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what would you like to hear first after waking up tomorrow morning?

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baby, i love you. what would you like to do today
Active Ink Slinger
Birds chirping.
Active Ink Slinger
It is time to greet the new day, sir. Would you like your breakfavst hereb or on the balconey sir? Will your friends be joining you sir?
I just keep hopping from place to place.
I never stay too long.
I just keep moving singing a song.
So you better stop me if you want to chat.
Or you will never know where I am at.
Active Ink Slinger
Good morning, today is the day you get to share that drink and cigar with your friend.
"No one knows when the final grain of sand will plummet through their own personal Hourglass." ~ CKAcres
"If you really want to make a difference, don't over think it, just do it..."
"Scars of life are deeply etched within the minds of curious old souls."
Active Ink Slinger
a happy word from somebody I'm concerned about.
You are the most beautiful person in the world for me. Don't let others steal your attention with crude and snide remarks.
Active Ink Slinger
Quote by snoop
a happy word from somebody I'm concerned about.

WHAT I SAID...still hoping to hear that happy word.
Quote by snoop
Quote by snoop
a happy word from somebody I'm concerned about.

WHAT I SAID...still hoping to hear that happy word.


The sound of my little girls laughing... it really is the sweetest sound
Active Ink Slinger
Tea kettle whistle...means water is hot for my coffee!
Advanced Wordsmith
My wife yelling up that we won the Lottery..
Active Ink Slinger
flock of wild turkeys gobbling/clucking as they wend their way across the yard. (we've counted as many as 36 at one time.)
My husband whispering in my ear