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The Random Poem Thread

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Quote by paulus
Quote by GIGGLES
Buzz Buzzz Buzzz
Goes that silly bumblebee
Buzz Buzz Buzzz
Chasing Chasing after me!

Run Run Run
Back into my cozy house
Run Run Run
Ouch! That bee hid in my blouse

Scream Scream Scream
I need my booboo cream
Scream Scream Scream
I am a little drama queen

Buzz Buzz Buzz
Flew away that bumblebee
Buzz buzz buzz
He doesn't play with crybabies

I might be to old to giggle, but you sure made me laugh, what a wonderfully silly poem.

One is never too old to giggle! Lol I am happy you laughedsmile
Quote by paulus
A tiny ant bit in my arse as I sat on the ground
And asked me: "Will you lift that thing, for if I must go 'round"
"I'll need a lunchbox, big enough, to last a day, or two"
"And I just want to be home soon, so move, and let me through"

A bug upon a green leaf sat

Cautiously eyeing up a cat

Who, unaware of the bug's intentions

Continued with its cruel conventions:

Of catching a mouse then setting it free

Then leaping up it once more with glee

Until the terrified rodent gave up and died

Whereupon the cat just sighed

At which moment the bug took his chance

To lead the cat in a merry dance

With a graceful leap, far and clear,

He jumped straight into the cat's ear

And settled himself into the warmth right there

Amongst the wax and sensitive hair.

Caught on the hop and by complete surprise

You should have that wicked cat's eyes

At the realisation he'd been violated

By one of the smallest creatures ever created.

Not that it mattered, be it big or small,

That cat didn't want it there at all

Deep in the cat's ear the bug was secure

Meaning that the cat would have to endure

The bug living off him as a parasite

The cat thought it just was not right

It was bad enough that ticks and fleas

Thought it was okay to do as they please

And use his flesh as a dining table

But at least with those pests he was able

To be rid of them with human intervention

But the bug in his ear defied all convention

It was something of a new experience

For a bug to take-up residence

With so much ease and with great success

It was causing the feline some distress

No matter how hard he shook his head

The annoying bug seemed to embed

Itself more securely in the desperate cat's ear

The half-crazed cat's cries were so sad to hear.

He whined and cried and pleaded in frustration

At his owner's ignorance of his situation.

The bug, ensconced in warmth and safety

Was as comfortable as a bug could be

Given the cat's efforts to evict him

An outcome that would surely be grim

Should the cat chance upon the defenceless insect

It was a scenario far too gruesome to project

However, the bug knew it was time to move on

But he had a point to make before he was gone

He said aloud in that cat's ear passage

"I am now about to assuage

The suffering you've endured all these hours.

I have demonstrated my limited powers

To show you how easy it is to be taunted

By a creature much less vaunted

In the kingdom of the animal

But you see how easily and quickly you fall

When your powers are effectively negated

By a tiny insect usually relegated

To the rank of parasite or pest

A neccessary annoyance at best

But you'll be having nightmares tonight

Of how easily I undermined your might

And drove you to the brink of insanity

Some might even call it cruelty

To behave towards you in that way

So this is what I have to say:

I saw you tease and terrify that little mouse,

The one you found hiding in your house

You thought that you were lord and master

As that terrified creature tried to run faster

To evade your evil, cruel and nasty ways

Before you brought an end to its happy days

By way of abject fear and complete misery

Well, you now know, thanks to me,

What that mouse suffered at your paws

And your nasty sharpened claws.

I don't have those weapons to call upon

To use to do what I want to get done

But I have my size, which you should fear

As I sit comfortably within your ear

For I'm telling you now, change your behaviour

And during this respite, remember and savour

For if you refuse to change your ways

Next time I visit it'll be for days and days

I know you won't want that, me in your head

You'll wish, I'm sure you, that were deaf or dead

I hope today a lesson had been learned

And a little respect has been earned.

I'm leaving now, but I'll always be near

To whisper reminders in your ear

Of the sincere vow that I have sworn

Change now or regret the day you were born!"

With that the bug left his host, sore ear stinging

And with the bug’s threats and words still ringing

The cat scampered away, somewhat subdued

While the tired bug went in search of food.

Pleased with what he had achieved

And just a little bit relieved

That things had turned out as they had

It could so easily have all turned bad.

There is only one more thing left to say:

Did that cat ever change his way?

(That’s another poem for another day!)

06/01/15 = Slightly edited to correct a couple of grammatical errors and a huge rhyme error!
Everyone grumbled. The sky was grey.
We had nothing to do and nothing to say.
We were nearing the end of a dismal day,
And then there seemed to be nothing beyond,
Daddy fell into the pond!

And everyone's face grew merry and bright,
And Timothy danced for sheer delight.
"Give me the camera, quick, oh quick!
He's crawling out of the duckweed!" Click!

