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1 month ago
0 miles · Springfield


Active Ink Slinger

Have swam in the ocean, over the Marianas Trench, some 36,000 feet deep. Freezing cold, in and out. Then lounging on the deck in the warm sunshine. Definitely wakes you up from the shock.

Would you climb a vertical rock face?

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, although with three young daughters (3-1/2 and twins 1-1/2) as well as a 12 year old dog already might wait until my kids get older.

Active Ink Slinger

The Sound of Silence as all three girls are napping and mom has precious time to herself.

Active Ink Slinger

Yes, but I won't the one climbing with the picnic basket or the wine!

WYE drive in a NASCAR race if offered the opportunity?