fortunately, the bear scared him and he dropped it on the way out the door
Saving Grace... a brilliant movie
yes, though it's a worry what his mind could come up with...
Instead I'm on the edge of all I thought I would be
This dream is now a comedy I don't wanna see
Some people call it laughter but I call it pain
Baby take me anywhere but not here again
Caro Emerald -Stuck
Unfortunately, some chipmunks found his stash of spares and now have new headgear
Sole with lemon tastes wonderful.
With cookie sheets!
Brothers and sisters I have none but this man's father is my father's son.
Who is the man?
The family of 16 year old Franziska Blöchliger.
Dame Edna's make up artist
I bit my tongue and stopped myself from telling someone what an ignorant peasant she is... she probably wouldn't have understood anyway.