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The Random Poem Thread

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Quote by gypsy
Quote by the_enchantress


Sleep my love,
Close your tired eyes and
Rest your head upon my chest.
Close your eyes as I keep you safe,

From harm, I softly sing into your ear.
You are my heart and my loving angel,
I promise to keep you out of harm's way.
In me you've found a forever home,
You won't ever have to leave.

Sleep my love,
Never leave these arms for too long.
I vow to take care of you so tenderly.
You're the needle in the proverbial haystack and
I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

Dream beautiful dreams as you rest
Your tired body and soul.
Take my energy, anything that you need
All things I give you freely.

Sleep my love,
For in the morning you'll awake and
I'll caress your face and kiss you deeply.
You'll awaken next to me as a new day shall begin.
I'll shower you with love until you sleep again.

Very sweet and loving, Margot. I'm glad you have it submitted to the front of the site as well.

Thank you, gypsy. 🐩🙋🍭🐴. 🐩🙋🐴🍭🐍🐵🐊🐫

Pretend you don't see her
Pretend she's not there
Walk right past her
Because we don't care.

Don’t look, don’t listen
Don’t giggle, don’t speak
Pay no attention
Don’t even peek

Look at her hair!
Look at her face!
Isn't she a mess?
Isn't she a disgrace!

She's got no sense of fashion
No sense of style
Look at her clothes
Aren't they just vile!

She's not one of us
She's different, as can be seen
She makes it so easy
For us to be mean

She's not like us:
Pretty and rich
She's plain and she's geeky
Not a nasty-minded spoilt bitch.

The above poem was prompted by overhearing two 'young ladies' (a loose term!) discussing another girl at school and giggling nastily in that way that kids do. My first thought was almost the last line of the poem (nasty-minded spoilt bitches): the rest came from that.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by authorised1960

Pretend you don't see her
Pretend she's not there
Walk right past her
Because we don't care.

Don’t look, don’t listen
Don’t giggle, don’t speak
Pay no attention
Don’t even peek

Look at her hair!
Look at her face!
Isn't she a mess?
Isn't she a disgrace!

She's got no sense of fashion
No sense of style
Look at her clothes
Aren't they just vile!

She's not one of us
She's different, as can be seen
She makes it so easy
For us to be mean

She's not like us:
Pretty and rich
She's plain and she's geeky
Not a nasty-minded spoilt bitch.

The above poem was prompted by overhearing two 'young ladies' (a loose term!) discussing another girl at school and giggling nastily in that way that kids do. My first thought was almost the last line of the poem (nasty-minded spoilt bitches): the rest came from that.

This deserves front page Andy
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
I feel like a woman on death row. The end of your love is the electric chair.
I don't want to go there, save me from certain death.
I feel the chains on my legs and arms, cold steel,
Unable to break free from you.
I need a pardon, a last save with a hail mary pass.
A miracle that won't happen.
I have more odds of winning the lottery.

I have to accept my fate.

If I "die" in the electric chair,

I'll finally be free of you.

If only I had the courage to let go.

I'm a monster, but no one can see it.
It's in every heart beat and tiny cell, my dark secret.
I'm so ugly inside but no one can tell,
I'm a monster inside, you'd better believe me.

My thoughts are dark and wicked,
My heart is black and twisted.
I look normal and innocent,
But it's just a facade that you see.

My face is beautiful but my intentions
Are to harm you as much as I can.
I don't hide in your closet and come
Out only at nighttime.

I'm a monster through and through,
I'm the nightmare that's in your face.
I have no heart and I have no soul,
And I've come to badly hurt you.

My hands are clawlike, my voice is raspy,
I'm going to follow you home to teach you a lesson.
You should have been nicer while we at the store,
Instead of giving me a look that said it all.

I reach for my knife inside my purse,
Put it to your porcelain throat as
I whisper, "I'm the monster your mother warned you about,"
Watching your eyes get large in horror.

I push you away as I scoff and sneer,
"I only meant to put fear in you, dear."
I can hear your heart pound quite loudly
As you sigh in relief and I let you go.

You run out the door as if for your life,
I laugh loudly, dropping my knife.
You never know who's going to be what
If there may be a monster lurking within.
Active Ink Slinger
The pair of wheels beneath my seat
moving with help from my peddling feet.

The thoughts within my brain
make me wonder if the guilt and pain will ever wane.

The headphones on my head
help my expression not to be easily read
as the rain covers any and all trace
of the salt water running down my face.

💓 Melissa Etheridge - PULSE ( for orlando victims ) 💓 - YouTube

As always, kindness is free, so please consider that when replying to someone rather than the alternatives. You never know what's going on in their life that you may not see. Love, Light & Blessed Be, friends.

