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The Random Poem Thread

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Quote by authorised1960
Quote by GIGGLES
Tickle me here
Tickle me there
Tickle me Tickle me

Hmm, is this a poem or an open invitation...

Say what you mean and mean what you say
That is how I get through my day
Don't take no crap from no genius nor no fool
Treat the one the way you treat them all
With due respect where it is earned
Or with contempt 'til a lesson is learned
Making enemies as easily as making friends
It's an attitude that that never ever ends
To infuriate and to often highly amuse
Which side you are only you can choose
But whichever you are just let me be
I don't do well with conformity!

It was just a poem I like to be silly at times

I'm seeing words that SHOULD NOT BE THERE!!!!!!!!!!!

not cool

name call off of the forum please!
Active Ink Slinger
Oh too smart,
Oh so slick,
Oh so safe,
behind a mouse click,
play the games,
as if one is so cool,
but all can see this,
the tip tap typing fool,
just let it go,
you win nothing here,
this is no threat,
there is nothing to fear,
just walk away,
from what is not yours,
there are plenty more,
some angles, some whores.
Active Ink Slinger
One fish
Two fish
motorboat fish
canoe fish
um... hey........ that's not right.
Active Ink Slinger
Let's let go of nasty words
this is a place of joy
let's not make this a battleground
don't be that little boy
we used to be so nice in here
but bitter's now on show
I hate this nasty atmosphere
if it remains, I'll go
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Active Ink Slinger
Interesting words,
but better if not spoken.
want to belittle but try to sound wise,
it does not work that way, it does not come in that size.
if giving advice,
it is best to not taunt,
it comes of poorly,
no matter the font.
think about it please,
and then think twice,
things can get nasty,
or they CAN stay nice.
I was here before all of you.
The ones that brought the trouble with you.
I once saw this place of peace before yall
It was long gone before you all.
I spent time to know people and earn thier respect.
Now everyone here think it is something to expect.
They think they can say what ever they want.
Even if it comes off as a taunt.
Niw I want my site back so all of you shut up.
I was never mean before...
... but that can always stop.
this is a site for all
it does not belong to one
doesn't matter when you joined
demanding respect does nothing at all.
Active Ink Slinger
This is a poem,
want it to be silly?
It is winter outside,
not hot, but damn chilly.
Giggles and gaggles,
laughter is king,
let's all be silly,
and elect us a king.
Quote by the_enchantress
this is a site for all
it does not belong to one
doesn't matter when you joined
demanding respect does nothing at all.

I said earn, i gave you respect before.
No please stop meddling in affairs before...
You realise you're in way too deep.
And then you realise you cannot sleep.
I never had a problem until now.
And havent you ever wondered how?
Don't turn me into this person.
Because then no one woukd win.
Now before you look at me, look at youself.
We had a talk before and now you back.
Now get your facts straight lady
I wasn't talking directly to you or anybody.
This site is a mess, dont you agree.
I never said it was only for me.
Stop assuming and back off.
Because before all of this I was soft.
True or Fake,
I don't know which is you,
You spit lies and curses,
And praises if you choose.
People can see through you,
In and out.
But you keep playing the game,
Of truth and false.
But the question is, at what cost?
Active Ink Slinger
Green and purple,
yellow and pink,
colors are wonderful,
don't you think?
when I was young I was taught respect,
It was earned and not just taken.
When I was your age
I didn't act like I knew it all,
Being a mouthy brat.
Try reading a book
It might do you wonders.
I know in time
You'll say the wrong thing
To the wrong person one day,
And get put in your place probably not so gently.
You opinion means nothing to me.
I don't need your approval.
I don't care who you know or who your friends are:
I'm talking to you-want me to get closer to you?
Active Ink Slinger
Rolling along,
my words make it drop,
down the page things go,
like a fish it does flop,
hey don't blame me,
the words went together,
which is heavier, a ton of brick or ton of feather?
Sweet divine,
The heavenly air,
Truth be heart,
Loved by all,
Expressing words just for fun,
What is the crime for that being done?
Active Ink Slinger
Ribbons and bows,
flowers and wrappers,
bubbles and colors,
daydreams and nappers,
playtime for babygirl,
coloring books and crayons,
hey does anyone know
if they still make suits of rayon?
Quote by the_enchantress
when I was young I was taught respect,
It was earned and not just taken.
When I was your age
I didn't act like I knew it all,
Being a mouthy brat.
Try reading a book
It might do you wonders.
I know in time
You'll say the wrong thing
To the wrong person one day,
And get put in your place probably not so gently.

