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The Random Poem Thread

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Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
From underneath

I'm under the bed.
An old shirt in hand.
The scent welcoming and strong.

I close my eyes.
Block out the lies.
Pretending nothing is wrong.

The shirt dries my tears,
That nobody hears.
Wishing once again I was home.

Holding you near,
Calming my fear.
Even though I am actually alone.

You're doing it again, writing beautiful poetry that should be on the main page, and putting it in a forum instead. Rebs, share it.
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Quote by paulus
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
From underneath

I'm under the bed.
An old shirt in hand.
The scent welcoming and strong.

I close my eyes.
Block out the lies.
Pretending nothing is wrong.

The shirt dries my tears,
That nobody hears.
Wishing once again I was home.

Holding you near,
Calming my fear.
Even though I am actually alone.

You're doing it again, writing beautiful poetry that should be on the main page, and putting it in a forum instead. Rebs, share it.

I am sharing it! Lmao!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
Quote by paulus
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
From underneath

I'm under the bed.
An old shirt in hand.
The scent welcoming and strong.

I close my eyes.
Block out the lies.
Pretending nothing is wrong.

The shirt dries my tears,
That nobody hears.
Wishing once again I was home.

Holding you near,
Calming my fear.
Even though I am actually alone.

You're doing it again, writing beautiful poetry that should be on the main page, and putting it in a forum instead. Rebs, share it.

I am sharing it! Lmao!
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Quote by Rebellious_Soul
From underneath

I'm under the bed.
An old shirt in hand.
The scent welcoming and strong.

I close my eyes.
Block out the lies.
Pretending nothing is wrong.

The shirt dries my tears,
That nobody hears.
Wishing once again I was home.

Holding you near,
Calming my fear.
Even though I am actually alone.

This poem is beautiful. I could instantly relate to your words in my own way. You conveyed emotions so real with excellent imagery. The writing is very well done.
Ever the Hero

“Oh, woe is me!” the heroine wailed
Whilst elsewhere the hero paled:
“Not another damsel in distress
How do they get themselves in this mess?”
Arming himself with all he could carry
The hero did not dither or tarry
Atop his strong and trusty steed
Away to the rescue the hero did speed
He had taken the oath that all heroes swore:
To ride without fear into the breach once more
And to do his very best at whatever cost
The meaning of which was not lost
On a hero who had fought many such fights
Who never questioned the wrongs or rights
Of rescuing damsels in distress
Even if they were the cause of their own mess
For this damsel, to him, was not unknown
To her rescue before he had flown
A dragon it was last time, a fearsome foe,
What the threat was this time he didn’t know
He was sure it would involve a bloody confrontation
Which, afterwards, would result in another invitation
To share for the night the rescued damsel’s bed
He might be a hero, but let it not go unsaid
That he was also just a man with manly needs
And sowing his many manly seeds
Between the thighs of a woman so recently afraid
Was one hell of a satisfying way to be repaid
For doing battle with a ferocious enemy
And emerging from the battle victoriously.
So our reluctant hero is twice over admired
On horseback and in the bedroom is equally desired
Although bloodied and tired he was not yet bested:
Ever the hero he performed exactly as requested!
Cherry blossoms

Toi Derricotte, 1941

I went down to
mingle my breath
with the breath
of the cherry blossoms.

There were photographers:
Mothers arranging their
children against
gnarled old trees;
a couple, hugging,
asks a passerby
to snap them
like that,
so that their love
will always be caught
between two friendships:
ours & the friendship
of the cherry trees.

Oh Cherry,
why can’t my poems
be as beautiful?

A young woman in a fur-trimmed
coat sets a card table
with linens, candles,
a picnic basket & wine.
A father tips
a boy’s wheelchair back
so he can gaze
up at a branched

All around us
the blossoms
flurry down

Be patient
you have an ancient beauty.

Be patient,
you have an ancient beauty.
Quote by Entangled_Fate
Cherry blossoms

Goodness me, what a lovely little gem to be tucked away on this thread! I am surprised that it is not on the main page as it is utterly charming. Please consider submitting this wonderful poem again...
Rest in Peace
Quote by authorised1960

Goodness me, what a lovely little gem to be tucked away on this thread! I am surprised that it is not on the main page as it is utterly charming. Please consider submitting this wonderful poem again...

If you read just under the title where she posted it, you will see why...I think she made that pretty clear...

Cherry blossoms[/size]
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...

Quote by DirtyMartini

If you read just under the title where she posted it, you will see why...I think she made that pretty clear...

