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Over 90 days ago
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No damned way!

Would you ever try to sing along to Ozzy Osbourne? (It's tougher than you think.)
Certainly not chicken! I'd say beef or some such.

Have you ever stapled your own hand by accident?
I don't know whether U want to got out and buy some more crap. Maybe get myself a bottle of beer for tonight. Oh, a bottle of beer sounds good. I might also post a musing that I wrote last night while on the bus.
Yup. My house is haunted, so going without electricity would be a piece of pish, easy as fuck.

Would you ever get in a boxing ring with Mike Tyson?
Some people at my Pagan moot are psychic, and if I ever wanted to visit one, I'd use one of them, if they wanted to give me a reading. You have to be very careful when visiting a psychic because some just aren't. Those who aren't psychic may use a technique called cold reading. This is when they ask you leading questions that sound like statements. They judge your reaction, through body language, facial expression, and the like, to steer the conversation in a direction that they think you want to hear.

Would you ever do a tarot reading? (I did one on myself on Thursday. I'll admit, I was a little apprehensive at first, because I'd not done tarot before but after I picked the card, it all just seemed natural.)
As a Pagan, I'd be pretty damned hypocritical if I didn't believe in magick.*

What three Stories Space members would you like to have on your zombie apocalypse team?

*To a lot of Pagans, "magick" is the proper spelling of "real magick". The spelling came about when Aleister Crowley was writing about the difference between "real magick/spells" and "show magic/chicanery". He needed something to differentiate them, so came up with that spelling.
Nope. Couldn't stand the smell, apart from anything else.

Would you ever roar like a lion if confronted by a burglar?
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I don't know where to put this, and I hate to complain about something so lowly about a score, but I haven't recieved any feedback from the readers asto why i keep getting threes, how does one expect me to progress as a writer if they dont tell me what they dont like about a certain piece, but i been constantly recieving threes the past several poems, i just dont get it.

If someone can out or at least the readers who have been scoring my stuff anything below a four give back a reason as to why i been scored so low. I would appreciate it thank you much.

It could be anything, ranging from gripes about poor grammar, spelling, or maybe they just didn't like the story. You have my assurance, that if I score anything at all, I will be frank about my reasons, but try to be polite, too. The fact is, though, some people are just too picky. They expect professional grade work, when really, most of us are just amateurs, albeit really good amateurs, but amateurs, nevertheless. I'd suggest maybe asking those people who voted threes to explain why in a PM, but be very careful, some people don't like to be called out. If you were ever unhappy about a score I'd given you, I wouldn't mind being more specific, if you asked me.

This goes to all people here. I'm not going to be offended if you ask. I'd rather you asked me, than just sitting there stewing in impotent rage and cursing me upside down.
Quote by authorised1960

At one time I would have, definitely, especially if they were smaller and less able to stick up for theirself.

You underestimate small people. Though small they may be, mighty is what they are. Seriously, feisty wee buggers, small folk are. That could be your downfall, underestimating anyone, but especially a small folk. Oh, and the word is "themselves".

Nah, I'd just let the bitch be.

Would you ever do a wall of death at a metal concert?

Here's a wall of death, just in case you don't know:

Quote by the_enchantress

Hope you get those, Andrew.

Can you trade something for a guitar cable?

Computer services?

Good luck hon.

I eventually decided to stop being lazy, and get my arse up into the loft to get the cable. I'd stashed it there a while ago, when I was tidying up, so that it didn't get lost. Mind you, if I could trade computer services for a Jim Root Signature Telecaster, then I'd be pretty damned happy. Or a J-5 Signature Telecaster, or even just a normal Telecaster. I just want a fucking Telecaster damningtingitinton!
Quote by Colors_of_the_Wind
On my mind...

Andrew heart

I work an 8-hour shift tomorrow and it's the day before Thanksgiving... ugh.

I work Thanksgiving.

I work an 8-hour on Black Friday.




I'm gonna go insane and come home tired and bitchy and probably want to strangle some of the customers. Like, dumbass, buy your freaking turkey the week before not the day before.


Today was my last day off for a whole week. I repeat:




I'm gonna die.

"Holy. Fucking. Squirrels." Y'know, I might have to steal that.

On my mind:

Aria <3 (Always)

My Z button is knackered on my keyboard. Without that I can't type cool words like "snuzzle" and "snoozle" and stuff like that. That sucks.

My tendinitis is really sore, but I'm just going through the pain. I don't care any more. I'm not letting it get to me.

Aria <3

I got my hammer! It has interchangeable heads and just does exactly what I want it to do. Now I just need a hammering block and a kiln brick. Until I find a kiln brick, I'll just use a mono block.

I need a guitar cable, like yesterfuckingday. Also need a Jim Root Telecaster.

Fuck this shit.

I love Aria <3
I'm fucking sick of it,
people stealing my shit.
Get a muse of your own
before I decide to cleave you in half
I'm not even kidding, your work is a laugh.

