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Wreck Stories


Could It Be

Could it get any worse?

I reached over and turned the radio up as I drove toward the office. At 5 am it was too early to even be awake, much less headed to work, but the boss had called. As his assistant, when he called I answered, anytime of the day or night. Annoying as it could be, the pay was worth it. On this day, I thought about the vacation I had coming up. A friend and I were going to the Bahamas for five days of summer sun and fun. I st...

A Fact Of Me

Life is a wreck....

Call me some sort of human or animal if you pleaseI crawl in the depth of depressionWhile you're in the happiness of your own homeBut don't get distracted by this factEverything means something and something means everythingYou don't see this; you only see this little partOne time you need to step back and look at the big picture, right?But don't get distracted by this little factLife is a wreck and I'm the wreck it has h...