I must be incredibly dense or missing something major here because I fail to see the relevance of your comment? As far as I am concerned it is a beautiful poem that deserves (in my opinion) greater exposure that it will gain from being tucked away on a random thread. I've re-read the poem, followed your link and STILL cannot see where you claim EF made it "perfectly clear" why the poem is posted here...
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by DirtyMartini

If you read just under the title where she posted it, you will see why...I think she made that pretty clear...

I must be incredibly dense or missing something major here because I fail to see the relevance of your comment? As far as I am concerned it is a beautiful poem that deserves (in my opinion) greater exposure that it will gain from being tucked away on a random thread. I've re-read the poem, followed your link and STILL cannot see where you claim EF made it "perfectly clear" why the poem is posted here...

Because the person who wrote the poem is Toi Derricotte, born in 1941, and not Justine, who posted it here. That's what Alan meant with his comment about reading just under the title. If you follow Alan's link, you'll see all of that, and it's right up there, under the title she gives credit to the original poet.

She followed this thread's rules for posting a random poem written by someone else and giving credit.

The only other place it could be put would be in the Poetry Discussion folder, as a free standing poem.
This was written by my 10 year old daughter as a Creative Writing assignment for School. The theme was "The funny side of life". The school has since entered this poem into an International Poetry competition organised by COBIS (Council of British International Schools)


Strange things happen in life sometimes,
Like animals driving cars and all in lines.
Then today on the way to school,
A baboon stole my lunch and that’s not cool!
An aardvark on a skateboard zoomed past me,
I chased him down towards the sea.
“Slow down, slow down!” I shouted after him,
And then I met a fish who could not swim.
My world is upside down and spinning around,
My feet are in the sky and my head is in the ground.
I see all these things that are not as they seem
And then I wake up and it was all just a dream.
Quote by AriesDragon
This was written by my 10 year old daughter as a Creative Writing assignment for School. The theme was "The funny side of life". The school has since entered this poem into an International Poetry competition organised by COBIS (Council of British International Schools)

Congratulations to your daughter on having her poem entered into the competition. I hope she does well in it. It's a lovely poem, thank you for sharing it with us.

Forum Facilitator
Quote by AriesDragon
This was written by my 10 year old daughter as a Creative Writing assignment for School. The theme was "The funny side of life". The school has since entered this poem into an International Poetry competition organised by COBIS (Council of British International Schools)


Strange things happen in life sometimes,
Like animals driving cars and all in lines.
Then today on the way to school,
A baboon stole my lunch and that’s not cool!
An aardvark on a skateboard zoomed past me,
I chased him down towards the sea.
“Slow down, slow down!” I shouted after him,
And then I met a fish who could not swim.
My world is upside down and spinning around,
My feet are in the sky and my head is in the ground.
I see all these things that are not as they seem
And then I wake up and it was all just a dream.

Amazing insight and sense of humor.. but then considering her artistic gene pool, one would expect no less.. very proud moment for her.. hope she is recognized as she should be.. congrats..
Little little girl,
Staring at the sky,
Sit by the window,
Tell me a little lie.

Little little girl,
Playing on the floor,
Keep a watchful eye,
Stay away from the door.

Little little girl,
Sing yourself to sleep.
A simple lullaby,
And counting sheep.

Little little girl,
Quiet as a mouse,
Do not stir,
Don't wake the house

Little little girl,
You might as well try,
Flea while you can,
Spread your wings and fly.

Little little girl,
Staring at the sky,
Singing and playing,
Dreaming to fly.

Little little girl,
Quite as a mouse,
Now there's no one left,
To tend an empty house.
Forum Facilitator


Spike Milligan

Is a very important thing.
Rope is thicker,
But string,
Is quicker

P.S The meaning of this is obscure that's why, the higher the fewer
Ghosts, flamingos, guitars and vodka. Eclectic subjects, eccentric stories:

Humorous guide & Recommended Read =^.^= How To Make a Cup of Tea
A flash fiction series :) A Random Moment in Time
Editors' Pick! :D I Am The Deep, Dark Woods
And another EP!: The Fragility of Age
If you speak in rhyme
For a short time
Before you know it
You've become a poet!
The Battle Eternal

Darkness stalks
Where Light shines brightest
For Evil never sleeps
And Light must be vigilant
Always and forever

Love conquers all, eventually,
In spite of the battle
Between Good and Evil:
Between Light and Dark.
Which side are you on?
Random poetical nonsensical meanderings for a cold, rainy Sunday night

Start, stop, play,
Run, jump, stay,
Hold your nose,
Count your toes,
Nothing goes astray

Play, start, stop,
Stay, run, hop,
Toe the line,
Things are fine,
All is right up top.

Jump, run, sing,
Glad voices gladly ring,
Dance in line,
Pickles in brine,
None of it means a thing.

by Gypsy
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by gypsy
None of it means a thing.