Where do we draw the line?
Between friend and foe.
Why must we fight,
Those we never seen before?
It is not better?
To just get along?
To grin and bear it.
Sing the same song.
Can you please smile,
Share a laugh or two.
Better then fighting.
Where millions can see you.
Enough with this show.
A calamity farce.
Nobody cares.
You merely made yourself an arse.

There's a storm brewing in my heart tonight.
You are the vortex that fills every breath that I take.
It is your essence that I love and truly adore, watch out for
There's a storm brewing in my heart tonight.

I'm missing you harder than the concrete
Under my feet and I feel leaden without you.
The storm sends tears down my cheeks like warm rain
As my emotions intensify with each second going by.

I miss your voice whispering in my ear,
My name and that you love me everyday.
The ground shakes as I'm reminded that
You won't ever return to me.

My longing for you never quiets as the wind howls
And deafening silence reverberates my entire core.
This storm for me shall never end, until you come
Back to me forever, never leaving me again.

I thought I had laid you to rest my love,
Buried you six feet under me
It feels like you hadn't left at all, that
Not even a second has passed between us.

I can feel you go through me,
Every cell and through my whole body
Of consciousness, every pore.
You are my ghost of what we had and I thought you left permanently.

You're my ghost and shadow,
Every thought of mine returns to you. You're so
Deeply embedded in my heart and soul as real as
Every limb I own and every breath that I take.

Why do you haunt my mind still,
Why do I eternally long for you?
And what is this tether that never has broken between us?
It feels like an invisible barb from your heart to mine.

This barb pierces me as I miss you.
You've been gone but the memories
Still haunt and torment me, stabbing cuts
Into my heart, making it bleed profusely.

You are my ghost and shadow,
All of my thoughts return to you. You're so
Deeply embedded in my heart and soul,
Like every limb I own and with each breath that I take.

Please cut the barb however you can,
Release me from this heartache.
Take yourself away from me,
Stop haunting me forever and let me be in peace.
The Horizon

I see you wandering just over the horizon,
Your faint, familiar shape walking away from me.
The air is damp and full of moisture,
The dew is heavy on blades of grass.

It clings on, not wanting to let go.
I feel the same way about you, and yet
I cannot run after you and beg you to stay with me.
The pastel colors of the horizon stay etched in my memory.

The peach and pink colors remind me
Of the perpetual warmth of your soul.
Your bright soul and deep love were equal
To the brightness of the sun and it's glory.

You're on the horizon, away from my reach,
You're on the horizon, never to be seen again.
My tears keep flowing and my voice is too hoarse
To call you to come back to me.

I'm on my knees, my soul ripped open now.
My eyes are bleary as you're just a tiny shadow,
Slipping away from me forever on the horizon.
No one can comfort me, I'm on my own now.

I'll be here waiting for you, should you return.
Ready to embrace you, holding you forever.
You're forever ingrained in my soul and heart,
How I wished I had stopped you upon the horizon.
Love is not a silly game,
Love is not a game that I play.
Love is not just a word I use carelessly.
It's not just a word in the dictionary.

Love can make you feel empty or fill your soul completely,
It can bring you to your knees or fly you higher than the clouds.
It can totally break you or fulfill your whole being,
It can last forever or it can be fleeting.

Love can come when you least expect it,
It can come crashing like waves or thunder.
Or as silent as something you can barely hear, the softest whisper.
Love can be cruel or kind and drive you out of your mind.

No matter what loves does or doesn't do for you,
My wish is that your heart may be filled with love.
May you have friends who pick you up when you've fallen
When you can't get up on your own, for love has torn you down.

I hope that love visits you and never leaves, making your
Dreams come true, in any form that you wish it to.
May you know the joy and purity of a deepest love,
May it be kind and never backfire, this is my wish for you.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Circle_Something
A Poem Best Taken With a Bucket of Salt:

Oh, rather woe!
The chairman cancelled the show.
Said it was boring,
and now he's under
my solid oak flooring.

Your rhyme's never boring
but I have the feeling
your massive oak flooring
is merely the ceiling
of your mansion's old cellar
that you've just populated
with a boring old dweller
who'll think he's reinstated
as the chair on the board of
the rats and the mice
who might just think he's decent
wouldn't that be real nice?
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
The Fool
You know the old adage is true, everybody plays the fool?
That is certainly true.
I thought I was the fool, a joker, a harlequin.
Now I see it was you all along.
And right now I'm no longer the fool.

