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A Little Fat Fairy Tale (Part Two)

Continuing the tale of ugliness, beauty, loss and love.

“Helloooo! Can yooooou heeeeeear meeeeeee?”The voice was still calling. The little fat fairy reached a break in the trees and found herself staring at a Wide Open Space filled with grass. At the very end of the Wide Open Space was an Enormous White House, bigger, even, than the Royal Palace in the Diamond City! The little fat fairy knew that this was where the Big People lived! All fairies know they must stay away from wh...

A Little Fat Fairy Tale (Part One)

A tale of ugliness, beauty, loss and love.

Once upon a time, there was a little fat fairy. She was a short, squat, roly-poly puddin’ and pie fairy, with a little brown mop of hair, a rounded potato nose, a wobbly tummy, and fat little arms and legs that made her look like a Dandelion Clock with tapered limbs. (It must be pointed out here that the Dandelion Clocks always took exception to that description, as they were much more graceful than the little fat fairy,...

Ode of the Squiggles

The Treetop Kings have their say regarding Human accusations.

As dying jewels of autumnal airDisplay their languished colours fair, ‘Twixt earth and sky the wraiths o’erhead Do drop their garments as a bed. The clothéd arms outstretched, aquiver, Do grasp the watery sun’s weak shiver. Those that were once full heavy laden, In former springs once gentle maiden, Drooping now the gift of life, Though slumbering deep, potential’s rife. And there! What scrabbling, little scurries? What w...