Maybe not, but it did give me a smile. Thanks, I needed one
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Forum Facilitator
I'm here now..
Don't ask how..
I'm from another planet..
Where there are no girls named Janet..
We named them all December..
Because it was easier to remember..
I know you think that is just silly..
But at first we were going to name them all Willy..
Quote by gypsy
This is from The Guardian:

That happened to me last year followed by my bf shouting MY BABY! and ran and knocked me to the ground, then he had to get some medication because he's allergic to grass.

So not a fun day,
glad it is far away.
so this I say,
throw that Frisbee into the fray.
Shower or bathe,
Wash your hair,
File your nails,
Do them all,
Fingers, toes,
They deserve the best

Comb your hair,
Sort the snares,
Tangled, yes,
Once it's done,
No regrets,
You're at your best

Cleaned up nice,
Look at you!
Ready to go?
No, not yet

Smartly clothed,
Perfumed too,
Make-up's done,
No hair askew

Ready now,
Off you go,
The night awaits
With its sweet strange charm,
Have fun, be safe,
Avoid all harm.
Active Ink Slinger
Fifteen years now, time went fast
Childhood almost in the past
Almost woman, beauty too
Imagine boys are chasing you
Time is nearing, without doubt
That you're wanting to go out
A scary thought, my little girl
Your beauty shining like a pearl
Out there where I cannot protect
I'll have to trust you, that's a fact
It's hard to deal with, but I know
I'll have to practice letting go
We've tried to raise you, to prepare
you for the world that lies out there
If we succeeded, time will tell
I'll simply hope, that we did well
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
Quote by paulus
Fifteen years now, time went fast
Childhood almost in the past
Almost woman, beauty too
Imagine boys are chasing you
Time is nearing, without doubt
That you're wanting to go out
A scary thought, my little girl
Your beauty shining like a pearl
Out there where I cannot protect
I'll have to trust you, that's a fact
It's hard to deal with, but I know
I'll have to practice letting go
We've tried to raise you, to prepare
you for the world that lies out there
If we succeeded, time will tell
I'll simply hope, that we did well

Beautifully expressed, Paul. All fathers of daughters will relate to this one.

It's the hardest thing in the world to accept that your 'baby girl' is grown into a young woman -- and bloody scary, too!
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by authorised1960
Quote by paulus
Fifteen years now, time went fast
Childhood almost in the past
Almost woman, beauty too
Imagine boys are chasing you
Time is nearing, without doubt
That you're wanting to go out
A scary thought, my little girl
Your beauty shining like a pearl
Out there where I cannot protect
I'll have to trust you, that's a fact
It's hard to deal with, but I know
I'll have to practice letting go
We've tried to raise you, to prepare
you for the world that lies out there
If we succeeded, time will tell
I'll simply hope, that we did well

Beautifully expressed, Paul. All fathers of daughters will relate to this one.

It's the hardest thing in the world to accept that your 'baby girl' is grown into a young woman -- and bloody scary, too!
Scary it is Andy, it damn sure is.
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing

from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"

Sleep my love,
Close your tired eyes and
Rest your head upon my chest.
Close your eyes as I keep you safe,

From harm, I softly sing into your ear.
You are my heart and my loving angel,
I promise to keep you out of harm's way.
In me you've found a forever home,
You won't ever have to leave.

Sleep my love,
Never leave these arms for too long.
I vow to take care of you so tenderly.
You're the needle in the proverbial haystack and
I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

Dream beautiful dreams as you rest
Your tired body and soul.
Take my energy, anything that you need
All things I give you freely.

Sleep my love,
For in the morning you'll awake and
I'll caress your face and kiss you deeply.
You'll awaken next to me as a new day shall begin.
I'll shower you with love until you sleep again.
Quote by the_enchantress


Sleep my love,
Close your tired eyes and
Rest your head upon my chest.
Close your eyes as I keep you safe,

From harm, I softly sing into your ear.
You are my heart and my loving angel,
I promise to keep you out of harm's way.
In me you've found a forever home,
You won't ever have to leave.

Sleep my love,
Never leave these arms for too long.
I vow to take care of you so tenderly.
You're the needle in the proverbial haystack and
I'm the luckiest girl in the world.

Dream beautiful dreams as you rest
Your tired body and soul.
Take my energy, anything that you need
All things I give you freely.

Sleep my love,
For in the morning you'll awake and
I'll caress your face and kiss you deeply.
You'll awaken next to me as a new day shall begin.
I'll shower you with love until you sleep again.

Very sweet and loving, Margot. I'm glad you have it submitted to the front of the site as well.