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Us Survivors

A survivor of the streets takes a walk on a steamy, sleepless night

Tina felt the bedsheet peel away from her skin as she sat up. She was covered in a sheen of sweat from head to toe. Her hair was damp and matted. Even at midnight with all the windows open and no clothing but panties, Tina could not seem to beat the heat....


Before the statue of the warrior, she weeps

Voldar knelt before the statue of the great warrior and wept. Around her were the ruins of the city she had once called home. Foes had swept over it weeks before. “How could you let this happen?” Voldar cried, “You swore to protect them.” But the statue r...

The Target

The assassin's target was more than he bargained for

The killer looks down the scope at his target. He neither knows nor cares why The Boss wants this woman dead. That is not the killer's problem. The woman is undressing. Her dress slips to the floor, then her underwear. The killer watches with delight. The...

Musings of a Forgotten Deity

A deity meditates on their fading glory

I have lived forever,Or so it seems to me,In my little temple,By the shining crystal sea. Some come in celebration,Some have come to sneer,Some have run in terror,I can be one to fear. My power is enormous,My mercy can be rare,Given to the wise folk,Calli...

The Goddess Dances

A goddess learns joy from a little girl

Talala looked down on the city square of Tantovar and smiled. Around her, people danced in a throng that filled the square. The rhythmic beat of hand drums and skirl of pipes filled the air with joyous sounds. “If only I could dance with them,” thought th...


Something was outside her new house

Something flew past the bedroom window as Shannon closed it for the night. The dark shape went by quickly, so quickly that Shannon could not really see what it was. Startled, she jumped back. “Probably just a bat or bird,” the young woman muttered as she...

Lady in the Lake

A rescue leads to a grim inspiration for an artist

I am slumped in a chair, staring at my newest painting. For over twenty-four hours I have been awake, painting in a near-trance for more than half that time. The painting portrays a scene not far from my studio, a shallow bay on Lake Madeline. A woman eme...

Spooky People

A celebration of my favorite night of the year

Spooky people come out to play.This is now your special day.Scare the other folks away.Spooky people play! Monster people come out to dance,Tonight will be your perfect chance.Caper, spin, stomp, and prance!Monster people dance! Witch-y people grab your b...

Night of the Wind

A mysterious traveller heralds a strange evening in a small town

The rider came swiftly towards Avenigar. Keeping his horse at a fast trot, he reached the cluster of buildings that stood beyond the town’s West gate. Those buildings stood mostly empty and boarded up now that winter had arrived. During the summer, though...

On seeing the Light (re)born

Seeing the sun rise over the Caribbean invites reflection

I saw the light born and reborn this morning. From dark sea and dim horizon came a holy glow,A signal that night's rule was ending;A first, tentative announcement that light and life would indeed return from the underworld. That first dim glow grew bright...

Voice of Ice

He sought the name of the angel of ice

The wind gave a piercing howl, rattling the windows of Professor Jack Lange’s apartment. Jack lowered his book at the sound and stared out at the blowing snow."Wow, what a storm!" announced the disc jockey on the radio as if he, too, had heard it, "If you...