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Announcing The Winners Of Our Dream On Competition!

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I would like to thank each and every one of you that participated, read, scored, commented, and judged. We couldn't do this without you and I appreciate you and your contributions to this site.

So without further ado, I would like to congratulate your top 10!


1st Place: The Conscious Dreamer by  WriterGirl

2nd Place: Spirit Of Someone by  InThisMoment

3rd Place: Lonely Reverie by  Mendalla


4th Place: The Interview of Invocation and Invitation by  OpheliaTusk

5th Place: Darkness, Thief Of Light by  KatarinaTechgoddess

6th Place: Hunted by  TheShyThespian

7th Place: Impossible by  Dreamcatcher

8th Place: Long Game by  verbal

9th Place: Time by  Brad_Naylor

10th Place: Unrequited by  redwriter

Everyone did such a wonderful job and I heard from all the judges that this was one of the hardest comps for them to decide. You should all be proud of yourselves and I look forward to seeing all of you in the next competition.

To the top three, I will be in touch regarding your prizes!

Congratulations to Writergirl and InThisMoment! It is a pleasure to be in such good company in the top three.

And congratulations again to all of the top ten. Some really good verse came out here and it shows in the ones who are on the podium.

And congratulations and thank you to all who entered. It's been a fun, and very enjoyable competition. I have very much enjoyed reading all the entries.

And now... It's party time!

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

WoW! I can't believe that three of my favourites made the podium!

Congratulations you three, especially WriterGirl and my friend Mendalla! And InThisMoment's poem was terrific, and more than deserving of being up there!

And congratulations to all of the Top Ten! I heartily concur with the choices, and am just as heartily glad that I didn't have t try to select from among all the entries!

Huzzah! This calls for a Celebration!

Addicted to words, read and written.

Latest in the Bear & Girl story arc: Henry and the Hunter

Latest Competition Entry: A Chip Off the Old Writer’s Block

Firstly, thank you to Molly and the SS gang for putting on this comp and thank you to the judges too for your time and effort!

I seriously felt something from each entry and enjoyed them all. Poetry flexes different writing muscles I think. 😊

Congrats to InThisMoment and Mendalla on their stellar entries on the podium and the rest of the fabulous Top Ten and all the amazing authors brave enough to enter! Way more than ten Top-Ten-worthy entries yet again! ❤️ I feel blessed to write among you all!

Shout out to the Moms Annie and Meg for their very personal poems that made this mom tear up. And to one of my favs from James (da Bear) who I feel really stretched himself in a different direction.

And I recently shared my G-rated scribbles with Dad. Mom lost a hard fought battle with Alzheimers late Spring. Dad said she'd always wanted to be a writer and would be tickled pink to see me writing. 😊

Thank you for giving me a safe place to express myself!

Just a simple girl from Kentucky scribbling her way through this great big world.

Quote by WriterGirl
Poetry flexes different writing muscles I think.

It most definitely does. I should really be doing more of it. I love reading poetry but somehow stories always seem to be top of mind when I am writing.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Congratulations WriterGirl, InThisMoment, and Mendalla!

Congratulations to the other seven writers!

Congratulations to all writers who participated in Dream On!

Thank you Molly and the entire SS Team for putting on this competition.

This was the first contest I ever entered and while I am a little disappointed, I am so very happy for the winners and all writers who shared themselves in Dream On. This past month has been amazing. I read many unique poems and made some friends along the way. If I may say, thank you. ❤️

I like Kimmie's comment about poetry working different muscles. Congrats Kimmie and ITM and Ape for the podium wins, and the runners up for, um, running up.

And Molly, thanks for pulling all this together.

Yay! Fun comp!

Fire and Ice - A Picture is Worth a Thousand Words competition, first place

Monster - Survivor competition, first place

Quote by epicellie
This was the first contest I ever entered and while I am a little disappointed

Yours was good, don't worry. Practice helps in writing just like everything else so keep 'em coming.

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Quote by epicellie

This was the first contest I ever entered...

And you were a welcome addition to this comp! smile They are a great way to gain new readers and have fun and... yes, we all hope to get acclodades for our efforts, so you aren't alone there. Keep writing and entering! I've been entering comps since 2018 and this is my first win.

Just a simple girl from Kentucky scribbling her way through this great big world.

Quote by Molly

I would like to thank each and every one of you that participated, read, scored, commented, and judged. We couldn't do this without you and I appreciate you and your contributions to this site.

