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The Random Poem Thread

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Quote by Dreamcatcher
Andy.. do you have an off-switch? You go into every thread and find a way to antagonize someone. It is really getting tiresome. You are the epitome of a troll and while you may have friends here, your options for making more are dwindling. As a long time member of SS, I am requesting that you tone down your rhetoric, focus on the topic of the thread, generally keep your comments to yourself unless invited, and lastly, be respectful to other members here. We have earned it.

Thank you for your cooperation.

thank you, Larry.
This one's for Andrew - well, not just for him, but he channels Spike Milligan on a regular basis.

On the Ning Nang Nong

by Spike Milligan

On the Ning Nang Nong
Where the Cows go Bong!
and the monkeys all say BOO!
There's a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping!
And the tea pots jibber jabber joo.
On the Nong Ning Nang
All the mice go Clang
And you just can't catch 'em when they do!
So its Ning Nang Nong
Cows go Bong!
Nong Nang Ning
Trees go ping
Nong Ning Nang
The mice go Clang
What a noisy place to belong
is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!!
Forum Facilitator
Quote by gypsy
This one's for Andrew - well, not just for him, but he channels Spike Milligan on a regular basis.

On the Ning Nang Nong

by Spike Milligan

On the Ning Nang Nong
Where the Cows go Bong!
and the monkeys all say BOO!
There's a Nong Nang Ning
Where the trees go Ping!
And the tea pots jibber jabber joo.
On the Nong Ning Nang
All the mice go Clang
And you just can't catch 'em when they do!
So its Ning Nang Nong
Cows go Bong!
Nong Nang Ning
Trees go ping
Nong Ning Nang
The mice go Clang
What a noisy place to belong
is the Ning Nang Ning Nang Nong!!

Huge smile came on my face as soon as I saw this. This is one of my favourites!

And here's another silly, though quite profound, one from Spike Milligan:


There are holes in the sky
where the rain gets in,
but they're every so small
that's why rain in thin.
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Quote by authorised1960

yours was mean and childish.
Big chip on your shoulder.
big bloody whoop
who cares who I love???
don't like it? don't read it.
I never asked for YOUR opinion.
not responsible for how YOU feel about what I write

Do you SERIOUSLY believe that that poem is about YOU??? My God, your conceit is boundless!

If I have anything to say about your work - or anybody else's for that matter - I make my comments on the work or in a private message. I DO NOT take to the public forums to air my grievances, unlike some...

MY poem was a gentle dig at the plethora of love poems that have appeared on the site recently, which even I have been guilty of adding to you may recall. How dare you have the nerve to ASSUME that I was having a personal dig at you just because my post followed yours?

If you re-read the poem you will see it is a generalised poke at all the poems, NOT at you, not at anybody in particular, unlike your responses to me. You've over-reacted, not for the first time.

Quote by authorised1960
Not Another Love Poem

We all know love is wonderful
We all know love is great
Everybody wants to tell the world
Everyone wants to celebrate
But there is always a balance to be struck
Between sharing and shoving it in one’s face
For everything there is a time
For everything there is a place
Being drip-fed loved-up saccharine
Day after tedious day
Is enough to make the stomach roil
Just how many ways can you say
I love/adore/worship her
(Or love/adore/worship him)
Dozens of the same declarations of love
Leave one’s mood rather grim
Congratulations all of you in love
You joy is clearly unbounded
But why you keep preaching to the converted
Leaves me quite dumbfounded
The message has been heard loud and clear
Over and over again
Any more of this loved-up sickliness
Is going to drive me completely insane!
Come now, show some mercy
And a little emotional restraint
I enjoy a good love poem normally
But a love poem this one ain’t!

I agree with you, Andy. All the love poems are getting boring. Those good ones with mystery and hurt are what I like to read.
Quote by One_word
Quote by authorised1960
Not Another Love Poem

We all know love is wonderful
We all know love is great
Everybody wants to tell the world
Everyone wants to celebrate
But there is always a balance to be struck
Between sharing and shoving it in one’s face
For everything there is a time
For everything there is a place
Being drip-fed loved-up saccharine
Day after tedious day
Is enough to make the stomach roil
Just how many ways can you say
I love/adore/worship her
(Or love/adore/worship him)
Dozens of the same declarations of love
Leave one’s mood rather grim
Congratulations all of you in love
You joy is clearly unbounded
But why you keep preaching to the converted
Leaves me quite dumbfounded
The message has been heard loud and clear
Over and over again
Any more of this loved-up sickliness
Is going to drive me completely insane!
Come now, show some mercy
And a little emotional restraint
I enjoy a good love poem normally
But a love poem this one ain’t!

