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Toxic Stories


Walking Away

I finally found the courage to untangle myself. Processing the impact.

I gave in to you countless times. Even when I knew I shouldn't and it wasn't fair The guilt of putting my foot down dissolves my spine. My boundaries crumbling from such little wear. I all but begged for my minimum, but you hand the same lines It's exhausting being devoted to someone who isn't there. At first, when I made my feelings clear, there used to be push-back. But I had to accept your decisions with no discussion...

You are toxic,Stepping in and out of my life,Treating me as your own personal retreat. All consuming,Taking your fill until there is nothing left,Nothing left but an empty shell,Leaving me to heal,Leaving me to save the damage that you cause. How do you feel?Do you see it?Has leaving me broken made you better?Stronger perhaps?Of course it has. The destroyer of me,Eater of my mind,Breaker of my soul,Not once but multiple t...