Then the gardener suddenly slapped his knee,
And doubled up, shaking silently,
And the ducks all quacked as if they were daft,
And it sounded as if the old drake laughed.
Oh, there wasn't a thing that didn't respond
Daddy Fell into the pond!

~*~Alfred Noyes~*~
Active Ink Slinger
A wasp once landed on my nose and asked me: "Would it sting,
If would simply settle here and watched you do your thing?"
I told him that would not be safe, because my lovely wife
Would want to kiss me near that spot, endangering his life
He told me that he would not move, because he loved the place
And if that lady came too close, he'd stick it in her face
Now I love every animal, no matter, big or small,
But threatening to hurt my wife, I don't accept at all
I hooked my finger hind my thumb, and shot him off my nose,
His lifeless body flew away and landed on a rose
And so this story ends for him, because he failed to see
That the nose of one about to kiss is not the place to be.
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Forum Facilitator
There once was a pickle who only had a nickel
His best friend was a lime who only had a dime
But the plan they devised was gonna cost a dollar
And this made the both of them holler
"What to do! What to do" We are gonna be eighty-five cents short!"
The pickle sat down and cried while the lime could only snort
Forum Facilitator
Stanzas are important,
so you understand the poem,
like paragraphs in prose.

That was one,
and so is this.

It can be a word
or a whole sentence,
even half
a sentence.

I made stanzas in this,
and it could easily be a mish-mash,
of lotsoflinesjumbledandsqueezedtogether
But stanzas are fun,
so give them a bash!
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Active Ink Slinger
Steam and simmer, boil and bubble
Fill my cauldron up with trouble
Brew me some to make them fart
Or maybe to stop their heart

Tail of lizard, spiderbrain
Seven drops of winter rain
A drink to let them fall in love
or to fall from high above

Black cat's whiskers, wings of bats
Add the hair of two black rats
Cause their minds to overload
Or become a slimy toad

Scale of dragon, leeches gut
Five small scoops of sulfer mud
Make them sick or even worse
strike them with a deadly curse

Hide yourself and shake with fear
Because the wicked witch is here...

If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
A nosegay is just a bunch of flowers
The 'Gift' is a bunch of special powers
A day is just twenty-four hours
Lemons and limes are a pair of sours

A poem is a group of words that rhyme
(At least they do some of the time)
Larceny is just a petty crime
Dirt is just another name for grime

To come out on top is to be the best
To act the fool is to jape and jest
To badger and annoy is to be a pest
Taking a nap is getting much needed rest

Rain and sunshine is just the weather
An ultimatum means it's now or never
Lonely apart means we should be together
Eternity is just another name for forever

To start afresh is to begin again
To sap of energy is to physically drain
To huff and puff is to stress and strain
To be intelligent is to have a brain

To press lips together is to enjoy a kiss
To yearn for someone is to really miss
But trying to find any meaning in all of this
Is to realise I'm just taking the......
Birdie, birdie in the sky
Why'd you drop that in my eye
I won't sigh, I won't cry
I'm only glad that cows don't fly

~Steve Charney
I once sat by a bear
He indeed was bigger
Though he had no hair
I invited him to dinner

He ate all my pies
He broke my dishes
But when I began to cry
He took me out fishin

Now he's my friend
My hairless big bear
He help me get thin
Since my cupboards are bare
Life lives, Life dies
Life laughs, Life cries
Life gives up, Life tries
But life looks different
Through everyone eyes.
Active Ink Slinger
Saddle creaks
as leg swings over.
Foot planted firm
of this iron willed drover.
The ride will be long
and the cattle will move.
Dust in the air
the thunder of hoof.
Crisp is the breath
as morning sun rises.
He hopes and he prays
for no dangerous surprises.
But all will be well
this he knows to be true.
His love will await him
when the task at hand's through.
Quote by Dusty
Saddle creaks
as leg swings over.
Foot planted firm
of this iron willed drover.
The ride will be long
and the cattle will move.
Dust in the air
the thunder of hoof.
Crisp is the breath
as morning sun rises.
He hopes and he prays
for no dangerous surprises.
But all will be well
this he knows to be true.
His love will await him
when the task at hand's through.

Very beautiful Dusty

I feel like a butterfly
With overzealous wings
Flying way up high
To conquer everything
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by GIGGLES
I feel like a butterfly
With overzealous wings
Flying way up high
To conquer everything

I think that there is nothing
that you can't fight and win
because we'll all start smiling
when your weapon's kicking in
resistance will be futile
there will be no defence
for your contagious giggles
will tear down any fence
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Can't stay long
I have to leave
Or else there'll be trouble
Like you would not believe
You see, it's walkies time
For my beloved pet
And if I'm late taking him out
He's liable to get
Stroppy and sulky
Like an awkward teenager
I'm not about to put myself
Into iminent danger
Of sulking and pouting, huffs and puffs
Having to stop what I'm doing
Is already bad enough
Without being made to feel guilty
For not paying him full attention
What that does to my conscience
I just cannot mention
So, I'm off to brave the weather:
Cold wind and cold rain
But, fear ye not
I'll be back again
In an hour or two
To enjoy the good company
Of every one of you!
Enraptured of his tortured verbiage
And swamped under vacuous tautology
He seeks to bedazzle and amaze
With convoluted phraseology
His work is incomprehensible twaddle
Presented as high-brow literature
Written to exhibit his prowess
With grammatical horse manure!
Such is the standard of his offerings
He sets out to build upon and grow it
His unassailable position of
The World’s Most Pretentious Poet.
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
When I think of love
I think of you

