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Doing the bump thing yet again...good luck my wretched writing friends...

The Bulwer-Lytton Fiction Contest

DEADLINE: June 30, 2015
GENRE: Short Stories
DETAILS: Submit the worst possible opening sentence for a story
up to 60 words max. Enter as many times as you like.
PRIZE: a pittance
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Poetry Writing Contests with No Fees
This is an excellent Hub Page created by Brian Scott that lists no
fee poetry contests for 2015 with full details of deadline
dates and prizes. To find out details about each contest you need
to copy and paste the contest title into Google.

Poetry Writing Contests with No Entry Fees (for 2015)[/size]
Rest in Peace
Not quite office notes...but I just came across some funny parking notes I thought worth sharing...

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The Change Agent Needs Stories on 'Celebrations'
The Change Agent (est. 1994), a semiannual print tabloid for adult teachers who are advocates of social change, is now open to submissions for its next issue. This issue will feature reflective and personal stories about a celebration from your family ...
Payment: $50/story

Write For Us[/size]
Rest in Peace
Whoa...big money here my friends...


It's your magazine and we're interested in your lives. Love and betrayal, loss and sin. Use our on-line story form as a guide. You only need to send us a brief outline, although you can include much more if you wish. Pays £2,000 for accepted stories.
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Open to emerging diverse writers from all diverse backgrounds (including, but not limited to, LGBTQIA, people of color, gender diversity, people with disabilities, and ethnic, cultural and religious minorities) who have not been published in a traditional print fiction book format, including self-published, independents, small and medium publishing houses, in all genres whether for the children’s or adult market. The winner receives US$1,000 and publication in the “Stories For All Of Us” anthology. Deadline May 8, 2015.
Rest in Peace
I would have to say overall I would prefer this one...

Quote by AvrgBlkGrl

Do you enjoy poetry that makes you stop, think or changes the way you look at things, something profound?

However, ideally it would be nice if it were fun and/or "smile worthy" as well...I don't think the two are necessarily mutually exclusive...
Rest in Peace
Best Women's Erotica Anthology Seeks Writers
Professional erotica writer Rachel Kramer Bussel is serving as editor and anthologist of the 2016 Best Women's Erotica, the next book of erotic stories in the series. She is seeking women writers to submit their sexiest, hottest, and most creative stories ...
Payment: $100/story plus two contributor copies...

Call for Submissions: Best Women's Erotica 2016

Btw, Rachel has been doing this a lot of years, and she's a bit tough so don't feel bad if you get rejected...but if you do get in it, it's pretty cool stuff...
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"We are seeking new and published authors and artists to share works focused on music and the impact it has on people's lives. Whether it expresses a story of healing, community, cultural or family traditions, musicianship, travel experiences, an historical account, or any other experience with music, we invite you to tell your story."...pays a cool $200/story...deadline June 1...

Submit A Story[/size]
Rest in Peace
Quote by TaliaRussell

When I was a kid, I thought that when I looked up in the sky and could see the clouds move, that I was seeing the earth turning. mean you're not?
Rest in Peace
Quote by TaliaRussell
As I read various works, and then review comments, it seems to me that readers often think the work they are reading is somehow autobiographical (unless it is more in the fantasy genre). My first impulse, unless a work is stated to be in the autobiography category, is to assume it is fiction -- including poetry.'s funny, because I have experienced this a number of times, starting about six years back...I started writing in April, 2009 on an erotic story site, and a couple of months after I started, I had a guy write me because he "thought he recognized the girl" in one of my stories, and wanted to know her name to confirm it. After about three messages back to him, trying to explain the concept of fiction, I just gave up...but yeah, it is something I'm very familiar with, for a number of years now...

And I've had people send me messages asking if I "want to talk" because I posted a sad poem...stuff like that...but yeah, there are quite a number of people out there who can't grasp the concept of fiction, and separate fantasy from reality for that matter...

I always assume that a work is fictitious, unless it's clearly stated it's in a non-fiction category, or a musing here, for instance...I believe that category is implied to be non-fiction...

As far as my own writing goes, there are often elements of reality that creep in...but there are only a few of my stories or poems that would genuinely qualify as "non-fiction"...the poems of mine that are tributes, such as "Madiba"..."For Dana (1966-2006)"..."Grandpa"...those come to mind, but I'm hard put to think of any others offhand...I have a feeling there might be a couple more poems though, but certainly not many...