I agree with you, Andy. All the love poems are getting boring. Those good ones with mystery and hurt are what I like to read.

Rest in Peace
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Andy.. do you have an off-switch? You go into every thread and find a way to antagonize someone. It is really getting tiresome. You are the epitome of a troll and while you may have friends here, your options for making more are dwindling. As a long time member of SS, I am requesting that you tone down your rhetoric, focus on the topic of the thread, generally keep your comments to yourself unless invited, and lastly, be respectful to other members here. We have earned it.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Very well put there Larry...somebody should really speak to a moderator about this...oh wait, never mind...

Quote by the_enchantress

The number of people who like you are dwindling.

I believe you have some serious grammar and word usage mistakes here in this sentence order for something to dwindle, there has to be a positive value in the first place, and by all accounts, that has never been the case...around here at least...

Please look up the word "dwindle" and try not to make that mistake again...thank you for your cooperation...
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by One_word
Quote by authorised1960
Not Another Love Poem

We all know love is wonderful
We all know love is great
Everybody wants to tell the world
Everyone wants to celebrate
But there is always a balance to be struck
Between sharing and shoving it in one’s face
For everything there is a time
For everything there is a place
Being drip-fed loved-up saccharine
Day after tedious day
Is enough to make the stomach roil
Just how many ways can you say
I love/adore/worship her
(Or love/adore/worship him)
Dozens of the same declarations of love
Leave one’s mood rather grim
Congratulations all of you in love
You joy is clearly unbounded
But why you keep preaching to the converted
Leaves me quite dumbfounded
The message has been heard loud and clear
Over and over again
Any more of this loved-up sickliness
Is going to drive me completely insane!
Come now, show some mercy
And a little emotional restraint
I enjoy a good love poem normally
But a love poem this one ain’t!

I agree with you, Andy. All the love poems are getting boring. Those good ones with mystery and hurt are what I like to read.

I don't know what's wrong with you but please leave me alone you are causing unwanted drama with me. This is a fact not an opinion. If you harass me again, I will report you because this is no way to handle things. And you are an adult. This is my only warning to you.
I have strength enough to admit I am wrong.
And the temptation of today was enough.
To put me over my limit of turning a blind eye.
And saying what i had, wasnt my place.

But isn't it ironic...
That the roles were reversed.
Not even a month ago.
I never got your support.

Instead I got attacked,
For no reason at all.
I am sorry because.
I thought you would expect that.

I am not a nice person,
Who bends to your wishes.
No I do revenge.
And that makes me bad.

If I can spill my heart.
If my opinion gets tossed aside.
Dont expect me to care.
When your there.

No expect me at the side,
With camera in hand.
Popcorn at my side.
And speaking my mind.
Forum Facilitator
Everybody luvs Alan.. he's a peach..
Twindle, dwindle,
Kindle, dwindle.
The stars kept tumbling down.
There came a day,
They ran away.
The sun and moon now frown.
Forum Facilitator
The sun and the moon are round..
A smile is a frown upside down..
Just turn them til they smile at you..
The love in your heart will always be true..
Quote by One_word
Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by One_word
Quote by authorised1960
Not Another Love Poem

We all know love is wonderful
We all know love is great
Everybody wants to tell the world
Everyone wants to celebrate
But there is always a balance to be struck
Between sharing and shoving it in one’s face
For everything there is a time
For everything there is a place
Being drip-fed loved-up saccharine
Day after tedious day
Is enough to make the stomach roil
Just how many ways can you say
I love/adore/worship her
(Or love/adore/worship him)
Dozens of the same declarations of love
Leave one’s mood rather grim
Congratulations all of you in love
You joy is clearly unbounded
But why you keep preaching to the converted
Leaves me quite dumbfounded
The message has been heard loud and clear
Over and over again
Any more of this loved-up sickliness
Is going to drive me completely insane!
Come now, show some mercy
And a little emotional restraint
I enjoy a good love poem normally
But a love poem this one ain’t!

I agree with you, Andy. All the love poems are getting boring. Those good ones with mystery and hurt are what I like to read.

