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1 day ago


Quote by Mendalla

I have a couple, too, but I think the first one is out. The second one feels better to me. May hold on to the first for a post-comp release.

I was thinking the same about the poems I wrote. The second one I wrote feels better to me too. smile

Woo Poetry! I have written two poems already for this theme, the trouble will be deciding which poem will be the contest candidate and which will not.

Alright, Here is my entry. Seventy words exactly according to Google Docs.


Summer left sweat puddles on the bus seat, as she stood, her dress clung like sap on bark, to her legs in the South Carolina heat.  Once on the dirt road, the bus exhaled exhaust into her hair. Determined, she walked quickly toward the tiny shack in the distance. Taking a jar out of her bag to make sure she still heard the faint buzzing of royal wings inside it. 

Quote by Mendalla

It would be more fun if I could figure out where my story wants to go. I have a beginning but not sure where to go from there.

when that happens to me, I try listening to music or watching something to replenish my wellspring - and refill my creative energy reserves? maybe you can try that?

Question - I wrote the story, it says exactly 1000 words on my document but when I copy it into the submission box it is over 1000 and I am confused how that happened? Is there some glitch? or is it including the title and authors note into the word count as well? And if so, does our exact word count include the authors note and all that too, or is it just the story itself?

Wooo! I made the Top 5! Congrats to those who won! ^_^ And to all who entered as well! Looking forward to the next comp!

Quote by Mendalla

Quote by OpheliaTusk

Quote by Mendalla

Quote by OpheliaTusk

Quote by WriterGirl


1) email me your word or Google doc of your story to

2) subject line either "Second Chances" or "Dark Matter" for your do-over entry or spooky comp entry. If in both comps, send 2 separate emails (these are titles for now until we can discuss options)

3) must include following verbiage:

I am submitting the attached story for the Second Chances (current name of second chances-themed collection as of 02.16.2022) or Dark Matter (current name of spooky-themed collection as of 02.16.2022) Short Story Anthology produced by Kimberly Cundiff. I assert that I am the sole originator of this story and that no other person or entity has any claims or rights to this story, for which I will retain complete ownership rights. I will grant one -time publishing rights for that publication only. All other rights to the story will remain with me as the author. I acknowledge consent that I will not receive any monetary payments for my inclusion in that anthology. I acknowledge my awareness that all publishing profits will be remitted to

Author’s Desired Publishing Name:
Country of Residence:
Story Title:
Number of Pages:

Can I turn my google doc into a pdf to send to you?

Just send her a share link. That's what I did.

yeah, I don't want to share access to my google drive document with someone I don't know that well, call me paranoid. it's legitimate and medically diagnosed (schizophrenia). so if she could answer herself on if I can send a pdf in an email with that disclaimer that I get no money and my preferred publishing name, that would be great, thanks.

Download it as a Word file. In Google Docs go to File - Download - Microsoft Word. Then send her the Word file. I don't recommend PDF for this because she needs to be able to extract the text and format to the spec she needs for the publisher.

Thankfully I have MS word on this laptop. I appreciate your help. Apologies for being a bit terse. Just woke up. Bitter cold out. Haven't taken meds yet. But I went on and sent my story. So at least when I am in the passionate throes of my attention span's whimsy I won't have forgotten. It will be good to see my story in print in an actual book smile

Quote by Mendalla

Quote by OpheliaTusk

Quote by WriterGirl


1) email me your word or Google doc of your story to

2) subject line either "Second Chances" or "Dark Matter" for your do-over entry or spooky comp entry. If in both comps, send 2 separate emails (these are titles for now until we can discuss options)

3) must include following verbiage:

I am submitting the attached story for the Second Chances (current name of second chances-themed collection as of 02.16.2022) or Dark Matter (current name of spooky-themed collection as of 02.16.2022) Short Story Anthology produced by Kimberly Cundiff. I assert that I am the sole originator of this story and that no other person or entity has any claims or rights to this story, for which I will retain complete ownership rights. I will grant one -time publishing rights for that publication only. All other rights to the story will remain with me as the author. I acknowledge consent that I will not receive any monetary payments for my inclusion in that anthology. I acknowledge my awareness that all publishing profits will be remitted to

Author’s Desired Publishing Name:
Country of Residence:
Story Title:
Number of Pages:

Can I turn my google doc into a pdf to send to you?

Just send her a share link. That's what I did.

yeah, I don't want to share access to my google drive document with someone I don't know that well, call me paranoid. it's legitimate and medically diagnosed (schizophrenia). so if she could answer herself on if I can send a pdf in an email with that disclaimer that I get no money and my preferred publishing name, that would be great, thanks.

Quote by WriterGirl


1) email me your word or Google doc of your story to

2) subject line either "Second Chances" or "Dark Matter" for your do-over entry or spooky comp entry. If in both comps, send 2 separate emails (these are titles for now until we can discuss options)

3) must include following verbiage:

I am submitting the attached story for the Second Chances (current name of second chances-themed collection as of 02.16.2022) or Dark Matter (current name of spooky-themed collection as of 02.16.2022) Short Story Anthology produced by Kimberly Cundiff. I assert that I am the sole originator of this story and that no other person or entity has any claims or rights to this story, for which I will retain complete ownership rights. I will grant one -time publishing rights for that publication only. All other rights to the story will remain with me as the author. I acknowledge consent that I will not receive any monetary payments for my inclusion in that anthology. I acknowledge my awareness that all publishing profits will be remitted to

Author’s Desired Publishing Name:
Country of Residence:
Story Title:
Number of Pages:

Can I turn my google doc into a pdf to send to you?

Provided it gets cleared with Nicola, sounds like a cool idea. Would we just submit our competition stories to be put in an anthology for publication just so I'm clear? Or are we writing something new or ??? That is the only unclear part for me.

Hey, I made it in the top ten for my first competition on here. That's gotta be good right?! Congrats to everyone! I look forward to the next competition!!!

Hello!  Ophelia Tusk here.

I am very new to Stories Space signed up like a week or so ago? I have poked around to see the new changes, it looks pretty interesting, my only issue, however, is that it is way too Facebook-y.   It looks like a clone of Facebook and that is very off-putting for me.  and very, very disconcerting.  Even if you change the colors from their Blue and White.  It looks like FB  and  I would like it to NOT look like Facebook.  I, and  I am sure many other people out there have weird feels and associations when it comes to certain hubs and sites for social media.  Also, when I write and talk with other writers, I would like to not mistake this site for FB and vice versa.  I am also not sure how I feel about the little gender icon thing that has a color code?  Do the colors have a purpose?  Can we choose our own icons like if you want to be a green triangle or a  yellow rhombus etc. and have it be individualized and not classically gender-coded with pink for girls and blue for boys and misc color for other gender identities? Just let us choose as an option, maybe?