Question whatvdid i do to you?
I thought we talked about this already.
I never once did anything to insult you
And yet you say that to me.
Wake up please.
Because I was nice to you.
And then you were mean to me
And now you are again.
I did nothing to you.
You did nothing to me.
So please stop this nonsense,
Before we have a mess again.
I wasnt lookibg for a fight.
I want to end this drama.
But you continue to bite.
And in the end for nothing.
What is your goal?
Mine is to have the kindness i known before.
Never once have I disrespected anyone.
I dont demand respect.
I said i had earned it.
I dont know what your issue is with me.
But I will say again.
Leave me alone.

Please just leave me alone. Just leave me alone.
I said my opinion, and was told it was invalid.
Then i was called a child for defending it.
Like anyone else would have.
What did i do? To deserve that huh? I. Never ever said anything mean to.any of you. I never disrespected you, even when we faught you called me and ant and delusional and i took it all and swallowed my pride and talked with reason and never once said anything mean back ubtil you started talking bad about my freinds. You people keep doing this. Making all this drama that I never wanted to deal with. I am twenty years old. Your fighting someone younger then you. Trying to put me down.

Are you happy now that you did?
Are you happy that I hate coming here now?
I onky do to talk to my friends because i still have friends here.
Are you happy that you emotional ruin someone else.
Because they have been stressed for a long time.
But none of you never knew that because you assumed
And you never got to know me.

So I hope ypu all are happy.
With the dram you brought.
Once upin a time I was happy.
And now I'm not.
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by the_enchantress
when I was young I was taught respect,
It was earned and not just taken.
When I was your age
I didn't act like I knew it all,
Being a mouthy brat.
Try reading a book
It might do you wonders.
I know in time
You'll say the wrong thing
To the wrong person one day,
And get put in your place probably not so gently.

Question whatvdid i do to you?
I thought we talked about this already.
I never once did anything to insult you
And yet you say that to me.
Wake up please.
Because I was nice to you.
And then you were mean to me
And now you are again.
I did nothing to you.
You did nothing to me.
So please stop this nonsense,
Before we have a mess again.
I wasnt lookibg for a fight.
I want to end this drama.
But you continue to bite.
And in the end for nothing.
What is your goal?
Mine is to have the kindness i known before.
Never once have I disrespected anyone.
I dont demand respect.
I said i had earned it.
I dont know what your issue is with me.
But I will say again.
Leave me alone.

Please just leave me alone. Just leave me alone.
I said my opinion, and was told it was invalid.
Then i was called a child for defending it.
Like anyone else would have.
What did i do? To deserve that huh? I. Never ever said anything mean to.any of you. I never disrespected you, even when we faught you called me and ant and delusional and i took it all and swallowed my pride and talked with reason and never once said anything mean back ubtil you started talking bad about my freinds. You people keep doing this. Making all this drama that I never wanted to deal with. I am twenty years old. Your fighting someone younger then you. Trying to put me down.

Are you happy now that you did?
Are you happy that I hate coming here now?
I onky do to talk to my friends because i still have friends here.
Are you happy that you emotional ruin someone else.
Because they have been stressed for a long time.
But none of you never knew that because you assumed
And you never got to know me.

So I hope ypu all are happy.
With the dram you brought.
Once upin a time I was happy.
And now I'm not.

You use them so well.
Active Ink Slinger
listen to me I pray
none of you never go away
be here for me
as you have before
my kid was beat
his ear drum busted
please put this anger aside
and help me keep my babies alive
Hello everyone. This is a poem thread, can we please ensure that we keep it as such and once again, no personal attacks. As well, may I ask that everyone watch what words you use. We try to avoid the bad ones here and I would ask that this is respected.
Quote by Blue
Hello everyone. This is a poem thread, can we please ensure that we keep it as such and once again, no personal attacks. As well, may I ask that everyone watch what words you use. We try to avoid the bad ones here and I would ask that this is respected.

Hear, hear!

Drama queens, opinionated brats, mouthy so-and-so's, stirrers: sounds like a fun place to be, doesn't it?