Quote by paulus

Maybe you should just see it as a compliment. Autobiographical or not, you tried to convey a feeling with the poem, and judging by the empathy in the comments, you clearly succeeded.

In that case, you could say that a number of my poems are true, in that the feelings are definitely true, and something I've far as the actual events used to convey those feelings though, rarely are they true facts, and if they are, the percentage of factual content in the poem is certainly almost always less than 100%...and thus, by definition, rarely are my poems truly autobiographical...
Rest in Peace
Quote by magnificent1rascal

However — and I apologize for being nitpicky about it — the All tab really ought to be the default.

I agree with you there, and I thought that was the plan actually...yeah, it really should be all inclusive, unless someone chooses to opt out of something...members shouldn't have to click on something just to make sure they can see all the stories...and no, I don't think you're being nitpicky btw...

It's something we need to look into...but we are making some visible progress here...
Rest in Peace
Quote by rolandlytle
This is strictly a speculative thought. It would need to go though the powers that be to see if it were possible and acceptable.

The problem with stuff like this, and although your suggestions are good...and note that I'm saying this from experience, as I've been on this site longer than most everyone, as well as other that although all this may work real well for the first few months, come six months down the line, anything where you have to depend on consistent member participation just falls apart...maybe it's just human nature, or real life gets in the way, or whatever...but it all seems to be forgotten like a kid who just got a new toy...

A few things come to mind...for instance, a couple of years back, Yas set up a Reader of the Month thingy where we actually paid members to participate by reading and commenting...the member with the most significant comments got a neat $50.00US for their troubles...worked great for about four months, if I the sixth month, we couldn't even find enough participants if we paid them $ yeah, forgive me if I'm a bit negative on this whole thing, especially if it involves any changes to the site whatsoever...

I tend to agree with Gypsy here...about both the monthly popularity tabs and the value of the comps btw...
Rest in Peace

Music so high you can't get over so low you can't get under it...

THE TEMPTATIONS - "Psychedelic Shack" (1970).wmv

Rest in Peace
A charity anthology I am part of to benefit veterans groups has been officially includes a poem I wrote a few years back about a veteran with PTSD called "An Enemy That Haunts My Mind"...the poem is not on Stories Space, but I think I will post far it is only published in this book that just came out, and my own book that came out in 2012...

The poems and stories included in this anthology, written by various authors, tell of veterans outside of war, of how their sacrifice of service changed their lives long after the war was over. Although some of the messages of the sacrifices of war are sadly timeless, they speak of unsung heroes, and I say unsung because nothing we could ever do for them would ever be enough to say thank you for all they gave. With that said, with these poems and stories, we will give what we can. 100% of the profits made will go to charities for veterans. To all who have served and to all of those who love them, we offer our undying gratitude because it is all we truly have to give you for your sacrifices, told and untold. So, we give what we can to honor you, to say thank you, and to, in some small way, give back. Although it could never be enough, a million thanks or a million dollars, we pray we can help some of the many who have given so much, so selflessly, and then suffered even as they fought another battle, the battle to go on…

Here is a blog about the book created by Kiki Howell, who put the project together. A different charity will benefit each month, starting with The Wounded Warrior Project. This blog site includes links to purchase the book, and note that it is a couple of bucks cheaper at B&N than Amazon, as well as links to purchase shirts and other cool items...

We Go On: Charity Anthology for Veterans

Here's one of the shirts Kiki created btw...and again, all proceeds will go to benefit veteran's groups...

Rest in Peace
Quote by gypsy

To me, though, it seems redundant to have the second button for poetry. Because right there, in the side bar, is the button for poetry, and it takes you to the same place the other button does. Except the poems are then excluded by default from the front page, because the stories button is the default front page.

Thank you...and if you notice, when you click on "Poetry" in the side bar, you again get that "Stories" and "Poems" option, which really makes absolutely no sense...

Btw, there is another site similar to Stories Space on the net which does not have that issue...I have a feeling this is an issue that will be corrected in the near future, with any luck...

And hope you feel better soon there Gypsy...
Rest in Peace
Quote by gypsy

Personally I liked the old front page, stories & poems mixed, better.

I have a feeling you might not be the only one btw...just sayin'
Rest in Peace
Quote by authorised1960

Goodness me, what a lovely little gem to be tucked away on this thread! I am surprised that it is not on the main page as it is utterly charming. Please consider submitting this wonderful poem again...

If you read just under the title where she posted it, you will see why...I think she made that pretty clear...

Cherry blossoms[/size]