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One Last Time

The loss of loved ones

I wish I could remember every moment of growing up. The laughter. The tears. One last time. I want to see the glow of my wife’s face in the setting sun. One last time. I crave to feel the warmth of her body curled against mine. One last time. I wish I cou...

Score 13 13
258 Views 258
172 words 172 words


Hopeless dreams

Imagine, If you can. A place where you can hide. Safety in anonymity, Rather than, Reveal yourself where you reside. Peace, Sought yet rarely found. Comes in the smallest doses. Like cat’s feet in grass, It comes with nary a sound. Just a click of the doo...

Score 25 25
336 Views 336
82 words 82 words


A boy's secret

Edward sat at the head of the table gazing at the Christmas feast before him. A succulent roast turkey with cornbread stuffing. A basin of mashed potatoes just to the left of his grandmother’s antique tureen of gravy. Fruits and vegetables spread glorious...

Number 10

loving pets

Epilogue to “Cedar Boxes” Once again, for the last time, we await the return of Cedar Box #10. Just a simple rectangular wooden box full of ashes and an interlocking lid with a brass plate on top bearing a name. "Gimley." I guess it is a headstone of sort...

Score 6 6
348 Views 348
188 words 188 words

I don’t know when I lost her. She held on as long as she could. I was aloof. Careless. I loved her. I just never showed her how much. Now I can’t. She has flown away forever. I saw caterpillars. She saw butterflies.

I once bought a bag of chips A big ol’ bag all bright and yellow I opened the bag with a pair of snips So little inside I was one unhappy fellow.   I saw a pie I really wanted A nice big box to hold it all I ripped it open completely undaunted And found a...

I don’t see colors anymore. Everything is black or grey. I don’t hear music or laughter as before. There is no difference between night or day.   The air I breathe Seems heavy and thick. And now I believe It was all just a trick.   They held the carrot ju...

Two dogs. A rabbit. Four cats. Two parakeets. Nine cedar boxes filled with the life’s ashes of our fur and feathered family for over the last 40+ years. We are down to just one now. Gimley the cat came to us some seven years ago. He was a feral cat who wa...

Making wine from oysters A mop bucket stands unused While muffins burn in the oven Swingsets rust in the rain.   Yet carpet covers hardwood As the moon serenades toads Beyond the furthest galaxy Three-eyed gargoyles play checkers.   A Dodge is missing a w...

Cal Zone knew he was in trouble. His partner, Justin Case had been taken hostage by the biggest crime boss in the Midwest. Carmine (Itchy) Ricketts controlled all of the corruption in Trippen Falls, South Dakota. Cal sat in his favored 4-door, Canary yell...

If you could see As far as you could see Would it look any different? Possibly.   If you could run As far as you could run Would you finally be there? Would you be done?   If you could hear Everything you wanted to hear Has it all been said? Not so, I fea...

I have been here before Many times more A different face In a different place.   As each vessel dies Amidst loved one’s cries The spirit rises I return in guises.   Plato, Nero, Rembrandt and Bach Each return gives new paths to walk Embodied within A new...

The worst word in golf. I know, it’s part of the etiquette of the game, but it’s the part we all hate to shout or hear. It’s one of those things in the arsenal of golf, like mulligans and do-overs and foot wedges. Once the dreaded “Fore!” has been uttered...

I remember attic fans in the summer and radiators in the winter and if you backed into it trying to get warm, you burnt your ass. I remember linoleum floors. Stovetop percolators. Gas stoves you had to light with wooden matches. I remember glass bottles o...

I am imperfect. Made of torn flesh and broken bones. Dreams crushed like stone to gravel and hope wasted on the likes of me.   Once an Alpha dog now relegated to solitaire howling. The younger man in the mirror looks back at the older man he now is and re...