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What Would Your "Thing" Be?

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Ok here goes...i go dumb and my muse flies out of nearest opening if i have to sit and write on my laptop!!! now hows that for ludicrous?
I just have to have any pen and paper/notebook to write which than i copy on here!
I think we are all missing the main thing we all need. That is to have a clue what to write. Sure we can write about everything and anything but that doesn't make a good story without the plot and characters. So my thing is where the majority of my ideas come from; my strangely bizarre dreams.
It's funny how much I have in common with all the writers who've responded already: laptop, peace & quiet, time, coffee (sans cigarettes for me - just sayin'), but similar to 3rebels4 above, dreams do help. Even better: the shower! I come up with plots, new characters and even dialogue while in the shower, and so my biggest challenge is drying off and then finding the laptop, coffee, etc. before the inspiration leaves me. Sometimes it lingers, and I catch it. Other times, I really wish someone would invent a waterproof tablet for taking notes.
“Play the sunset."
― Mr. Holland (played by Richard Dreyfuss) on "Mr. Holland's Opus"

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Quote by DianaShallard
Other times, I really wish someone would invent a waterproof tablet for taking notes.

I believe there may be quite a few actually...such as this Dry Case brand for tablets...

You have no excuses anymore...

I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

I not a writer... I paint. My "thing" is back ground noise. Be it the radio, TV, or a particular favourite; Audio books. If its music, I like it loud. I can not work with silence, not that that would ever be the case in a house with children, dogs, cats, an incredibly rude Parrot and the multitude of birds who come for breakfast, lunch and dinner at my studio window and protest loudly if the food has run out or its not to their liking. Then there are the monkeys who get their kicks teasing my dogs, doing commando style raids on the kitchen and seeing how many of my roof tiles they can break as they run around sounding more like a herd of elephants than Sykes and Vervet monkeys.
My thing is my Mac. I did not write until I got my Mac and found a site willing to let me write stories there. My computer is a necessity.
I need quiet, expect my music. That's all I need, that's my thing. It doesn't matter when I write, or how I write, or where I write. As long as I have quiet, out side of my music of course. My head is full of endless ideas, so I don't need much to just write.
My thing? That would be my bow ties. I'm in suits and bow ties every day for work. Started at the very beginning of high school, Catholic high school where the guys had to wear ties. From day one I made mine bow ties. Been wearing them exclusively ever since, pretty much every day.
my music and my words i like to see them dance in the air.
I wear florescent orange, pink or yellow shoe laces everywhere.
You can't get there from here, because when you get there you're still here and here is now there.
Coffee shops. My favourite place to write is Starbucks. For some reason I find it easy to write there and inspiration tends to come easily.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

I don't really have a thing but I find I have to be in a certain mood to write anything productive. Its more like 10 certain moods but they have a common thread of, I don't know, maybe a kind of energy flow. Yeah I know, I'm kinda odd. smile