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Over 90 days ago
United Kingdom


Advanced Wordsmith
^^ cant beat a good book and a radiator silly
^^^ and friends make me smile too biggrin

but i have to say talking to the one person in my life i care about the most tops it off heart
Advanced Wordsmith
Quote by VanGogh
I signed on ... 4 people online

a few minutes later .... 7 people online

then, about 5 minutes later .......... 78 people online (and only one member, me!)



more people should defo become members

its midwinter but my bedroom, that doesnt have a radiator, is boiling. wheres the sense in that!
Advanced Wordsmith
today i feel like smiling because im staying with my grandparents for a few weeks smile
Advanced Wordsmith
a snuggle whilst watching all three pirates of the carribean
Advanced Wordsmith
cold, its like -99999999 degrees in cambridge... i suppose i should really shut my window silly
Advanced Wordsmith
dongish- the state of mind when someone starts to act like a 'penis' but is not completely there. dongish

the next word is hallufanenum