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Over 90 days ago
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Advanced Wordsmith
Everyone has a couple of weird and wonderfull words they know.

lets see who can find the weirdest smile
the only rule is they have to be real, although they can be slang. - by real i just mean cant be made up like the word kugenhaddlebonanaxkasdamottity.... <--- what can i say, i was ten
and also a definition
so happy hunting :)

ICHTHYOPHAGOUS - an animal whos main diet is fish
Advanced Wordsmith
Hey, ocds are one of those things... so are funny, some are annoying, some are so frustrating... so lets hear about them silly

if im making a cake and it asks me to whisk in 6 eggs one by one, after every egg i crack i then have to go and wash my hands thoroughly before whisking it in. and i have to do it every time. im alergic to eggs so i think its a safety thing for me, but it still dont make sense.

also teeth, if i tap my top left tooth with another, i have to tap all four teeth that are the in the same position in the four corners. but it would have to go top left, bottom right, top right, bottom left. i cant stand tapping two teeth in a row if they are both on top or bottom...

also finger tapping. i feel the need to tap my fingers alot. but i have to tap them in a specific order. thumb-4th-2nd-5th-3rd. plus i do it with both hands really quickly and i cant stand it if i make a mistake. grrr frustrating :p

Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by HoneyBee000
Quote by Declan
im listening to oscar peterson- night train
i really suggest you google it if your into jazz, and let me know what you think if you do smile

Ok listening to your track - hmmmmm???? no words! So next thing I'm thinking of is what kind of strictly come dancing genre this would fit???????

Still trying to match this to a dance????? Got any ideas Declan? I'm still picturing dance moves in my head!

Advanced Wordsmith
nope i just wait for some one to come in and talk silly lol IM A BADGE WHORE TOO!!!! lol XD

random thought, if people log on, and they are available, why not go into the chat room and wait?
Advanced Wordsmith
one of my memories is of my father.

i went to a boarding school from 11-15. it was a lot of fun but i missed home alot. especially in the earlier year.
i lived a good 2 to 3 hours away from home. i went home about once every 3 weeks but somehow with my dad being away for buisness i hadnt seen him for three months. i had seen my mum but not him.
i can remember the saturday lunch time after finishing my last lesson and time for holiday that i ran back to my boarding house. i can just remember how happy i was as i ran through the house into the lobby and saw my dad.
i had the biggest smile accross my face and i told him hes never to go away when im home from school smile 3 months is a long time for a 12 year old but it made the greeting that much more special :)
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by magnificent1rascal
This made me laugh:


Who exactly is that one person in the chat rooms talking to, I wonder?

lol, i always go in there, cause the chance of two people joining at once is small silly so i chill out and wait for people to come online, biggrin

and why do young people wanna be old, and ld people wanna be young?
Advanced Wordsmith
im listening to oscar peterson- night train
i really suggest you google it if your into jazz, and let me know what you think if you do smile
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by DirtyMartini
Interesting, and it tells you the meaning of the name if you click on it...
I asked for a Polish man's name and it came up with...Czcibor Iwan
I have no idea how to pronounce it though...

i think it would be like K-sigh-boar but like all at once and the last names probly like ivan cause lots of countries use v instead of w.

leutwin slade, now thats what i call inventive silly
Advanced Wordsmith
today i feel sad - because i lost something that meant a lot to me. but also i feel happy becuase im not held back by lies
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by VanGogh
I have always imagined that Paradise will be a kind of library. -Jorge Luis Borges

(a very calming image ...)


thats a good quote, smile

my favourite quote is-

the greatest thing you'll ever learn, is just to love and be loved in return - nature boy, moulin rouge