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Why Do You Write?

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Sorry if this has been done before!

I was wondering, why do you write?

And as a natural follow-on, why do you share what you write?

I know as the topic-starter, I should kick off, but I am still wondering about it myself. A few months ago, I joined a different story site, thinking to myself, "I can do that!" And I started to post, and nobody was mean - they were encouraging!

I have written various bits and pieces all my life, since I was first able to write, but I never seriously began to think of "Writing" as opposed to just plain ol' writing stuff until I joined here. I have a few friends who are published authors, but I would not share with them the things I have so far produced for these sites. I'm not ready for that yet. And I am still thinking about how I feel about the questions I am now putting to you.

The answers may be simple, or complicated, or you may not even care. But if you feel like sharing, I would like to know:

Why do you write?

Why do you share what you write?

I have always wanted to write but didn't start until last year - on the same site that you didn't name. I found that it got my brain working trying to think of different words for the same meaning. However, I am not a prolific writer these days as I cannot seem to get my imagination going. But as to why I write, I think it is a sense of achievement just seeing words on a page that form a story or poem and knowing that you have conjured it all up from your mind.
I started writing when I was 10 years old as an escape from a miserable childhood.. I share probably less than 5% of my work.. and the little I do share is so I don't seem like a kibitzer when I rate and comment on the other writers here who are far more prolific and better at it than me..
This should answer your question.

How I Write, Part One is my very first blog post on WordPress. That should give you some idea about my writing style. I've yet to post part two to my blog.

I write because it gives me a chance to chill out a little. At work and when I'm studying I'm pretty much stressed all day long and for some reason writing gives me a 'release'. It's something I do for ME, I don't share it with people in my real life (apart from my little sister), it's like a secret and when I have a crap day I can just tap away at the laptop for a good hour or so. If somebody annoys me I'll write a mean story about them, just for me to giggle at. I first shared my stories with my 11 year old sister to make her laugh and then I wanted to know if they were actually any 'good' in the adult world so I put a few online. Getting good feedback makes me happy smile
Quote by Daisy

Why do you write?

I started writing after I joined an erotic story site, and some here know which site...right Larry? But anyway, I joined the site originally just to read the stuff, but it was a site like this where people rate stories and they had a "Hottest Fantasy" list which sort of intrigued me...

After a few days on the site I decided to give a shot at writing something, to see if I could make the was like a challenge, a mountain that needed to be climbed...that was April 21, 2009...and it took me two tries to make the list btw...

Quote by Daisy

Why do you share what you write?

Now you're asking too many questions...I'd say it's the feedback from readers that keeps me writing, it's certainly nice to hear from someone who can relate to what I've written...

I no longer worry about making any "Hottest Story" or "Top Author" lists...I'd like to think I moved beyond that...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

When I was 17 I had a beautiful English teacher. 25 out of Chapel Hill and along with her beauty and energy, she also wanted her students to create. Since then, creation is the key. It unlocks the stifled dreams, inner beauty, and simply, it helps me to get it out.

With political correctness, unsure acquaintances (interpersonal or subjective), and the need to find sure footing, I write because it sets me free.
I only started writing about 10 months ago, with the encouragement and help of a wonderful friend.

I have found a release through writing, that I never knew existed before.

I really enjoy learning or should I say trying to learn all of the dos and don't s.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Quote by CKAcres
I only started writing about 10 months ago, with the encouragement and help of a wonderful friend.

I have found a release through writing, that I never knew existed before.

I really enjoy learning or should I say trying to learn all of the dos and don't s.

Writing is a fantastic release, for sure. I'm half convinced that many writers would be serial killers or another type of sociopath if they didn't have that release!
You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you - Ray Bradbury.

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Hire me as your editor:
Quote by VanessaFinaughty

Writing is a fantastic release, for sure. I'm half convinced that many writers would be serial killers or another type of sociopath if they didn't have that release!

Something tells me they just might be serial killers and sociopaths anyway...btw, someone posed the same question here over in a Facebook writing group...I answered "So we can call ourselves writers and hang out in Facebook writing groups with other people who call themselves writers?"

I thought that made sense to me...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

I write poetry because the verse demands it. I used to ignore it and allow it to fade away but then realised to late that there is so much of myself slipping away with it. Poetry is my way of letting the pain and joy mingle in my life and through it I find balance.
I write because it relaxes me and cheers me up. And what would I do with all the ideas in my mind if I don't write them? lol.

I share them online for the feedback I guess. No one in real life even knows I can write. lol
I took up writing because I had no idea how to spell or use proper grammar.
Made sense to me, look how I turned out
I write to express my thoughts and to speak up my mind because I believe that communication is important most especially through conversing to other people.

There are different types of communication and one of the commonly used writing. Writing is a part of my everyday life. It is not merely for conveying information to my readers but I consider it as my passion.