I'm no longer your fool, I can see right through you,
Your motives shine brightly, I'm no longer blind.
You're a narcissist and I was only your target.
A victim to your lies and deceit, I played along
Perfectly to your whims, feeding your fire.

I'm no longer your fool, beautiful.
You took my heart and love, ripped them to shreds,
So carelessly, doing what you do naturally.
Find some other victim to prey on, you will never again
Have anything to do with me.

I've become wise to your ways, your tricks.
I'm no longer innocent to your vicious head games,
Where you steal hearts and souls only to crush them.
You only look for new victims as you change your mask,
Hiding your true identity, meeting new girls, new victims.
Toxic Lips

Watching as one man looked at me.
I could've sworn that I did look appetizing,
With my sweet little dress so tight.
He couldn't tell that he was my next victim tonight.
I waited at the bar for him to approach.
My perfume in the air pulled him close.
It was like putting him under my spell.
It wasn't something that anyone could tell.
He greeted my hello and offered me a drink.
After a couple of shots, his cheeks were pink.
My smile was wicked and my mind went dark.
My lips yearned for a spark.
The victim swayed and touched my cheek.
He asked if I would go to his place for a nice treat.
With a grin of excitement, I agreed.
Once he managed to open his apartment door.
I pushed him and we hit the floor.
He wanted to be on top for a better view.
But my touch on his lips made him stop as if on cue.
He picked his head up so our lips could touch.
In a silent whisper, you sure you're ready for this much?
Without another thought he kissed me deeply soon regretting what he done.
I suddenly took what life he had.
His head fell down lifeless on the ground.
I just chuckled at the sound.
You see my toxic lips like sucking men's souls.
And as a devil I knew best.
I like giving cheating men a test.
Of course, no one won.
Because I picked the unworthy ones.
Forum Facilitator
The Child Who Was Wild by Michael Rosen

Once there was a woman, a young, young woman
She ran from the city, the old, old city
She ran to the woods, the deep dark woods

She wasn’t seen for days. Days, weeks and months.
She came out of the woods, the deep dark woods
She came with a child, a child who was wild.

She brought the child to the city, the old, old city
He grew and he grew and he grew and he grew
Out of his hands grew shoots: green shoots and leaves
Out of his shoulders grew the lily and the rose
His hair was the blossom that blows in the wind,
He stood in the city, the old, old city
with the leaves and the flowers and the blossom
falling, falling, falling on grey, grey gravel.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Wedding Hells

I should have walked away... on our wedding day
Instead of going on parade: our foolish wedding charade
How everyone looked happy, little knowing how crappy
That day was for me, but no-one could see
That when we walked hand in hand to the sound of that band
Down the aisle of the church my heart gave a lurch
As, my poor dear, I was overcome with real fear,
With our futures at stake we were making a mistake
Making promises so cheap that we knew we wouldn't keep
Once our families had gone home and we were left on our own
Wondering what the hell we had done; what the hell we'd begun
Because like two fish out of water, like lambs to the slaughter
The impending birth of our child, let our fantasies run wild
We fooled ourselves into believing that the accidental conceiving
Was a blessing in disguise, be it was all delusional lies.
We'd never work as pair; as a team, no matter how hard we dream
It is impossible; we are so wildly incompatible
There is little that we do, that pleases both me and you
Other than what goes on in bed, but that's all-but dead
Since baby-in-waiting put a stop to wild fornicating
So we sit and watch telly, or watch your fat belly
As Baby Girl or Baby Boy: our so-called 'bundle of joy'
Gives you indigestion and flatulence, it's quite an experience,
Spending the evening at home hearing you farting and moan
Is this what 'I do' meant when I said it to you?
No, not for me is this life, my mistake of a wife
I'm sorry I said yes and allowed all this mess
To become such a nightmare I wish I was elsewhere
On my own like before, so I'm walking out of that door
And leaving you behind and if that feels cruel and unkind
Think ahead if you can and try to imagine a man
Who would rather be dead than to ever again share his bed
With a woman he detests and in whom he invests
Not a shred of emotion let alone marital devotion
Answer now honestly, is this who you want me to be?
And what about you, isn't there something better you want, too?
Let's stop kidding ourselves it'll get better and just unfetter
One another from these chains and emotional pains
Let's agree that we tried and that we can no longer hide
From what was obvious at the start: that our marriage had no heart
And seek a divorce which will, of course
Upset nobody, not even us, so there will be little fuss
From your family or from mine, which suits me just fine
And in a few months or a year, trust me my dear
We'll look back on this day and we'll probably say
"It was the best thing to do, for me and for you
Because I have a new life, a new husband-stroke-wife.
You are history now to me, which is the way it should be,
So, good luck and goodbye and for God's sake don't you cry
Because you know that's the only way you're going to get me to stay...
I realized I was in love.
I was too late to realize I fell.
With agony I forced myself to stop,
And you'll understand why.