I don't know what's wrong with you but please leave me alone you are causing unwanted drama with me. This is a fact not an opinion. If you harass me again, I will report you because this is no way to handle things. And you are an adult. This is my only warning to you.

I'm not harassing you. Report me.

Don't think I won't respond, think again.
Quote by One_word
Quote by the_enchantress
Quote by One_word
Quote by authorised1960
Not Another Love Poem

We all know love is wonderful
We all know love is great
Everybody wants to tell the world
Everyone wants to celebrate
But there is always a balance to be struck
Between sharing and shoving it in one’s face
For everything there is a time
For everything there is a place
Being drip-fed loved-up saccharine
Day after tedious day
Is enough to make the stomach roil
Just how many ways can you say
I love/adore/worship her
(Or love/adore/worship him)
Dozens of the same declarations of love
Leave one’s mood rather grim
Congratulations all of you in love
You joy is clearly unbounded
But why you keep preaching to the converted
Leaves me quite dumbfounded
The message has been heard loud and clear
Over and over again
Any more of this loved-up sickliness
Is going to drive me completely insane!
Come now, show some mercy
And a little emotional restraint
I enjoy a good love poem normally
But a love poem this one ain’t!

I agree with you, Andy. All the love poems are getting boring. Those good ones with mystery and hurt are what I like to read.

I don't know what's wrong with you but please leave me alone you are causing unwanted drama with me. This is a fact not an opinion. If you harass me again, I will report you because this is no way to handle things. And you are an adult. This is my only warning to you.

I'm not harassing you. Report me.

Don't think I won't respond, think again.

I blocked you. I've never harassed you.

I don't think you're an adult and neither are your friends.

Kiss my.

Let it go, let it go,
We don't care anymore.
Let it go, let it go!
It's over now!
I don't want to here this anymore!
There's no need to fight!
Get over this anyways
I can't believe I am here posting this message again, but here I am.

Please keep these forums civil or I will close it down! Act like adults and NO PERSONAL ATTACKS. If you have issues with each other, please take it private and keep it off the forums. Let's try to have some fun and not piss each other off. Thank you!
Rest in Peace
Quote by Blue
I can't believe I am here posting this message again, but here I am.

You're doing a fine job there Miss Blue...and I second everything you said there, and then some...

You would think on an adult writing site,
That people would get along and not fight,
But there's one thing for sure,
And that's they act immature,
And their behavior is far from polite.
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Active Ink Slinger
Quote by DirtyMartini
in order for something to dwindle, there has to be a positive value in the first place, and by all accounts, that has never been the case...around here at least...
I resent that remark, and for once I take that personal. I guess you are refering to this thread in particular. You basically say, that in all the time this thread exists, 9 pages by now, nobody posted anything of positive value here. You say, all the random poetry posted here by various authors is actually worthless crap, that adds nothing to the site. With that, you degrade everything in this thread and anyone who contributed to it.

On second thought, I may have misunderstood you, maybe you referred to the number of friends Andy has. Some math then, 1 is a positive number, always was, always will be. And anyone is better off with one true friend, than with a dozen that will drop you when you step out of line. I too had my fights with Andy, but I never saw any poem nor any opinion as a reason to attack someone like Andy was attacked here. People that expect attacks will always find something they can interpret as such and see that as justification to launch their own attack. The mere fact that someone attacked him and he responded to that seems to justify attacks on him by others and to top it all, a ban from the site. Andy isn't always the easiest person, but some people seem to be on the lookout for a chance to get to him. Apparently, they succeeded. Maybe you should go back in this thread and really read what was written and by who. Maybe you'll discover who was the first to launch a personal attack. It wasn't Andy, I can tell you that.
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Forum Facilitator
Quote by paulus
Quote by DirtyMartini
in order for something to dwindle, there has to be a positive value in the first place, and by all accounts, that has never been the case...around here at least...
I resent that remark, and for once I take that personal. I guess you are refering to this thread in particular. You basically say, that in all the time this thread exists, 9 pages by now, nobody posted anything of positive value here. You say, all the random poetry posted here by various authors is actually worthless crap, that adds nothing to the site. With that, you degrade everything in this thread and anyone who contributed to it.

