What do I do, love?
I just want to be with you.
Is that wrong of me?
A leaky heater,
stinking out my room, will be
fixed soon: With a wrench.
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Broken, beaten and
useless. I'm just another
sick mental patient.
if you need to cry
I always have a shoulder
and two open ears
If life seems jolly rotten
there's something you've forgotten
and that's to laugh and smile and dance and sing
from Monty Python's "Life of Brian"
The help of a friend
In a time of great crisis
Is a priceless gift.
You are everything.
The air, the sky, the oceans,
Every thought of mine.
Come to me, brightest
Star in the universe, light
Of my life, my world.
My cat, I love you.
You're my heart and soul, kitty.
Angel from above.
My one true love is
Coffee. I drink you until
I'm fully sated.
Haiku is silly.
It makes no damn sense at all.
Beans make me gassy.
A house is not warm
If the windows are open
and my ass is bare
Oh look it's snowing.
Can you hear the wind blowing,
Lets just stay inside.
Damn snow is falling,
Inside I will be staying.
Weather's appalling.
I once knew a drinker who had a moderating problem...
Invisible to
All, picks up the gun weakly,
Pulls, squirting water.
Break these chains that bind
Me, set me free. I can't take
Anymore, help me.
My tears are salty,
Running down my cheeks softly,
I'm only a shell.
dance to the music
that is playing in your head
as it's the best kind
Junk Food Haiku
Big Mac, shake and fries;
Chili cheese dog on a bun;
Hold the onions, please.