I may get tired of talking but in writing I am always dynamic.
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I write because i have always wanted to... i used to scribble.....when i was younger but discontinued.
I started again Because of Carl.....even when he did not knew that i used to doodle he felt i could, with that kind of faith i dared not fail!
Also i have realized that writing let me voice all my thoughts on issues that i feel deeply about. I can voice my protest paint a painful portrait of some customs in my society and share my angst against things I feel deeply about.
such a nice topic
for me I came at a late age. never thinking
I was able or had the talent to write till this July
I was blessed to meet a special dear friend on your
other site. we grew as friends and she told
me of this site and said write Carl but write
from your heart and I have thanks to Vani she
is my muse my friend the one I turn too
THANK YOU VANI for believing in me

Please read my latest poem to honour all who have served

Bitch Called Nam

I never thought of myself as a writer till recently. But I started writing as a way to express myself. I still have a lot to learn when it comes to grammar. But I'm up to the challenge.

I share my work to learn from others opinions.
All Alone my latest story.
I don't really know. I do know I'm addicted now. I had never written, except for some letters years ago, before July. I started on the other unnamed site just to see if I could turn some my mental fantasies into stories. I was amazed to being allowed to publish. I certainly enjoy the wonderful comments I receive, but now that I've started I'll never quit.
I personally write because I get the "urge" to do it. I just gotta write when the story starts writing itself in my mind, and if I don't write something to remember it, it will very likely get lost. In fact when I start to write, the ideas flow and I can't stop. I love it.
I write for me, mostly. It's a good way to declutter my nutter, so it helps me cope with life. I don't share everything I write because some of it is just for me. The things I do share, I think other people of a similar bent may enjoy and part of my raison d'être is to bring happiness or entertainment. Complete honesty here: I do get a kick out of people enjoying my writing, but as I chiefly write for myself, I wouldn't say it's the be all and end all, though it is nice to be acknowledged, even of it's something as simple as "I like your writing". I suppose, for me, it's quite a selfish reason, but it does boost my confidence if someone gives me positive feedback. Besides, sharing is a nice thing to do, ain't it?

I think I rambled and repeated myself a bit. Whoopsie!
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
I write to release thoughts or feelings I need to get out.
I write because I have to! I need the outlet that writing provides.
I never shared until my brother told me about some sites where he was trying to prove to me that I was good enough to try and get my works published. I shared because honestly I wanted to just shut him up!
I have written as long as I could write. Poems and stories.
Then as I got older I started to pen stuff for my family and friends.
Now I pen for anyone that I know lol.
Words are my salvation from the misery of life!
I write for a simple reason. I need the recognition of my peers. It pleases me. And I need the rush when someone gives me praise. When I start getting negative remarks I will rethink why I am here!
I do it to Express Myself.
An attempt to do so in a way that is easy to for others to understand.
I want to know that someone else knows.
I want to share the good and the bad.
Most of the time it is totally random.
i'd never actually plan to write anything.
I just want to write and learn.
I want to express my anger, my love, my desires, my hatred, and whatever else i comes to mind.
Ofcourse, knowing 'how to write is important.
There are rules for writing.
Now i find myself more involved in learning new words and doing grammar.
I'm not afraid to try.
I never will be.
Expressions are important, and one should record it as the moment reveals it.

I write because i yearn.
I write because i know not how.
I write because i learn
I write because i Can.
When You Don't Feel Like Smiling, Smile Anyway
I write mainly to prove to my fifth grade teacher that I, the worst speller in the class, the one didn't know how to use grammar, the one girl who had half a spelling list; was gonna be the one to write stories. I share them because, what good is a story if it's not being read.
I agree with reb. A story is no good if nobody reads it. For those who read Life of a Nagha, it was written almost 45 years ago by me as a joke. It was never published or written down until here. I was a technical writer for my career. I wrote and edited articles, books, papers and blogs. When I retired, I stopped writing. Then I was led to this site by a dear friend. The rest is history. I write and I am learning to write better every day. I want to hone my craft to the point I get a book published that may sell. I also want to help younger authors grow and write better by editing their work pointing out their mistakes. This is why I write.
I just keep hopping from place to place.
I never stay too long.
I just keep moving singing a song.
So you better stop me if you want to chat.
Or you will never know where I am at.
Why Do You Write?

I write because I
to be me.
I write because its an expression of myself. I enjoy taking these characters and watching them grow in my mind and and my pages as they experience new things and face new trials to either fail or overcome. I enjoy the unfolding the stories of these characters and painting out the new worlds and scenes they come across.
And I share my writing with other because I want to take others on this journey above and beyond, into fantastic new worlds and introduce them to new people good and bad. I want to give the experience and thrills of facing down monsters with only your sword and your wits. And the fear of certain death as you find yourself in perilous situations all without having to leave the comfort of your room. I want to take you on a voyage where your courage is the wind that blows the sails and push's the ship across the seas of adventure.
I also wish to turn this once shy hobby into a full fledged career biggrin