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1 week ago


Quote by AriesDragon
Unfortunately, he gets his unfortunately/fortunately muddled up.

Unfortunately she doesn't know what I'm talking about half of the time
I'm somewhat of a nightowl so nighttime is the best time

Would you chase after the moon?
Been there done that almost got my left arm rip off sad So yes lets do it again

Would you ever look a bull in the eye after you show it whos boss?
Milk because it looks like your bones need it tehe tehe

Why does the moon chase the sun across the sky for?
A house next to a beach next to a lake so she can watch the sunrise in her bedroom and the sunset in her living room
Call a friend up because she gives the best hugs of all times and she'll softly whisper in my ear "I love you my sweet friend" *Blush deeply*

What will happen if I give all the Moderators on here a hug in a friendly way?
Yep. Need some kind of excitement in my life somehow smile

Would you ever do a stand up at a nightclub like Larry the Cable Guy?
As long as you don't have your unicorn beat me up smile

How do you catch unicorn?
I don't want to use the word "like" but I do it now and again.

Would you ever give Ginger a snap?