There's no substance to it,
it's totally shit,
yet you don't realise...
You're a fucking twit.

Fuck off.
Quote by paulus
Quote by Circle_Something
Beta carotene. They're full of the stuff.

But, who decided the labels of the colours?

Actually you identified the substance giving the colour, but not the reason for the bright orange color. Carrots can range in color from white to almost black. Yet virtually everyone only knows the orange ones. The reason is Holland. Carrots in the wild are white, early cultivated ones were purple. They were brought to Holland in the 17th century by the VOC. There they were crossed and cultivated until they were orange, the color of the House of Orange, which ruled Holland. The color obviously appealed,because from the 17th century it has spread around the world. Amazing actually.

But who decided the labels? I don't even know which labels you mean. The names of the colorants, of the substances in food, the E-numbers? I think I'll leave that question standing.

Who decided the labels of the colours?


In other words, who decided that orange is orange, red is red etc? It ain't that hard a question to understand, but quite difficult to answer.
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
I want a long winter coat... one that goes down to my ankles...

I have a long, leather coat, but ya ain't getting it, 'cause it's mine and I promised to let Aria borrow it when we meet.
I would, but only if I had to, and it was my very, very last resort. Even at that, I'd probably steal something that I knew the shopkeeper could claim insurance on. Also, I'd steal from a large chain because then they could absorb the loss, even if it meant me going to jail. I'd assume that if I was shoplifting, I'd be in a pretty bad shape financially, probably homeless, in fact, so a little stint in the pokey, would be okay.

Why do we feel the need to be all formal when it comes to job applications?
As I nibble on your ear lobe,
I shall no longer be hungry,
though it is a mere snack,
it is enough to tide me over.
Perhaps I'll have a nice thigh next,
or maybe what lays between them both.
Choices: thigh or that thing that makes you high?
I know what I want...
I'd look inside it, to see if there was any form of ID in it. If there was, I'd take it to the house of the owner and hand it back. I actually did that once, and I used Google to help me track them down. It's scary how much information you can glean from a small amount of information. I was offered a reward, but I told them not to bother. I did it to be kind, not for the money.

If you were in prison, would you ever challenge the Top Dog for supremacy?
As long as I could take Aria, then I'd go with him, no bother.

Would you ever vote for a murderer, who had served their time, if they had policies that you agreed with?
Reasonably well. I sometimes complain, but that's just me bullshitting, really. I've always said that I have a high pain threshold... For a man. That's the kicker right there, 'cause we all know that women have a higher pain threshold than men. My recent trip to the doctor for painkillers was actually quite rare because I really don't like taking anything. I'd far rather have the pain because then I know when to take it easy.

I ramble a lot when answering questions, is it annoying?
You're lacking death, which is good, because that means you're alive smile

What's your favourite gemstone?
If I felt secure enough, and the movie was relaxing/boring enough, I might, especially if we were holding hands or snuggling.

Anyone got a spare couple of grand I can have?
Quote by paulus
Not sure if I agree with it being a cop out. I actually found it somewhat of a challenge.

I did that kind of thing when I was about 8, for kicks, and it was pish-easy then. It's even easier now. As poetry goes, I think it's too constrained, due to actually having to follow one rule, but that's not to say it isn't a valid form, it's just that I'm not fond of it. I suppose the same could be said for haiku, that is it's constrained because of the 575 syllable rule, but I happen to enjoy haiku, so I guess some constraints are enjoyable, but not this particular one.
Well, okay, I'm not a massive fan of acrostic poems. They seem to be a bit of a cop-out, but nevertheless, here's one I wrote for Aria, a while ago:

Teasing and
Ever beautiful and
Naturally charming:

If it was rhinoplasty, then yeah, I would, as long as it was done by a qualified, assured professional, as part of a pro-bono deal they'd struck up with a health board or some such. I'm sick of not being able to breathe properly, and a cosmetic procedure to widen the nasal passages, even though it wouldn't be pleasant, would help with that. Any other surgery, no thanks.

Oh, and, yes, I would pose nude for a magazine. I don't see that there's anything wrong with it, as long as it was tasteful, and not degrading.

Would you ever kiss a shark?
Forever woven in my memory,
will be the day when we meet,
Oh, Kitten, that shall be sweet.
I'll kiss you and hug you,
and you'll make me blush,
I'll spank you
and hug you some more.
I'll probably cry
when we say goodbye,
but know that it ain't forever;
once back home,
I shall not dither,
for the facts I learned,
I shall put to good use,
I'll apply for visas,
apply for jobs,
I'll come back
and be with you,
forever, my love.
Where our hearts may join in love,
there shall be a dove
from above.

Splat it will go,
and we'll say "OH NO!"
Then have it for dinner,
with the great Yul Brynner.
Motorcycle. Ain't been on one in years. Motorbikes are like a blood-borne disease; once you've been on one, you just want to get on another.

Ginger or brunette?