Bubble Up soda pop... and actually it's still in the glass bottle... but pff.
Tights: tan or black?
(I guess... for guys: jeans: black or blue?)
That T (not telling you her real name) has stopped self-harming and is doing okay and talking to me, P has given up drugs and wants help to stay clean, D doesn't want to die anymore, V's grandpa is going to be alright, I am passing Civics and US with A's and... Andrew has won the lotto.
Ah gee, I'm really dreaming, aren't I?
Holy moley when around kids or my dad and holy shit otherwise. So holy shit.
Son of a b**** or son of a gun?
griffins or mermaids?
corn on the cob, definitely.
blue raspberry or regular raspberry?
It's okay, I feel like I'm gonna fail miserably too.
you might, I hope you stop with the post-soldering nosebleeds.
ummm... what's your favorite thing about the Holiday season?
The silent K.
When walking do you walk: with or against traffic?
sunsets or sunrises?
Sushi! Nah... it changes from day to day.
Do you like banana Laffy Taffy?
Babies... if I have my cat, and my Kitty, that's all I need- no puppies, but I would love babies of my own one day. Not soon.
Kittens or Cats?
Pretty high tolerance, actually.
Do you like Nutella?
Brownie batter cupcakes. :P
Cake donuts or regular donuts?
Hot tea! ^.^ :P
Strawberry and mint, they go together well, correct?
For all I want is her and she me,
arms around each other,
her lips on mine,
heat transferred between bodies intertwined.
hm... both, but sugar if I really have to choose.
Autumn. I may be a winter baby as well, but I don't like extreme cold or extreme heat and it's been quite a bit more extreme than I'm used to up here in my little corner of Washington. I like the crisp air, the colors, the scents and all the décor that just looks... absolutely beautiful. That and Halloween & Thanksgiving happen in Autumn ^.^
same question since I asked it and answered it.
Hmm nothing currently, but I'd love a piping hot cup ('scuse me, mug) of hazelnut latte.
Waffles! They hold peanut butter better.
iPhone or Android?
'Cause they're iPhones and they're a pain in the butt to do anything with! ...That's why I have an Android.
What's your favorite time of year (Autumn, Winter, Spring, Summer)?
On with Andrew... *big cheesy grin* and/or listening to my music with my headphones on, blocking out the world (aka, my household).
The first that I read... that I personally remember, was Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone (Or HP and the Philosopher's Stone for you UK folk)... there were probably Dr. Seuss books before that, and other kids tales, but I don't remember them.
Same question.
Band-aid... I suppose.
When you're stressed/upset: lots of sleep or very little sleep?