Here's to you all for bringing such fun
I greet you all, each and every one
You have something to say, say it here,
Bring a smile, bring good cheer,
This is the place where pleasantness resides
And where respect for others nobody hides
Come join in with us and bring your smile
Linger amongst us for a while
And enjoy the air of silliness and frivolity
That enervates our little society
Leave your grumbles and gripes far, far away
They have no place here anytime, anyway
You are welcome here if you've something to share
Go on, give it a go, submit something if you dare!
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by Blue
Hello everyone. This is a poem thread, can we please ensure that we keep it as such and once again, no personal attacks. As well, may I ask that everyone watch what words you use. We try to avoid the bad ones here and I would ask that this is respected.

Hear, hear!

Drama queens, opinionated brats, mouthy so-and-so's, stirrers: sounds like a fun place to be, doesn't it?

Here's to you all for bringing such fun
I greet you all, each and every one
You have something to say, say it here,
Bring a smile, bring good cheer,
This is the place where pleasantness resides
And where respect for others nobody hides
Come join in with us and bring your smile
Linger amongst us for a while
And enjoy the air of silliness and frivolity
That enervates our little society
Leave your grumbles and gripes far, far away
They have no place here anytime, anyway
You are welcome here if you've something to share
Go on, give it a go, submit something if you dare!

I love you too,
Because no matter what you do.
Nothing is scarier then knowing,
You have to wait unknowing,
Of where the danger lays.
And hope you weren't told lies.
To stay confined in a room,
One tends to think and boom!
You'll feel evolved as ever.
Abd though others think their clever.
You know at a moment you must hide,
And everything you are told, you must abide.
Otherwise you put yourself in danger.
And you get in the way of tge rangers
Then you think of all of this,
And you think about what you missed.
And I dont regret doing what I do.
Because it means i am completely true!
And when the scary night is over and you return,
And you see these comments that are to make you churn.
You know what, i don't care, because i can breathe.
And all the burden I used to heave.
I let go and it fades away.
And by my rukes I have never strayed.
Now love you guys and who can tell,
The next time you will see anothers smile.
Quote by Circle_Something
Through the strange and unnerving jungle,
the man stalked.
He stalked and was stalked,
but then it hit him.
Now he's dead.

This is nasty!

What a strange idea of a poem
Forum Facilitator
Quote by apemann1
Quote by Circle_Something
Through the strange and unnerving jungle,
the man stalked.
He stalked and was stalked,
but then it hit him.
Now he's dead.

This is nasty!

What a strange idea of a poem

I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 3, and I'm at the bit where Snake fights The End, this poem was somewhat inspired by that. Though it was supposed to be dryly humorous.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by apemann1
Quote by Circle_Something
Through the strange and unnerving jungle,
the man stalked.
He stalked and was stalked,
but then it hit him.
Now he's dead.

This is nasty!

What a strange idea of a poem

I'm playing Metal Gear Solid 3, and I'm at the bit where Snake fights The End, this poem was somewhat inspired by that. Though it was supposed to be dryly humorous.

I can understand apemann1's reaction, but at the same tme, I do find it dryly funny. Reminds me of this one:

As I was going up the stairs,
I met a man who wasn't there,
He wasn't there again today,
I wish to God he'd go away!

And since we're supposed to give credit where credit is due, I checked it out. The snippet above, incorrect as it turns out, which is all I knew of, is part of a longer poem. It was written by William Mearns, and here is the original poem, entitled Antigonish:

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
I wish, I wish he’d go away

When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn’t see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door

Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
Oh, how I wish he’d go away

- William Mearns
Forum Facilitator
Quote by gypsy

I can understand apemann1's reaction, but at the same tme, I do find it dryly funny. Reminds me of this one:

As I was going up the stairs,
I met a man who wasn't there,
He wasn't there again today,
I wish to God he'd go away!

And since we're supposed to give credit where credit is due, I checked it out. The snippet above, incorrect as it turns out, which is all I knew of, is part of a longer poem. It was written by William Mearns, and here is the original poem, entitled Antigonish:

Yesterday upon the stair
I met a man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
I wish, I wish he’d go away

When I came home last night at three
The man was waiting there for me
But when I looked around the hall
I couldn’t see him there at all!
Go away, go away, don’t you come back any more!
Go away, go away, and please don’t slam the door

Last night I saw upon the stair
A little man who wasn’t there
He wasn’t there again today
Oh, how I wish he’d go away

- William Mearns

I like this poem. It's pretty unnerving and kinda funny, too. I've had similar thoughts about my ghosties, but I love most of 'em.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age