Re-read his post again Paul in its entirety.. I believe you have misinterpretted it..
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Dreamcatcher
Quote by paulus
Quote by DirtyMartini
in order for something to dwindle, there has to be a positive value in the first place, and by all accounts, that has never been the case...around here at least...
I resent that remark, and for once I take that personal. I guess you are refering to this thread in particular. You basically say, that in all the time this thread exists, 9 pages by now, nobody posted anything of positive value here. You say, all the random poetry posted here by various authors is actually worthless crap, that adds nothing to the site. With that, you degrade everything in this thread and anyone who contributed to it.

Re-read his post again Paul in its entirety.. I believe you have misinterpretted it..
I first saw it as a qoute in a post by AvrgBlkGrl, out of context. I already edited my post
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
Valentine's Day is coming
So what do we do?

Buy candy?
Buy flowers?
Dress up dandy?
Smile more & not act sour?

I will do something
That's what momma's do
They try inspiring
For a love that's true

A mothers love is undying
It's a true gift
We help dreams keep flying
We give it an extra lift

This poem is random indeed
But it's special to me 🎀
Forum Facilitator
Macavity: The Mystery Cat
by T S Eliot

Macavity's a Mystery Cat: he's called the Hidden Paw—
For he's the master criminal who can defy the Law.
He's the bafflement of Scotland Yard, the Flying Squad's despair:
For when they reach the scene of crime—Macavity's not there!

Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
He's broken every human law, he breaks the law of gravity.
His powers of levitation would make a fakir stare,
And when you reach the scene of crime—Macavity's not there!
You may seek him in the basement, you may look up in the air—
But I tell you once and once again, Macavity's not there!

Macavity's a ginger cat, he's very tall and thin;
You would know him if you saw him, for his eyes are sunken in.
His brow is deeply lined with thought, his head is highly domed;
His coat is dusty from neglect, his whiskers are uncombed.
He sways his head from side to side, with movements like a snake;
And when you think he's half asleep, he's always wide awake.

Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
For he's a fiend in feline shape, a monster of depravity.
You may meet him in a by-street, you may see him in the square—
But when a crime's discovered, then Macavity's not there!

He's outwardly respectable. (They say he cheats at cards.)
And his footprints are not found in any file of Scotland Yard's
And when the larder's looted, or the jewel-case is rifled,
Or when the milk is missing, or another Peke's been stifled,
Or the greenhouse glass is broken, and the trellis past repair
Ay, there's the wonder of the thing! Macavity's not there!

And when the Foreign Office find a Treaty's gone astray,
Or the Admiralty lose some plans and drawings by the way,
There may be a scrap of paper in the hall or on the stair—
But it's useless to investigate—Macavity's not there!
And when the loss has been disclosed, the Secret Service say:
It must have been Macavity!'—but he's a mile away.
You'll be sure to find him resting, or a-licking of his thumb;
Or engaged in doing complicated long division sums.

Macavity, Macavity, there's no one like Macavity,
There never was a Cat of such deceitfulness and suavity.
He always has an alibi, and one or two to spare:
At whatever time the deed took place—MACAVITY WASN'T THERE !
And they say that all the Cats whose wicked deeds are widely known
(I might mention Mungojerrie, I might mention Griddlebone)
Are nothing more than agents for the Cat who all the time
Just controls their operations: the Napoleon of Crime!
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
Sometimes things are difficult
They're hard to understand
But if we could just reach out
And hold on to God's hand

Then maybe with each passing day
Our strength will begin to grow
And in those silent moments
We feel God's love glow

So try to be calm and patient
Letting go of our own plans
Giving God the complete control
While holding tightly to His hand

We have to say goodbye to those we've lost
While holding closely to those still here
And remembering God loves us
Though His plans may bring tears

