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1 week ago


I did it before and I can do it again smile

What happen to the good oil times of being innocent?
Because some can't handle it

Is it wrong to love your pets as apart of the family?
Tried but my emoticons took a week off right now.

Would you ever drink milk with cookies??
Talia is so huggable and she gives one of the best hugs. Don't tell her that I said tha

Would you ever put a binky in Sugarbaby mouth just to shut her up at times?
Because no ones want to talk to me :P

Who would win in a boxing match? Sugar or Ginger?
To Sugarbaby talking softly in her sleep

Why is Sugarbaby so sweet for?
Unfortunately Kiera is the only one who will change your baby diapers every hour pass midnight
Quote by Kiera
Quote by authorised1960

Fortunately, as we're all three parts insane it doesn't really matter anyway...

Hiya Kiera darling!

Hi Andy

Unfortunately Ginger has taken out a restraining order against you

Hi Ghosty

Fortunately Kiera is like a sister to me

Hi sister Kiera -@
grumpy because Sugarbaby woke me up with a cup of coffee

How come Ginger looks like a female knight?
That's what I'm doing right now to lose a few pounds.

Would you ever hide in the dark from a bunny?