Your sexy tush
Inside your jeans
The way I feel
When you sing

My sexy cowboy
You're all mine
It makes me giddy
It makes me rhyme
Atop the branch sat a bird
Making the sweetest sounds I'd ever heard
It's joyful melody filled the air
Spreading happiness everywhere
I felt my heart swell and fill with joy
And felt the tensions that annoy
Ease at the sound of the songbird's tune
On that golden day in June
That tree is bare now, the songbird flown
But my fondness for it has grown
As winter's chill freezes the air
And coats the tree's branches bare
With its bitter icy touch
Oh how I long so much
For the end of cold and rain
And to see the sun again
So that Spring's cycle can start anew
And there, up in the sky so blue
My songbird will alight upon that tree
And sing its song once more, just for me.
Forum Facilitator

Things that go 'bump' in the night
should not really give on a fright.
It's the hole in each ear
that lets in the fear,
that, and the absence of light!

Spike Milligan.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by Circle_Something

Things that go 'bump' in the night
should not really give on a fright.
It's the hole in each ear
that lets in the fear,
that, and the absence of light!

Spike Milligan.

Should this not be in the Limerick thread, seeing as it's a limerick?

Just asking...
Forum Facilitator
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by Circle_Something

Things that go 'bump' in the night
should not really give on a fright.
It's the hole in each ear
that lets in the fear,
that, and the absence of light!

Spike Milligan.

Should this not be in the Limerick thread, seeing as it's a limerick?

Just asking...

No, because I chose to put it here. Got a problem with that? Wanna fight about it?
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by Circle_Something

Things that go 'bump' in the night
should not really give on a fright.
It's the hole in each ear
that lets in the fear,
that, and the absence of light!

Spike Milligan.

Should this not be in the Limerick thread, seeing as it's a limerick?

Just asking...

No, because I chose to put it here. Got a problem with that? Wanna fight about it?


Choose the time, location and choice of weapon...
Forum Facilitator
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by Circle_Something

Things that go 'bump' in the night
should not really give on a fright.
It's the hole in each ear
that lets in the fear,
that, and the absence of light!

Spike Milligan.

Should this not be in the Limerick thread, seeing as it's a limerick?

Just asking...

No, because I chose to put it here. Got a problem with that? Wanna fight about it?


Choose the time, location and choice of weapon...

Fine, I'll call your damned bluff...
In the games forum. With words.
I'll create a thread, and we can duke it out.
Believe me, you won't last one round.
You're going down.
This town ain't big enough for both of us, and I sure as hell ain't going.
I'll run you out of town.
Take your debates, fighting and testosterone elsewhere.
We're all sick of it.
I bluffed, you're not worth the server space.
Go away.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by Circle_Something
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by Circle_Something

Things that go 'bump' in the night
should not really give on a fright.
It's the hole in each ear
that lets in the fear,
that, and the absence of light!

Spike Milligan.

Should this not be in the Limerick thread, seeing as it's a limerick?

Just asking...

No, because I chose to put it here. Got a problem with that? Wanna fight about it?


Choose the time, location and choice of weapon...

Fine, I'll call your damned bluff...
In the games forum. With words.
I'll create a thread, and we can duke it out.
Believe me, you won't last one round.
You're going down.
This town ain't big enough for both of us, and I sure as hell ain't going.
I'll run you out of town.
Take your debates, fighting and testosterone elsewhere.
We're all sick of it.
I bluffed, you're not worth the server space.
Go away.

Them's sounds like fightin' words...

I ain't a-goin' nowhere so if you're wantin' me to leave you is gonna hafta make me go. Are ya up for that, havin' a go? I'm here awaitin' on ya...

Get ya thread a-runnin' an' we'll see who has the balls to see how much this fightin' talk translates inta fightin' action, ya pussy!
Tickle me here
Tickle me there
Tickle me Tickle me
Quote by GIGGLES
Tickle me here
Tickle me there
Tickle me Tickle me

Hmm, is this a poem or an open invitation...

Say what you mean and mean what you say
That is how I get through my day
Don't take no crap from no genius nor no fool
Treat the one the way you treat them all
With due respect where it is earned
Or with contempt 'til a lesson is learned
Making enemies as easily as making friends
It's an attitude that that never ever ends
To infuriate and to often highly amuse
Which side you are only you can choose
But whichever you are just let me be
I don't do well with conformity!
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Dusty my cowboy
I love you