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“Where else should I be, my hero? I have power too, and it's my world that's in danger here, not yours. You have no right to say I must leave. I will do what I can the same as you and the King. Now put your arms around me, I'm chilled.” They stood there with their arms around each other, waiting for whatever comes. It wasn't long before, in the far distance, they saw a black line appear. After some time they could see it...

Lynette's World

The World of Light and Dark

Lynette Baxter was born a beautiful child with light brown hair and blue eyes as most babies are, one of thousands born that same day. Not an unusual birth, except, of course, to her parents who were completely enthralled with her arrival. She was a cute normal baby. If she had stayed that way who knows what would have happened or wouldn't have happened. Lynette advanced normally through her first year or more. Her mother...

This is an ongoing story... you may not understand it unless you start at the first chapter “ Get your troops ready to move into position, General. The next time we meet will be on the battle field.” The King and his entourage departed shortly after he and the now Prime General had gone over the many details for the upcoming campaign. General Gavers had asked for topographical maps and was told there were none. “ Well tha...

A Fairy Tale chapter four

The upcoming battle

This is the fourth chapter of an ongoing story You may not understand it unless you start at the first chapter Art and Steve bellied up to the bar and had a tankard of ale. “It looks like things are going good, Steve.” “ So far, yes, but tomorrow is going to be a humdinger. Tomorrow the real work starts. “ Colonel, I think I might have missed a trick, let me know what you think. Do you think bows and arrows would help? It...

A Fairy Tale chapter three

Humans in the land of magic

This is the third chapter of an ongoing story You may not understand it unless you start at the first chapter They walked to the Ladies. The Queen looked at Art. “What did you tell him Oberon? He has a look on his face like the whole world is going to end.” “Yes, he does look a little peaked, but with what he's gone through the last few days I think he has the right. A few days rest will perk him up. Lady Aletta, will you...

A Fairy Tale chapter two

A human in the land of magic

This is the second chapter of an ongoing story You may not understand it unless you start at the first chapter Art turned to Rodel and Lani and asked, “Okay, now what?” “ Oh no, Art. You're not rid of me yet.” stated Lord Cyral, “You and I have many items to go over before I'm done here. Do you think I didn't notice how closely you followed when I cast the spell to open the gate between our worlds? Come, let's talk as we...

A Fairy Tale

Humans in Underhill

I plan this to be the first chapter of an ongoing saga if it's liked Art looked up through the drizzle and inspected the sky, then turned to his companion and said, “We better get off the water, Tom. It doesn't look good — it's getting real black over there and the wind's picking up.” The other man in the canoe replied, “I was just going to say the same. I think I heard some thunder a moment ago, too. It'll be close to qu...

The Amazing Jack Shadow

The life of a man

I want to tell you a true story of a man. Not a celebrity in any sense, although he was quite well known in his very small town, where most everyone knew everyone else, or knew of them. He wasn't a politician, but had a deep interest in politics. He was just a businessman who ran a small business with help from his family. It would be better if I started at the beginning. He was given the name Walter when he was born in t...

Career Plans

escorting women

Tim knew he was going to have to make a change, he couldn't keep going on the path he was on. Oh sure, it was fun and he had enjoyed it, but he when took a look at himself and his future and couldn't see where the two coincided. Did he want to stay a playboy with no one special to care for, or for them to care for him? Did he want to stay in this dead end job, even though it paid well? Time for some serious planning. He'l...

The Good Wife

Appreciation of the wrong kind

I wish to write a treatise on my good wife. I believe she deserves one after her past endeavors to make our life more pleasant. Not that I wish to make her out to be perfect, she has her little quirks and foibles as everyone does. I even have a few myself, although I have been fortunate in being able to suppress them enough to make a favorable, if not approbative, appearance. But this is about my wife, not myself, even if...

Hangover Luck

the lucky boozer

I wantit made crystal clear that this story is certainly not based on personal experience but after talking to my wife's side of the family I've learned a few things. Ooooh, Where's that aspirin, it's supposed to be right here. Why did somebody move the aspirin? Ah, there it is, thank God. Should I take one or two? I better take four, all it can do is kill me and right now, that would be a relief. What do I wash it down w...

The Hospital Blues

Hospital experiences

Have you ever had to be in a hospital? I'm not talking about visiting a sick friend or an injured relative. I mean have you, personally, ever needed the services of a hospital? If your answer is no, consider yourself fortunate. If your answer is yes, consider yourself fortunate. Wait a minute, isn't that contradictory? Nope, it isn't. If your answer was no, then you've been fortunate to be healthy. If your answer was yes,...

Getting Along

Just trying to get along

If there's interest in this story I will make it a series Jack jumped around, holding one hand with the other while swearing under his breath, “Son of a bitch, that hurts!” He had just hit his hand with a hammer while working on the old car he'd recently bought, the only one he could afford. The reason for his meager circumstances was the fact he had just lately been discharged from the Marine Corps and hadn't been able t...

I tried to write this as a standalone story, but it's a continuance of characters from “Blood Sacrifice” if you're confused The couple sitting at the corner table in the coffee house received a curious glance now and then from the other patrons. They wondered why such a beautiful young lady was so engrossed with what the dignified looking, older man was disclosing to her. If they had known they may have run screaming in t...


life with critters

Let me tell you about my pets. I wonder why they're known as pets, because you pet them? Can't be, nobody pets a goldfish, do they? I've seen people pet a parrot, damn near lost a finger, too. Anyway, I was telling you about my critters. Right now, I've got four, two dogs and two cats. I've heard some folks say they own them. No such thing. Cattle maybe, or sheep. But pets agree to live with you, you don't own them. Espec...