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Why Do You Write?

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Kind-hearted Aussie Angel
I write to release thoughts or deal with feelings I need to get out.
i dont really cal it writing cuz to write there has to b emotion there i just put words together really well
I write primarily to please myself. I enjoy the mental exercise of creating from basically thin air a series of characters and building lives and histories for them then putting them in (often) awkward situations. There is an air of catharsis, too, involved and more than a small amount of rude gesticulation to people who told me as a youngster that I was wasting my time contstantly reading and "scribbling nonsense".

I am shallow enough to enjoy the praise my work gets. Who wouldn't like it? At the same time I enjoy the constructive criticism when it is offered. One of the best pieces of advice I was ever given was to "write what you know about". I believe that's what I do, most of the time (one has to stretch a little into areas that are not familiar and comfortable at times...)

The overriding reason I write is because I enjoy it. It really is that simple.
Active Ink Slinger
I write for the same reason that I cannot stop writing or reading. It is an integral part of who I am, how I see and communicate. It is
a part of my growth and development as a person; so, I will never stop learning it and striving to improve it. I write for myself.
However, it is not purely something I do to "unburden" myself. I truly respect it as an art form. I love the power of words. I also write to be read and
possibly understood, that is why I do share some of it. Writings for myself and that which is to be shared
may or may not be one in the same.
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Active Ink Slinger
why do I write... wow that is a good question. I write because I have all these feelings and emotions going around in my head, my fingers will not be still and I get on the laptop or get a pen in hand and things just happen. words are down and sometimes I don't know what they are until I ready them again.
I write because I want to share my feelings and life with others. to help or to just for them to read. I have learned that the feelings that move me, that goes down on the site here are words of love.i love to read others words or just talk to the friends I have here....

to sum it all up why do I write how could I not is a better question for me it is like breathing it gives me life
Active Ink Slinger
Sanity. My personal sanity.

Writing has saved me from the brink of depression and disaster. It has given me courage and hope. Writing is my lifeline.
Active Ink Slinger
why do I write..... simple I must.
to write lets me be me.. I write because I have all the emotions and feelings locked inside me. it has to escape and does with words. i read others to feel and connect with them. i love to read.
to write is a part of me, that simple i have to do it.
i would love to know others understand what i am trying to tell them but in the end i do it because i just must. if no one reads or not. i just must.... it is me ....
Active Ink Slinger
I started writing for emotional release.... found I could express what I felt more effectively in poetry than in person, face to face, because all my early work was directed at the lady whose love brought me to NY.

Then I found I enjoyed writing for writing's sake, although I am sure that is never true.... but was able to express the passion I feel for fashion through blogging and, subsequently, by contribution to a leading fashion magazine.

So I guess I write to express passion? ... although I sometimes think it is to dispel loneliness.

I never feel alone when I am writing.
Active Ink Slinger
I write because I have to. Whether it is to release emotions, or to record events, or to technically document and instruct, I have to. I am a natural teacher. Teacher's need to write as well as read. I do mostly solid real world related stuff, but I can dabble in fantasy to release my imagination. I also am a natural show off and getting the words out there is the "kick" that drives me on.
May your parchment be smooth, your ink never blot, and your writing never block.
Active Ink Slinger
I write for the enjoyment of it. It is a way for me to let my creative juices flow, to share stories with my internet friends, to get things off my chest. Writing is an outlet for me. I love it.
Primus Omnium
The main reason is my own ego. I like recognition. Of various sorts. I had read thousands of books, magazines, etc. in solid form. I began reading stories on an online a site, came to the conclusion I could do as well, tried it, and I am now a writer. I'll keep writing as long as I have readers. I don't write to store my work away without being seen. To me that would wasting my energy. Just like acting and dancing would be wasted if not performed for appreciate audiences. Even so simple as an audience of one. Creation must be shared.
Active Ink Slinger
I used to write to let all my emotions and thoughts out onto a page, figuring if they were here or on deviantART, they couldn't hurt me too bad.
Then I wrote strictly for awareness reasons on subjects such as eating disorders, depression, ptsd and various other disorders, not to mention diseases like the various cancers that are out there.
Now... I don't write often, but most of my writing pops out as a musing or a rant about something or other, though I am working on the sequel to Tomorrow right now. I have yet to decide whether to share it here. If ever I find it worthy of publishing, it should probably have never been publicly available, correct?
I still write for awareness occasionally and every once in a while I'll need to get out a few anxious thoughts, but most of my writing now is centered on a story I started previously.

💓 Melissa Etheridge - PULSE ( for orlando victims ) 💓 - YouTube

As always, kindness is free, so please consider that when replying to someone rather than the alternatives. You never know what's going on in their life that you may not see. Love, Light & Blessed Be, friends.

Advanced Wordsmith
I have been a reader all of my life. I worked with a playwriter when I was younger, after figuring out that the actors didn’t shape the story arc. I took up writing just recently when I was laid up for an extended period with no human interaction. Being incredibly lonely, this offered me a release of the thoughts / ideas / anxietiesrushing through my painkiller fogged head.

A story unread, may as well not exist.

I write because of the curve. Always trying to bend the curve with words. Without expresssions, there are no emotions and everything else ends. Always open to colaborations and thoughts.

Crazy old ape

I value imagination and writing is preferred way to express what is in my imagination.

Attending a wedding reception as "cover" for a friend opens the door to some revelations and discoveries.

Plus One - "Not What It Looks Like" comp THIRD PLACE!!


I write because it's the best way of expressing myself. I can never verbalize as well as non-verbal, which stinks. One would think they'd match up together, but for me they don't.

Chasing Dragons

I had no idea that I could write until one day, not so many years ago, I began telling a short tale via emails. That person then said that I should be a writer. That got me thinking... of more stories. I joined a now-defunct short story website and found that other people enjoyed my story too. So I wrote another, and another, and then one story became a chapter, and then a novel. That was it, I was hooked. The pleasure for me is, that if just one person enjoys what I write, then it is worthwhile. Of course, I also enjoy how a story unfolds in my mind. I can't explain how these things happen, but generally, they are spontaneous and unfold as I write.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana


I write because of the adventures my mind leads me.


I hated writing until 6th grade. I forgot the reason, but that was when my passion for writing began to blossom. I majored in English; Creative Writing. I wrote a book in college but it needed a lot of reconstruction. My mind is very creative and when inspiration hits I write a poem or story. I write some romance stories but it's usually on the darker side, i.e. involving drugs. My writing is fictional but it portrays the rawness of life.

Active Ink Slinger

I write for the same reason I do any creative activity whether it is drawing, painting, making music, or designing; it makes me feel alive. I think it is just an essential part of my personality to be creating something. Sharing motivates me to write more, I imagine that there are people reading my stuff out there who might be interested in how the story comes out. Otherwise, I would probably just think “Oh, I know how this comes out so why bother to write it down.”

Terrestrial Mermaid from Outer Space

It is a way of expression of things you can't say but want to tell.

Active Ink Slinger

Purely for the enjoyment and the sounds of words.


It's a natural anti-deppressent

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place