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The Random Poem Thread

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We need a poem thread, so here it is. Post poems, whether composed by you or another (credit where credit is due, though!). Just have fun with poems and you know, have fun with poems, and stuff. Geddit? I'll post the first, one of my own compositions, entitled:

Scottish Weather

Aye, it’s Scotland, a’right,
Four season in wan day,
Ah wish ah could lay
In ma bed a’ day,
But I’ve got things tae dae,
So, gony brave it,
Weather’s a tit, but it’s a’right,
I’ll be hame in a bit.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Rookie Scribe
Roses are red,
Violets are magenta,
I'm very tired,
and I think I'm going to bed.
I once had a pet frog
Green and wittle
He'd sing me a song
To make me giggle

"Hip hip hippity hop
you're my princess
My little bitty bop
Who makes me a mess

Come kiss me
Just once princess
then you'd see
I'm not your prince"
something I just came up with

insanity so close to me
I really did not trulyyy believe
it's me you'd really someday forget.

let me hide innnnto the corner
silently I look for you
so deep inside my mind
I cannot find my voice to speak
It left with all coherent thought
everything isssss cold and numb.
The World’s Last Great Poem

Undoubtedly, this has got to be
The greatest poem ever writ:
It’s clear, concise and to the point
And there ain’t that much of it!
Active Ink Slinger
Every morning when wake up
something really feels like wood
Untill I get into the bathroom
and then psssss, oh, that feels good
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Some years ago at work I was challenged by a colleague to write an 'instant' poem, and this is what I came up with in less than two minutes!


I sat and watched a spider
Crawling up the wall
Wondering, quite idly,
Why it didn’t fall.
It crawled across the ceiling
Then onto the door
And when it came back down to earth
I squashed it on the floor!
Aw, great poems you two.

Very clever Andy!!

Active Ink Slinger
He touched my heart
He touched my soul
As the passion builds
He'll never let go
Here's another observational offering:

Ode For Me

Don’t be down
Don’t be sad
It wasn't meant to be
He’s got you
You’ve got him
And I have still got me

Love your offering, maryruth
I've had no sleep
I must get some rest
Lay my head down
And close my eyes
I'm off to dream within a dream
Active Ink Slinger
He took my song
He took my dance
He took my everything
When he left
I'm stronger now
Than before
For I don't want him anymore

wowo happy dance yea me lol
Let me laugh
Let me cry
Do not curse me to die.
I will live
I will fall
Knowing I gave my all.

you know who you are

I love you dearly
I have never seen such absolute beauty
In one heart and soul
As I have seen in yours.
You give me warmth and
Shelter in your arms.
You are the light that lights my day,
You are rays of the sun shining upon my face.
I love your kindness
And loving ways that show you care.
You're forever part of me now
In you I find only the purest and most beautiful of hearts.

Do I need an invitation into your life
Or will you make me a welcome guest
At your one-woman party?

Can I gatecrash your private moments:
Alone, with a bottle of wine, nibbles
And a Barbara Cartland novel?

If you won’t invite me into your life
Will you accept an invitation into mine
If I pluck up the courage to ask?
Gorgeous poems you two.

Quote by Nickel
Roses are red,
Violets are magenta,
I'm very tired,
and I think I'm going to bed.

(Sorry in advance )

Roses are red,
Violets are magenta
I wish I could find
The poems I sent 'er
Dear Sands of Times
Show us your face
Give me what's mine
I forfeit your grace

I've been burned
Left in the cold
Never my hearts turn
Only heartless lies told

Take away your promises
Just give me reality
For its only curses
Without morality
Quote by BeYoutiful
Dear Sea of Times
Show us your face
Give me what's mine
I forfeit your grace

I've been burned
Left in the cold
Never my hearts turn
Only heartless lies told

Take away your promises
Just give me reality
For its only curses
Without morality

so gorgeous honey xooxox
Active Ink Slinger
Be My Love
It's coffee
Me sorry,oh that's bad. lol
Forum Facilitator
Quote by authorised1960

Roses are red,
Violets are magenta
I wish I could find
The poems I sent 'er

Check yer sent box,
if you emailed her, man
but if on paper,
copy carbon could be a plan.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by BeYoutiful
Dear Sea of Times
Show us your face
Give me what's mine
I forfeit your grace

I've been burned
Left in the cold
Never my hearts turn
Only heartless lies told

Take away your promises
Just give me reality
For its only curses
Without morality

so gorgeous honey xooxox

Thank you! Thank you!
My sweet little friend
If ever you need me
I will always lend a hand!
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by authorised1960

Roses are red,
Violets are magenta
I wish I could find
The poems I sent 'er

Check yer sent box,
if you emailed her, man
but if on paper,
copy carbon could be a plan.

The poems I sent her
Were graphic and sexy
Now I can't find them
It's starting to vex me
Quote by BeYoutiful
Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by BeYoutiful
Dear Sea of Times
Show us your face
Give me what's mine
I forfeit your grace

I've been burned
Left in the cold
Never my hearts turn
Only heartless lies told

Take away your promises
Just give me reality
For its only curses
Without morality

so gorgeous honey xooxox

Thank you! Thank you!
My sweet little friend
If ever you need me
I will always lend a hand!

You're welcome, beautiful..

Thank you hon..xxoo

Me too for you.
Quote by BeYoutiful
Dear Sands of Times
Show us your face
Give me what's mine
I forfeit your grace

I've been burned
Left in the cold
Never my hearts turn
Only heartless lies told

Take away your promises
Just give me reality
For its only curses
Without morality

This is beautiful, but so much pain?

Sometimes one has to make one's own reality; defy the Sands of Time. Ask a friend to accompany on your journey and you'll find the experience a joyful one
I fell asleep,
Hand gripping my tablet,
My nook fell
But I didnt yell
The cord didn't break
I sigh in great relief.
The Doll

I am a silent doll

Sitting in the corner deep.

I can speak but I cannot speak the words to say,

In unforgiving silence I must stay.

If I tell my secret

I would feel the burning shame.

So I stay forever in stasis with

My lips sealed.

Cobwebs fill my mind when

I cannot say the things I need to speak.

The corner is my solace,

My hands are clasped and on my lap.

Eyes are vacant, no more luster,

Time has passed too far to bother.

Mother chides me if I try

Saying that I am telling lies.

Longing for to hear the sound,

When my body lowers to the ground.
How Much is a Heart Worth?

How much is a tear worth
as it rolls down my cheek?
How much are too many, too many to count?
How much is my heart worth
when it was given to you freely?
How much is my soul worth
when you chipped away pieces of it?
How much are days and nights worth spent in
endless agony and pain
when you totally walked away?
You left without a tear for me
in deafening silence.
Forever is not just a word I write.
I loved you in vain,
that's plain to see now.
I don't believe you ever loved me at all.
I'm left with all the pieces,
and you just left me raw.
What you did was not ok,
perhaps you should look into
your heart and soul
and wonder why you feel no remorse.