So without further ado, I would like to congratulate your top 10!


1st Place: The Conscious Dreamer by  WriterGirl

2nd Place: Spirit Of Someone by  InThisMoment

3rd Place: Lonely Reverie by  Mendalla


4th Place: The Interview of Invocation and Invitation by  OpheliaTusk

5th Place: Darkness, Thief Of Light by  KatarinaTechgoddess

6th Place: Hunted by  TheShyThespian

7th Place: Impossible by  Dreamcatcher

8th Place: Long Game by  verbal

9th Place: Time by  Brad_Naylor

10th Place: Unrequited by  redwriter

Everyone did such a wonderful job and I heard from all the judges that this was one of the hardest comps for them to decide. You should all be proud of yourselves and I look forward to seeing all of you in the next competition.

To the top three, I will be in touch regarding your prizes!

Congratulations to the top three (yay, Kimmi, you’re number one!) and the remaining top ten. I’m blown away to be in that list! Fifth place feels good when it’s been a hot minute for me as far as comps go.

I loved all the feedback I got on my poem.

Thanks so much for hosting a great competition.

There were so many amazing poems (many of which didn’t place) and such an outpouring of talent. Poetry is hard. But y’all made it look easy.


My 1st place Beyond the Veil competition poem:

As You Slip Away

My 2nd place Mardi Gras competition story:

Memories of Mardi Gras (One Last Time)

My 2nd place Writer's Block competition story:

The Dandy Lion & The Whiter Box

My latest story:

As Life Goes On and Time Goes By...Thank you, Marshall Crenshaw

Wow. I am genuinely shocked to finish second. There were so many great poems that were entered that I thought I would be lucky not to finish last. Thanks to the wonderful Molly and SS for putting on the competition. I would like to thank all you kind people for reading and commenting. Congratulations particularly go to WriterGirl and Mendalla but also to all who entered, read and voted.

Wooo! I made the Top 5! Congrats to those who won! ^_^ And to all who entered as well! Looking forward to the next comp!

Congrats to the winners and everyone else who entered. It was a pleasure reading and judging this one.

"I write because kidnapping, torturing and murdering fictional people is legal."

Congratulations to the winners. I had the opportunity to read all of the entries and to be honest, every one deserved to make the top three. Good competition. Good response from members.

Congrats to all, the entrants, the top ten and especially the podium placers. So happy for you, WG, your first competition win comes in poetry! Thanks Molly and all those who helped you bring this contest to life, including judges, readers and commentators. For those who read my story, the weekend news is that himself is now officially walking, and having got a taste for it, he's not going to be stopping anytime soon.

My latest story, Writer's Block Competition: How To Procrastinate And Get Away With It.

Some earlier stories:

Spooky Tales competition: Tales From the Crypt: Downunder Edition

Tam-challenge Micro: Under the Red Hoodie 

Maybe my best story: Finding Pride on Oxford Street

Delighted to see the top three poetry maestros. It was good too to view the enthusiasm this competition encouraged. Well done to everyone who took part--all of them most readable.

Concluding chapter (16) of THE HIGH AND THE HUMBLE in situ.


Quote by CuriousAnnie

Congrats to all, the entrants, the top ten and especially the podium placers. So happy for you, WG, your first competition win comes in poetry! Thanks Molly and all those who helped you bring this contest to life, including judges, readers and commentators. For those who read my story, the weekend news is that himself is now officially walking, and having got a taste for it, he's not going to be stopping anytime soon.

Thank you, Annie! I truly loved your poem! I'm excited for Himself walking! I didn't get to sit down for years after my son started walking. 😳 He was quite the impulsive daredevil.

Just a simple girl from Kentucky scribbling her way through this great big world.

Quote by WriterGirl

He was quite the impulsive daredevil.

I think they all are for a while after they start walking. And some stay that way (father of a skier and mountain biker here).

The old bookshop owner had something special for Dave.

Dash - Writer's Block competition entry

Congratulations to the winners and runners-up. There were some very good entries.

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it." George Santayana

Bahahaha ..fine ..congratulations to the writers who submitted a poem, especially the winner, second and third place, and the rest of the top ten lol if I submitted a poem, I'm sure I'd have won ..nah just kidding ..congrats everyone ..awesome job!

Congratulations to the podium finishers,and to the runner's up. Great writing, all of you and the other contestants as well.