesline again.” She giggled and wiggledAs she...

She built the walls highEncased herself within No one was getting thoughNo way, No how  She doesn’t know how Or even why But he found the smallest crack To let the light inside  A beacon of lightWhich softly shone A light so bright In her darkness alone The light made her wonderYet still cower in fear The soft ample glow Made a tear appear  “What do you want?”“Why are you here?”He reached out his hand “I just want to be n...

The waves roll in Hard and strong They crash and roll Over her tattered soul  She’s trapped in a riptideSpinning and churning Pulling her helplessly down To a Depth unknown  The struggle is real The surface seems so near She fights to rise aboveBut the battle is too much alone The monsters glided inSo smooth and sleekFull of grace and beauty Appearing to be so meek  The warning signs were there He didn’t want to seeMesmer...

If you didn’t know her   You’d never know   That her heart was broken   But to know her   To have her touch your life   Was magical   The pain in her heart   Shows deep in her eyes   They don’t shine with the same sparkle anymore   She smiles   So the hurt won’t show   But there’s a tenderness missing   She swallows her tears   And makes it through   Like every day she’s in control   I sit and watch her wondering   Who sh...

The wind howls And wraps around her heart It creeps and it prowls As it tears her apart She floats between reality and fantasy alike Her dreams are now just falling apart She clutches them tight Hoping the pain will soon depart He promised to protect her From things that crept in the night But He left her exposed And all alone in the dark She’s frightened and scared Left alone in this maze Her soul is left battered As it...

You sit there with your little boy smile,and play with her heart,thinking she will always be there. Tearing her in so many pieces,that she cries from the painthat rips through her heart. She had fire in her eyes,and a heart made of gold.She was kind and giving,warm and tender. You let her love you,only to make it a crime. Now she’s being punished,for nothing but loving you. So many would have given anything,to have her to...

I want you to understand, that I don’t want to lose you, but I just can’t keep holding on to someone who doesn’t want to be held.I’ve given everything I’ve had to give. I’ve been patient and willing, Kind and giving.I’ve fought and I’ve forgiven. You have touched my heart like no one has ever. I wish I could explain that but I don’t understand it myself.I know that you care but I’ve noticed lately, by your words, your act...