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Over 90 days ago


Fortunately, Brian got his gossip wrong. All the dragons are friends and can't be bothered with petty fighting.
Unfortunately, regardless how many times I change it back, my spell check insists on using American English...
Fortunately, the authorities (in this case, Andy) would like to try them on too
Unfortunately, they found a collection of wigs and red noses in Andys house.
Granted... they got the message but read it wrong. Now they think you wish to be pissed off more than ever.

I wish more people would join the forums and not be put off by those that monopolise them.
Fortunately, I do check the previous post, so hopefully I won't get called a pillock by Andy.
LOL... I'm trying to count how many of her there are, they change too quickly, but I'll talk to them all. smile
No. Not in the light either.

Would you ever eat your daughters chocolate and replace it the next time you're shopping, before she notices?
Quote by paulus

Unfortunately, Lord Voldemort found the unicorn

Fortunately, my dragon will hunt down Lord Voldermort (and Paul for suggesting such a terrible crime) and incinerate his arse for killing another mystical being!
For using big intelligent words when I'm too tired to read them properly