🎀Written for my sister and brother-in-law after losing his brother🎀
There are those who will befriend you;
Lend support when times are tough
Then there are those who will rail against you
And stab you in the back quickly enough
When there is just the slightest hint
Of spurious offence to be seen to be taken
You can rest assured that offence will be grabbed,
However miguided or mistaken.
What ensues is the sort of melee
Usually seen in a kindergarten
This behaviour by supposed adults
Is guaranteed to utterly dishearten.
And the reason for all this unseemliness?
Why, the opportunity to puff and blow
And to spout miguided gibberish
About things they do not know.
Not bothering with facts or truth, of course
Because there's a scent of blood in the air!
Let's rip into the outrageous interloper
Who cares whether it's right or fair?
To gang up like a bunch of bullies
Childishly egging one another on
Into making ever nastier comments
Hoping you can make me gone.
My god, what an uncouth reaction
To one who speaks his mind
Who tells things how he really feels
How can you be so cruel and unkind?
Insult and berate me as much as you like,
Because the one thing you cannot see
Is how much I sit and laugh at you:
It's better than watching TV!
Understand this, I'm not going to change my ways
Just to fit in with how YOU think I ought to be
That just is not ever going to happen
I will always remain true to me
Which leaves you with a choice, my friends
Continue or back off and allow my me rightful place
As a welcome member and contributor to
This community we call Stories Space.
Quote by authorised1960
There are those who will befriend you;
Lend support when times are tough
Then there are those who will rail against you
And stab you in the back quickly enough
When there is just the slightest hint
Of spurious offence to be seen to be taken
You can rest assured that offence will be grabbed,
However miguided or mistaken.
What ensues is the sort of melee
Usually seen in a kindergarten
This behaviour by supposed adults
Is guaranteed to utterly dishearten.
And the reason for all this unseemliness?
Why, the opportunity to puff and blow
And to spout miguided gibberish
About things they do not know.
Not bothering with facts or truth, of course
Because there's a scent of blood in the air!
Let's rip into the outrageous interloper
Who cares whether it's right or fair?
To gang up like a bunch of bullies
Childishly egging one another on
Into making ever nastier comments
Hoping you can make me gone.
My god, what an uncouth reaction
To one who speaks his mind
Who tells things how he really feels
How can you be so cruel and unkind?
Insult and berate me as much as you like,
Because the one thing you cannot see
Is how much I sit and laugh at you:
It's better than watching TV!
Understand this, I'm not going to change my ways
Just to fit in with how YOU think I ought to be
That just is not ever going to happen
I will always remain true to me
Which leaves you with a choice, my friends
Continue or back off and allow my me rightful place
As a welcome member and contributor to
This community we call Stories Space.


It is abundantly clear that you consider your rude, undiplomatic ways to be justified.


Remain true to you.


"my friends"?

What friends?

Continue or back off and allow you a rightful place here at Stories Space?

Get a grip, you have yet to show respect for the rest of us.

We have been here and done quite well for quite some time, without you.

Why the hell do you assume that you can blow into this place and impose your abrasive, aggressive, obnoxious, presence, and then blame the rest of us for being the problem?

Take a look in the mirror. You are the problem.

Not the members at Stories Space.

Many of us speak our minds, but diplomatically.

When we do, as I have done on countless occasions with you, you bluster and blow according to your own, skewed sense of how things are going to be run.

How much you laugh at "us"?

Who the heck cares?

You watch TV?

Who the heck cares?

It is clear you are not going to change your ways, and they are rude, insulting, self indulgent, and anti-social.

However, who are you, to demand that we, a long standing community who has evolved, welcomed many, and gotten along JUST FINE, bend to your ridiculous sense of aggravated importance to impose your obnoxious presence here?

We also remain true to ourselves. Except we work out our differences and get along.

So deal with it.

Learn how to be diplomatic.

Stop being abrasive.

The world and Stories Space does not revolve around you, or owe you a single damn thing.

You come here and insult and cause trouble.

You bluster and blow and puff and exclaim that you speak the truth.

Others amongst us speak our truths, you are rude, demeaning, and dismissive.

Oh great one!

Thank you so much for coming amongst us!

How did we manage without your greatness and wisdom?

Yeah, NOT!

You laugh at us?

Why do you think any of us give a tinker's dam what you do?


You are not a great thinker who is being oppressed for his thoughts, ideas or wisdom. Far from it. None of us are. So get over yourself, fast.

Have a nice day, dear.

Oh, and Blue?

Some people clearly cannot read.

Quote by Blue
I can't believe I am here posting this message again, but here I am.

Please keep these forums civil or I will close it down! Act like adults and NO PERSONAL ATTACKS. If you have issues with each other, please take it private and keep it off the forums. Let's try to have some fun and not piss each other off. Thank you!

To you, I apologise, but seriously?

How long do we have to put up with this vicious, insulting, toxic NONSENSE?!
Forum Facilitator
Nicely said Gypsy, but I'm afraid your comments are substantially above his paygrade. Not one caution heeded. Not one lesson learned. You might as well be talking to a fencepost. There hasn't been the smallest effort by him to be sensitive to his peers. Unfortunately he is just a thorn without any hope of a rose.