I fell in love with a name.
A cute little picture on the screen.
Words typed into a computer,
Hundreds of miles away.

I never seen their face.
Never heard their voice.
Never had any other interaction,
Other then this device in my hand.

Somehow I felt something,
For someone.
Who pobably doesn't feel anything
For me.

I don't plan on finding out,
These things I wanted to know before.
Because I dont find it worth it.
Not anymore.
I just want to disappear,
Who cares I'm just another girl.
There are millions just like me.
Just look around and see.

I'm not the first choice.
And while others rejoice.
I sit alone once again,
Stuck in my world of pretend,

My mind screams these thoughs.
Demons with everything I fought.
But I'm losing and is okay.
You wouldn't miss me anyway,
I am more than just words on the screen.
I am more than your eyes can see and that your heart can feel,
I am not invisible.

I can touch your heart like an arrow hitting a bullseye with one try.

I am a woman who no longer cries for those who leave me without a goodbye.
I am worth more than my weight in gold.
I am a book of pages read by those closest to me and those who have not ever.

I am the whisper of the wind in the trees,
I am the flutter of butterfly wings on a flower.
I am more than flesh and bone.

I am the most special secret that you've never known.
I Have a Serious Case Of…

Repetitiveness (repetitiveness).

… or just plain “cannot be arsed”!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by authorised1960
I Have a Serious Case Of…

Repetitiveness (repetitiveness).

… or just plain “cannot be arsed”!

Lmao, Love it
Her courage was her crown and she wore it like a queen -Atticus
Quote by Black_Dragon
Quote by authorised1960
I Have a Serious Case Of…

Repetitiveness (repetitiveness).

… or just plain “cannot be arsed”!

Lmao, Love it

Thank you.

That was my sole intention
Active Ink Slinger
Roses are red
Rob is so sweet
He gives great hugs
But don't smell his feet
Don't tell me.

Don't tell me to calm down when I am angry.
Try to listen and understand why I am instead.
Don't tell me to get over it when I panick uncontrollably.
Try to sit next to me and soothing out my fear.
Don't tell me to be quiet when I am voicing my opinion.
That is rude beyond believe and making my voice invalid.
Don't tell me to turn a blind eye on a problem.
That is only making it easier to continue with no consequence.
Don't tell me that the victim had killed themselves,
That they deserved it for being so weak.
Don't tell me that you wish to had done something after the fact.
That you blatantly ignored when it happened in front of your face.
Don't tell me that they never asked for you help.
Don't tell me that they could have gone to you for help.
Don't tell me that I never did and that I can.
Because they did.
Because I did.
And yet nothing was done to change the problem.
Only to hush us up.
Don't tell me bullying doesn't exist
Because it does.
You just blinded yourself to it instead.
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Don't tell me.

Goodness, Rebs. There is a lot of hurt and anger in this work.

I hope that you and the other person have worked out your differences...

Bless you X
Forum Facilitator
If I had a hammer, I'd bash your skull with it.
If I had a spoon, I'd scoop your brain out.
I have a trowel, so that might do,
though knowing you, your head will be filled with poo.

Being a modern zombie,
is harder than you think.
You can't just sink
your teeth into anyone.

How I long to tear at flesh,
to feel it rip,
to have the blood pour into my mouth,
but people want manners.

I'm a zombie, trapped in a human shell.
If I wasn't immortal, I'd beg to be killed.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by Circle_Something
If I had a hammer, I'd bash your skull with it.
If I had a spoon, I'd scoop your brain out.
I have a trowel, so that might do,
though knowing you, your head will be filled with poo.

Being a modern zombie,
is harder than you think.
You can't just sink
your teeth into anyone.

How I long to tear at flesh,
to feel it rip,
to have the blood pour into my mouth,
but people want manners.

I'm a zombie, trapped in a human shell.
If I wasn't immortal, I'd beg to be killed.

I love that. Great job.

A clump of strings in each had,
Threading through the satin fabric.
You brace yourself and tell me to pull.
I yank as more string comes into my hand.
Your frame grows smaller.
Now you have a nice hourglass shape.
Tighter you shout and I yank more.
You're bust looks enlarged.
You speak with airy gasps.
Tighter still you try to shout.
Sweat forms on my brow.
With one last yank, you combust.
The strings snapped in my hands and unraveled.