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Ch. 12*Sakura*It was Denjo’s idea to wait until sunset to proceed with any plan of action due to the fact that he couldn’t stand the light and I couldn’t take much of the Earthen summer heat. That seemed perfectly logical until I realized that I had to linger around Denjo’s strange, barren mansion hideout for the rest of the day. I hadn’t lingered around and twiddled my thumbs for an entire day probably ever. The LYS alwa...

Ch. 11*Sakura*The drive back to Denjo’s hideout was odd, to say the least. We took several winding back roads, and once we entered a densely forested area, I gave up hope trying to figure out where I was being held captive. Ultimately, it didn’t matter in the grand scheme of things. Once we dropped off this Aejin into the dungeon, I was free to go.I had been instructed to keep watch over the knapsack that held the Aejin i...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (10)

A group of rogue aliens help fight to protect the Earth from shape shifting killers

Ch. 10 *Elian*It wasn’t long before my head hit the pillow that I had to bring it back up again. Unfortunately, it wasn’t my alarm clock that had woken me up, but rather the building’s alarms shrieking throughout the entire complex. The auto-generated female voice soon came over the PA system alerting everyone to obey Protocol 3 procedures as soon as possible.With grogginess looming over me, I found it hard to pull myself...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (9)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch. 9 *Jinx* As soon as I confirmed that Zeta was following behind me, I quickened my pace. The two of us stepped into the elevator that lowered us down to the lobby of the entire building. I glanced over at Kiya, the desk receptionist, and smiled before heading out the front door. Not bothering to let Zeta catch up, I hustled down the street and waved a cab down to come and take me to the outskirts of the city. “Afternoo...

Each year I'm stuck pondering, Thinking about the separate identities September puts on and throws away. Flinging emotions around like dresses Leaping from their hangers, onto the floor Unsure as to what fits best. September didn't mean to be so indecisive With its masks of sentimentality, Euphoria and turmoil. But I'm simply bewildered. September used to bring me to utopia; A world filled with whimsical wonders. A single...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (8)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch. 8 *Zeta*Jinx and I were twins, sure, but we definitely did not think or act the same in most situations. She was the logical, organized, serious one who planned out what to do before she did it. I was more of the act now, think later type of guy. If things needed to get done, I wasn’t going to be tedious or cautious about it. I would go at it head first.There was no way I would walk up to each of these houses and ask...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (7)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch. 7 *Sakura*Morning came after seven torturous hours. I barely slept. The guest bed was insanely soft and comfortable, but I was too stressed to give it a chance. I had lied on the floor all night, bouncing back ideas as to how I would go about luring an Aejin anywhere. They were sly, manipulative, and hard to identify. They tricked you - it was hardly ever the other way around.The room was too warm for my liking, but I...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (6)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch. 6 *Azaiah* The wind tugged at my hair and tied it in knots. But at this moment, I didn’t really mind. I had to make it to Treville, the filthy side of the city near the bay. Treville was the last place a “Buigel” battle had occurred, and it would be my best lead to trace the actual predators on the loose. It was never a good idea to take flight in the city in most situations, but I had panicked. As soon as I left the...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (5)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch. 5 *Elian* Maybe if I hadn't been raised on a planet full of outcasts, I'd be more extroverted. Public places made me uncomfortable, especially ones full of drunken humans who could get violent at any given moment. If it weren't for my mother granting me my ghost abilities, I'd be a complete loss for a son. Life would become unbearable. I gripped the door handle and pushed it forward, walking into an intoxicated awkwar...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (4)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch. 4 *Sakura* It wasn’t clear as to how long I was being carried. 20 minutes, Maybe half an hour? All I was focused on were the noises happening around me. Maybe if I listened close enough, I could navigate back to my apartment after breaking free. Whoever was carrying me was definitely smart in his actions. He batted the sack around as if I were just luggage being transported from one place to another. I hit many corner...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (3)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch. 3 *Jinx* “Zeta, you can’t just waltz into someone’s house unannounced,” I argued, my eyebrows aching from furrowing over my eyelids for so long. “It’s not like they’ll know we’re there! We do this in public buildings! What makes this any different?” Zeta inquired, looking more confused rather than annoyed. “It’s someone’s personal space! Their private property! Plus, it’s twice as dangerous. We’re likely to get caught...


Prepare to hear the oath of a screwed up introvert with feelings.

The main reason for coming to like you again was for self-inflicting pain. Our friendship was reconciled, and immediately afterwards I was engulfed in a sea of guilt. And yeah of course, a shit ton of time passed on and you had dated two other people. Moving on is a thing, I get that. That's all fine and dandy. But pain was shot at you for no correct reason at a point in time that could not be reversed. You had done nothi...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (2)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch. 2 *Azaiah* “I know you mean well, but it just seems suspicious that you two came from the same planet and both ended up here in the same city, the same LYS building,” the commander noted, glancing over two separate documents on his desk. “Like I told you before, there’s nothing between us. It’s just like any normal human. We were born in the same place and just so happen to be heading down the same path.” I reiterated...

The League of the Young and Supernatural (1)

A supernatural organization founded by rogue aliens fight to protect the human race.

Ch 1 *Sakura* Despite the air biting at everything in its path, I liked it. The cold fueled me, and with Buigels on the rise, I really did need some extra energy. Earth was tiring, and its oxygen levels were way too high. I didn’t quite comprehend how, since every ape liked to abuse their surroundings with their garbage food production and transportation waste. They really were useless creatures. At least most of them wer...