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5 days ago


Active Ink Slinger

I have a question about the word count. If the chapter has more than 10,000 words, like 13,000 words. Should I break it down to Chapter 1 part 1 then Chapter 1 part 2 etc. etc.

Active Ink Slinger

Told you not to feed the puppies those police. Now look what happened! silly

Active Ink Slinger

The letter R can be seen in the middle of March and April that can't be seen at the beginning or end of either month.

You answer me, but I never ask you a question. What am I?

Active Ink Slinger

You know when things are bad when Elizabeth tells Anna about that one time at band camp last summer 😜

Active Ink Slinger

Unfortunately Anna forgotten that I haunt the creepy forest that she calls home 😜

Active Ink Slinger

Ban for shooting fire out her eye's instead of shooting them out her nose when she burps. silly

Active Ink Slinger

You know when things are bad when Elizabethblack is looking all innocent like :P

Active Ink Slinger

Fortunately, the ape asked RedWrighter for a glass of water with a side of banana

Active Ink Slinger

Fortunately, the dragons never undercook or overcook. They cook it just the way the food should be silly